Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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114 HarsaHarsa (desire)<strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu. The SAKTI of the god HRSIKESA.HastehoganChief house god. Navaho [USA]. Also a god offarming identified with the west and the sky atsunset. Regarded as a benevolent deity who aidsmankind and cures disease. Believed to live in acave system near San Juan. He also has a malevolentaspect in which he can cast evil spells. Hispriest wears a blue mask, at the bottom of whichis a horizontal yellow band representing eveninglight, with eight vertical black strokes representingrain. It is decorated with eagle and owlfeathers.HarsieseForm of the god HORUS. Egyptian. Specificallywhen personifying the child of ISIS and OSIRIS.According to the Pyramid Texts, Harsiese performsthe “opening of the mouth” rite for the deadking.Harsomtus [Greek]Form of the god HORUS. Egyptian. In thisform Horus unites the northern and southernkingdoms of Egypt. He is depicted as a child comparablewith HARPOKRATES. At the Edfu temple,he is identified thus as the offspring of Horus theelder and HATHOR. Also Har-mau (Egyptian).Hasameli<strong>God</strong> of metalworkers. Hittite and Human.Invoked by blacksmiths.Hasta (hand)Minor goddess of fortune. Hindu (Epic andPuranic). A benevolent NAKSATRA or astral goddess;daughter of DAKSA and wife of CANDRA (SOMA).HastsbakaMale elder of the gods. Navaho [USA]. Otherwiseof uncertain status. His priest wears a blue buckskinmask with a fringe of hair, a spruce collarand a scarlet loin cloth with a leather belt decoratedwith silver and with a fox pelt dangling fromthe back. He is otherwise naked and paintedwhite. He holds a whitened gourd rattle, whichmay be decorated with spruce twigs, in his righthand, and a wand of spruce in his left hand. AlsoYebaka.HastsebaadChief of goddesses. Navaho [USA]. She is involvedin rites of exorcism and wields considerable influence.The six goddesses of the tribe all wear identicalmasks, and in ritual the part of the deity isplayed by a boy or small man wearing a maskwhich covers the entire head and neck, and whois almost naked but for an ornate scarf on the hipsand a leather belt decorated with silver and witha fox pelt dangling behind. The skin is paintedwhite.Hastseltsi<strong>God</strong> of racing. Navaho [USA]. He organizes andoversees athletic races. The priest who impersonateshim has to be a good runner andchallenges others, using high-pitched squeakingcalls. If the priest wins, the contender is whippedwith a yucca scourge. If the contender wins,there is no penalty! A fastidious deity who avoidscontact with any unclean objects. His ceremonialmask is a domino shape covering mouth andthroat with white shells over the eyes andmouth.

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