Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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130 Hubalbeing presided over by the god PAK TAI. He isattributed with giving mankind the wheel.HubalLocal tutelary and oracular god. Pre-IslamicArabian. An anthropomorphic figure of the deityin red carnelian still stands in the holy city ofMecca.HubanTutelary god. Elamite [Iran]. Equating with theSumerian ENLIL.Huehuecoyotl (old coyote)Minor god of sexual lust. Aztec (classicalMesoamerican) [Mexico]. One of the groupclassed as the XIUHTECUHTLI complex.Huehuecoyotl-Coyotlinahual (coyote hisdisguise)Minor god of feather workers. Aztec (classicalMesoamerican) [Mexico]. One of the groupclassed as the XIUHTECUHTLI complex.Huehuetotl (old god)<strong>God</strong> of fire. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico].Associated with paternalism and one of thegroup classed as the XIUHTECUHTLI complex.HuiracochaSee VAIRACOCHA.HUITZILPOCHTLI (blue hummingbirdon left foot)ORIGIN Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico].Sun god, patron god of the Aztec nation.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa AD 750, butprobably much earlier, to circa AD 1500.SYNONYMS Blue Tezcatlipoca.CENTER(S) OF CULT Tenochtitlan [Mexico City].ART REFERENCES stone sculptures, murals, codexillustrations.LITERARY SOURCES pre-Columbian codices.The tutelary god of the Aztecs who also regardedhim as a war god. He is the southern (blue) aspector emanation of the sun god TEZCATLIPOCA, theso-called high-flying sun, and the head of thegroup classed as the Huitzilpochtli complex. Heis regarded, in alternative tradition, as one of thefour sons of Tezcatlipoca. His mother is thedecapitated earth goddess COATLICUE, fromwhose womb he sprang fully armed. He slaughteredhis sister (moon) and his 400 brothers(stars) in revenge for the death of his mother,signifying the triumph of sunlight over darkness.By tradition he led the people from their ancestralhome in Aztlan (perhaps in the state ofNayarit) with the promise of securing a greatempire. He appeared to them in the form of aneagle clutching a serpent in its talons and standingatop a cactus growing on a rocky island. Thiswas Tenochtitlan, on the site of which MexicoCity now stands.The Great Temple of Coatepec was dedicatedto the cosmic battle. In ritual Huitzilopochti wasfed on human hearts taken from captives, theblood of which was said to cool his heat; severalwars were instigated to gain sacrificial material.For the origin of the name “blue hummingbirdon left foot,” see TEZCATLIPOCA.Huixtocihuatl (lady of Huixtorin)<strong>God</strong>dess of salt-makers. Aztec (classicalMesoamerican) [Mexico]. One of the groupclassed as the TLALOC complex, generallyinvolved with rain, agriculture and fertility.

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