Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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148 JambhalaJambhala (devouring)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist (Mahayana). An emanation ofAKSOBHYA, RATNASAMBHAVA or Vajrasattva, or acollective emanation of the five DHYANIBUD-DHAS, he is the equal of the Hindu god KUBERA.His SAKTI is VASUDHARA and he may stand upona man or a conch. Color: blue or white. Attributes:arrow, bow, cup, hook, Ichneumon fly,image of Aksobhya in the hair, jewel, noose,other jewels, staff, sword and trident. Threeheaded,each head representing one of the threenamed Dhyanibuddhas.Janguli (knowledge of poisons)Snake goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). Preventsand cures snake bite. An emanation of AKSOBHYA.Also one of a group of DHARANIS (deification ofBuddhist texts). Accompanied by a snake or otherunidentified creature. Color: green, white oryellow. Attributes: arrow, blue lotus, bow, image ofAksobhya on crown, lute, peacock feather, snake,staff, sword and trident. One- or three-headed.APOLLO, born in Thessaly, he founded the city ofJaniculum on the Tiber.Janus is depicted with two faces turned in oppositedirections, symbolizing his dominance overpast and future. He holds a key in his right handand a staff in his left when invoked as guardian ofa gate or roadway; alternatively he holds the numbers300 and 65 when presiding over the start ofa new year. He is also equated with the rising andsetting of the sun. Each new season, and the dawnof each day was sacred to Janus. He was particularlycelebrated at New Year and the month nameJanuary is derivative. The Janus Quadrifons templewas reputedly a perfectly symmetrical square,each side possessing one door representing eachof the four seasons, and three windows collectivelycomprising the twelve months of the year.JarriPlague god. Hittite and Hurrian. Also war godknown as the “lord of the bow” who protected theking in battle.JANUSORIGIN Roman. <strong>God</strong> of passage.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 400 BC tocirca AD 400.SYNONYMS Ianus.CENTER(S) OF CULT many sanctuaries throughoutItaly, including the celebrated JanusQuadrifons temple (not extant).ART REFERENCES sculptures and relief carvings.LITERARY SOURCES Aeneid (Virgil).Janus is generally known as the “god with twofaces” and is the deity responsible for gates, doorwaysand of all beginnings. He is also specificallya benign intercessor in times of war. He has noGreek counterpart but is the god of past, presentand future. According to legend the son ofJayakara (victorious)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist. Probably of Hindu derivation, herides in a carriage drawn by cockatoos. Color:white. Attributes: arrow, bow, garland and wineglass.Jayanta (victorious)<strong>God</strong>. Hindu (Vedic and Puranic). One of the sonsof INDRA, and one of the eleven EKADASARUDRASor forms of the god RUDRA. Attributes: arrow, ax,bow, club, cup, drum, hammer, hook, prayerwheel, rosary, spear, trident and waterjar.Jayatara (victorious Tara)Minor goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana).

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