Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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140 IntiInti (sun)Sun god. Inca (pre-Columbian South America)[Peru, etc]. His consort is the moon goddessMAMA-KILYA. Inti was depicted as a trinity in thesanctuaries in Cuzco, possibly in deference to theChristian Trinity. The Temple of the Sun isreported to have housed images, in gold, of all thesky gods in the Inca pantheon on more or lessequal terms, since the sun is regarded as one ofmany great celestial powers. Inti may also havebeen depicted as a face on a gold disc. The socalled“fields of the sun” supported the Incapriesthood. The three sun deities are Apo-Inti(lord sun), Cori-Inti (son sun) and Inti-Wawqi(sun brother). The sun god(s) is perceived as theprogenitor of the Inca rulers at Cuzco throughtwo children—a son Manco Capac and his sister/consortMama Ocllo Huaco. The QuechuaIndians of the central <strong>And</strong>es call the same deityInti Huayna Capac and perceive him as part of atrinity with the Christian god and Christ.IoSee KIHO.IordEarth goddess. Nordic (Icelandic). In Viking traditionlord embodies the abstract sacredness of theearth. Said to be the mother of THOR and in somelegends, the wife of OTHIN.See also FJORGYN.Ipalnemoani (he who through one lives)Creator god. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. One of the group classed as the OME-TEOTL complex.and wet nurse to the king. She is also perceived toexert a benign influence on amulets. Depicted asa hippopotamus or anthropomorphically with ahippo’s head. Also Ipet.Iris (rainbow)Messenger goddess. Greek and Roman. The specialattendant of the goddess HERA, Iris is a virgingoddess who forms the rainbow bridge betweenheaven and earth. Depicted with wings and carryinga staff.IrminWar god. Germanic. Probably equating withTIWAZ, the name implies one of great strength. InSaxony, there is the so-called Irmin pillar whichmay be a reference to the deity.IruvaSun god. African. A number of tribes worship thesun by this generic name, particularly inCameroon, Congo and Tanzania.Isa (1)1. An aspect of ŠIVA. Hindu (Puranic). Also a dikpalaor guardian of the northeastern quarter; andan EKADASARUDRA (one of the eleven rudras).Rides upon a goat or a bull. Color: white. Attributes:five arrows, ax, drum, fruit, hatchet, hook,lute, noose, rosary, staff. Three-eyed.2. Guardian deity. Buddhist. A minor dikpalaattended by a bull. Color: white. Attributes: cup,moon disc and trident.IpyMother goddess. Egyptian. In the Pyramid TextsIpy appears occasionally as a benevolent guardianIsa (2)River goddess. Songhai [Niger, West Africa]. Themother goddess of the river Niger.

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