Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Gusilim 107GukumatzSky god. Mayan (Quiche, classical Mesoamerican)[Guatemalan highlands]. The son of thecreator gods E QUAHOLOM and E ALOM, andequating to the feathered serpent god of Aztecreligion, QUETZALCOATL.Gula (great one)<strong>God</strong>dess of healing. Mesopotamian (Sumerianand Babylonian-Akkadian). Consort of NINURTA.Her animal is the dog. She may be synonymouswith NIN’INSINA. Also mentioned in HellenisticBabylonian times. A Gula temple is described atUruk. Also NINTINUGGA.Gul-ŠešCollective name for goddesses of fate. Hittite.They dispense good or evil, life or death. AlsoHutena (Hurrian).Gulsilia MataMother goddess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). ASAKTI who in later Hinduism became regarded asof evil intent, inflicting sickness. Particularlyknown from Bengal.Gundari-MyooJapanese Buddhist. The terrific manifestation ofthe DHYANIBUDDHA RATNASAMBHAVA. He bearsthree eyes and fangs. His eight arms and legs aredecorated with snakes. Attributes include a skullon the hair and he stands on a lotus.GunabibiCreator goddess. Australian aboriginal. Also knownas Kunapipi, she is extensively revered by aboriginesin northern Australia, including the Yolngu people.Her cult bears some similarity to that of the Greekmother goddess DEMETER and to Tantric cults inIndia. For this reason the cult is thought to havebeen introduced from Asia to Arnhem Land andthen to other parts of the Australian continent asearly as the sixth century. Mythology indicates thatGunabibi has been perceived as a deity who camefrom the sea or the rivers during the Dreamtimebut who reigns now over dry land. Among modernaborigines she is the subject of esoteric rituals whichalso involve the great serpent Yulunggul with whomGunabibi has been closely involved.GunnodoyakIroquois (North American Indian). A youthfulheroic deity who was once mortal. He wasempowered by the spirit of thunder, Hino, toconquer the Great Water Snake, enemy ofhumankind. The serpent devoured Gunnodoyakbut was then slain by Hino, who cut open thesnake, recovered the body of Gunnodoyak andreturned him to his rightful place in heaven.GunuraDeity of uncertain status. Mesopotamian (Sumerianand Babylonian-Akkadian). Described variouslyas the husband of the goddess NIN’INSINAand the father of Damu (DUMUZI), but also as thesister of Damu.Gur-Gyi Mgon-Po<strong>God</strong> of tents. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. A formof MAHAKALA usually attended by a man. Color:blue. Attributes: club, cup and knife.Gusilim (loud voice)<strong>God</strong>. Mesopotamian (Sumerian).See also IŠTARAN.

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