Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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134 IfruAt one time he is said to have left the earth whereuponfamine and plague descended. His wisdomis gained through the implements of divination,namely palm nuts.Ifru<strong>God</strong>. Roman-North African. A rare example inthis region of a named deity. Known from aninscription at Cirta [Constantine, Algeria].IgalilikHunting spirit. Inuit [North American]. He travelsthe icy wastes with a kitchen strapped to hisback which includes a pot big enough to carry awhole seal. It boils as he carries it.IgigiCollective name of a class of gods. Mesopotamian(Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian). The groupof younger sky gods in the pantheon headed byENLIL (ELLIL). They are often described in thetexts in conjunction with the ANUNNAKI.Ignerssuak (great fire)Sea god. Inuit [North American]. One of agroup of generally benevolent deities. Numbersof Ignerssuak are thought to surround marinersand the entrance to their home is on the seashore.Ih P’enChthonic fertility god. Mayan (classicalMesoamerican) [Mexico]. The deity concernedwith the growth of plants, and consort of the beangoddess IX KANAN. He is also god of family life,property and other wealth. The couple areinvoked as a single personality with the sacrificeof turkeys and chickens at sowing time. Ih Fenmay be represented sowing maize seed.IhoihoCreator god. Polynesian [Society Islands]. BeforeIhoiho there was nothing. He created theprimeval waters on which floated TINO TAATA,the creator of mankind.Ihy<strong>God</strong> of music. Egyptian (Upper). Minor deitypersonifying the jubilant noise of the culticsistrum rattle generally associated with thegoddess Hathor. The son of HATHOR andHORUS. Particularly known from the Hathorsanctuary at Dendara. Depicted anthropomorphicallyas a nude child with a side-lock of hairand with finger in mouth. May carry a sistrumand necklace.Ikal AhauChthonic god of death. Mayan (Tzotzil, classicalMesoamerican) [Mexico]. Perceived as a diminutivefigure who lives in a cave by day but wandersat night attacking people and eating raw humanflesh. He is also considered to inhabit Christianchurch towers in Mexico and is probably personifiedby vampire bats.IkatereFish god. Polynesian. The son of Punga andgrandson of TANGAROA, the sea and creator god,he is revered in various regions of Polynesia asthe progenitor of all life in the sea, especiallyfish. His brother is Tu-Te-Wanawana, the deityresponsible for the well-being of lizards, snakesand other reptiles. When fierce storms aroseat the time of creation under the control of

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