Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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142 IŠKURentering the underworld as its ruler, and fromOsiris’s semen conceives HORUS, to whom shegives birth in the papyrus swamps at Khemmis inthe Nile delta. Thus, since Horus instilled himselfinto the king of Egypt during life, and Osiris tookover on death (see also Horus and Osiris), theruler was perceived to suckle at the breast of Isis(as HARPOKRATES). As Isis guarded Horus againstinjury, so she also protected the earthly king ofEgypt as a child. In the courts of the gods, Isis putup a strong challenge in support of Horus’s claimto the throne against that of her brother Seth,and she showed Seth to be guilty of buggeryagainst Horus.In the Greco-Roman period, Isis sanctuarieswere built on the island of Delos and at Pompeii.There is much argument that the Isis cult influencedthe portrayal of the Christian Virgin Mary,who was also known as Stella Maris and whoseportraits with the Christ often bear a striking similarityto those of Isis with Horus.IŠKURORIGIN Mesopotamian (Sumerian) [Iraq]. Stormgod.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 3500 BC, andprobably earlier, until circa 1750 BC.SYNONYMS ADAD (Akkadian).CENTER(S) OF CULT Karkara.ART REFERENCES plaques: votive stelae; glyptics,etc.LITERARY SOURCES cuneiform texts.The chief rain and thunder god of herdsmen,Iškur is described as the brother of the sun godUTU. In creation mythology Iškur is given chargeover the winds, the so-called “silver lock of theheart of heaven,” by the god ENKI. According tosome authors, in prehistoric times he was perceivedas a bull or as a lion whose roar is the thunder.He may be depicted as a warrior riding acrossthe skies in a chariot, dispensing raindrops andhailstones. In one text he is identified as the sonof AN and twin brother of Enki. He is to be comparedwith NINURTA who was primarily a god offarmers. He was also adopted by the Hittites as astorm god.Issaki<strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). Depictedcarrying a headless child. Also Kerala.Istadevata1. Generic title of a personal god. Hindu. Thename given to a deity chosen by an individual forspecial worship in return for protection and spiritualguidance. Also the name given to a householdicon.2. Tutelary god. Buddhist, particularly in Tibet.The personal deity of one preparing for Tantricinitiation.IštanuSun god. Hittite. A god of judgment, depictedbearing a winged sun on his crown or headdress,and a crooked staff.IŠTAR (star of heaven)ORIGIN Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian)[Iraq]. <strong>God</strong>dess of fertility and war.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 2500 BC untilcirca AD 200.SYNONYMS INANA [Sumerian].CENTER(S) OF CULT throughout Mesopotamiaparticularly at Babylon and Nineveh, withsmaller sanctuaries across a more extensive areaof the ancient world including Mari.ART REFERENCES votive inscriptions; cylinderseals and seal impressions; limestone reliefs, etc.

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