Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Hina 125LAKA, the god of the hula and the son of KANE,the god of light; and with a goddess, Na Wahine,the daughter of the primordial creator principleKEAWE. The hula was designed to give a formalizedstructure to the enactment of myths andamong the favorite topics is the romance betweenPele and the hero Lohiau. According to mythologyHi’aika was entrusted with a mission to findLohiau on Pele’s behalf and to bring him back toher, a mission that subsequently enflamed thejealousy of Pele over her sister’s developing relationshipwith Lohiau, and brought about hisdeath in Pele’s fiery lava.Hi-Hiya-HiSun god. Shinto [Japan]. One of a number ofminor sun deities, engendered from the blood ofthe god KAGU-TSUCHI and worshiped in themountain sanctuary of the fire KAMIS, Kono-Jinja.In Japan certain older people still worship thesun. They go outside at sunrise, face east and bow,clapping their hands.HiisiTree god. Pre-Christian Karelian [Finland]. Saidto reside in pine forests. After Christianizationhe was degraded to a troll.HikoboshiAstral god. Shinto [Japan]. The consort of thestar goddess AME-NO-TANABATA-HINE-NO-MIKOTO. The two are, according to mythology,deeply in love. Their festival was merged withthe Tibetan Bon festival of the dead, the Ullumbana.Also Kengyu-Sei.Hiko-Sashiri-No-Kami<strong>God</strong> of carpenters. Shinto [Japan]. One of severalminor deities involved in the building of a sacredhall of great beauty, used to entice the sun goddessAmaterasu from her cave. Linked with thegod TAOKI-HO-OI-NO-KAMI.HilalMoon god. Pre-Islamic Arabian. Specifically thedeity of the new moon.Hi’linaTribal god. Haida Indian [Queen CharlotteIsland, Canada]. The personification of the thunderbirdknown to many Indian tribes. The noiseof the thunder is caused by the beating of itswings, and when it opens its eyes there is lightning.The thunder clouds are its cloak.Himavan (snowy)Mountain god. Hindu. The personification ofthe Himalaya and considered to be the father ofPARVATI and GANGA. His consort is MENA. AlsoHimavat.See also HIMAVAN.Himerus<strong>God</strong> of desire. Greco-Roman. Member of theOlympian pantheon and attendant on APHRODITE(VENUS).HinaMoon goddess. Polynesian [Tahiti]. In localtraditions the daughter of the god TANGAROA andcreatrix of the moon, which she governs. She livesin one of its dark spots representing groves of treeswhich she brought from earth in a canoe andplanted. She is also represented as the consort ofTangaroa. Hina probably evolved in Tahiti fromthe Polynesian underworld goddess HINE-NUI-TE-PO. Also SINA (Samoa); Ina (Hervey Islands).

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