Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Ixtlilton 145Iuturna<strong>God</strong>dess of springs and wells. Roman. Invokedparticularly in times of drought.Ix Chebel YaxMother goddess. Mayan (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. <strong>God</strong>dess of weaving and patroness ofweavers, whose tutelage is shared with IX CHEL.See also CHIBIRIAS.Ix ChelMoon goddess. Mayan (Yucatec and Quiche,classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico]. Also thegoddess of childbirth and medicine and of rainbows.A consort of the sun god. She has a majorshrine as Cozumel and small figurines of thegoddess have been conventionally placedbeneath the beds of women in labor. Suchwomen are considered to be in great danger attimes of lunar eclipse when the unborn childmay develop deformities. Ix Chel is a guardianagainst disease and the Quiche Indians regardher as a goddess of fertility and sexual intercourse.A goddess of weaving, believed to be the firstbeing on earth to weave cloth, she was employedin this craft when she first attracted the attentionof the sun god. She carries her loom sticks acrossthe sky to protect her from jaguars. Under Christianinfluence she has been largely syncretizedwith the Virgin Mary. Also <strong>God</strong>dess 1.See also IX CHEBEL YAX.Ix KananVegetation goddess. Mayan (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. The guardian of the bean plant.Her consort is the maize god IH P’EN. The coupleare invoked at sowing time when turkeys andchickens are sacrificed.Ix Zacal Nok (lady cloth-weaver)Creator goddess. Mayan (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. The consort of the sun god KinichAhau and also the inventor of weaving. She mayrepresent another aspect of the mother goddessCOLEL CAB. Also Ix Azal Uoh; Ixchel.See also AH KIN.Ixcozauhqui (yellow face in the house)<strong>God</strong> of fire. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico].Associated with paternalism and one of thegroup classed as the XIUHTECUHTLI complex.Ixnextli (eye-lashes)<strong>God</strong>dess of weavers. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. One of the group classed as theTETEOINNAN complex.Ixpuztec (broken face)Minor underworld god. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. One of the group classed asthe Mictlantecuhtli complex.Ixquimilli-Itzlacoliuhqui (eye-bundlecurved obsidian blade)<strong>God</strong> of justice. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. One of the group classed as the TEZ-CATLIPOCA complex.Ixtab<strong>God</strong>dess. Mayan (classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico].Tutelary goddess of suicide victims.Ixtlilton (little black face)Minor god of sexual lust. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. One of the group classed asthe XIUHTECUHTLI complex.

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