Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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126 Hina-UriHina-UriMoon goddess. Polynesian. Also known asHINA, Ina or SINA, she is the sister of MAUI andthe consort of Irewaru. Tradition has it that shecan manifest herself in two forms according tothe lunar phases. Her role is associated with fertilityand her cult may have been imported fromAsia, since SIN is the name of a western Asiaticmoon god also closely associated with fertilityrites.Hine-Ahu-One (maiden formed of theearth)Chthonic goddess. Polynesian (including Maori).Engendered by the god TANE when he needed aconsort because, with the exception of the primordialearth mother PAPATUANUKU, all the existinggods of creation were male. Tane created herout of the red earth and breathed life into her. Shebecame the mother of HINE-ATA-UIRA.Hine-Ata-Uira (daughter of the sparklingdawn)<strong>God</strong>dess of light. Polynesian (including Maori).The daughter of the creator god TANE and HINE-AHU-ONE. She did not remain a sky goddess butdescended into the underworld, where shebecame the personification of death, HINE-NUI-TE-PO.Hine-Nui-Te-Po (great woman of thenight)Chthonic underworld goddess. Polynesian(including Maori). Originally she was HINE-ATA-UIRA, the daughter of TANE and HINE-AHU-ONE, but she descended to rule over theunderworld. She is depicted in human form butwith eyes of jade, hair of seaweed and teeth likethose of a predatory fish.Hinglaj(-Mata)Mother goddess. Hindu. Locally worshiped innorthern India and particularly in Baluchistan.HinkonHunting god. Tungus (Siberian). Revered as thelord of all animals and controller of the chase.Hi-No-Kagu-TsuchiFire god. Shinto [Japan]. The deity whose birthcaused the death by burning of the primordialgoddess IZANAMI after which the eight thunderssprang from her corpse.Hiranyagarbha (golden egg)Creator god. Hindu (Vedic). Identified in theopening of the Rg Veda, as the god of the goldenseed emerging from the cosmic egg. The halvesof the shell become sky and earth, and the yolkbecomes the sun. The embryo impregnates theprimordial waters.HirukoMinor sun god. Shinto (Japan). Identified as havingbeen engendered after the sun and moon.Probably eclipsed by AMATERASU.HittavainenHunting god. Pre-Christian Karelian (Finnish).Guardian deity of hare-hunters.Hlothyn<strong>God</strong>dess. Nordic (Icelandic). A less commonname for the goddess Fjorgynn, noted in theTrymskvoia from the Poetic Edda. The mother ofTHOR.

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