Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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106 Gonaqade’tGonaqade’tSea god. Chilkat [American north Pacific coast].By tradition he brings power and good fortune toall who see him. He appears in several guises, risingfrom the water as a gaily painted house inlaidwith blue and green Haliotis shell, or as the headof a huge fish, or as a painted war canoe. Generallydepicted in art as a large head with arms, pawsand fins.Gon-Po Nag-Po<strong>God</strong>. Lamaist [Tibet]. See also MAHAKALA. AlsoBram-zei gzugs-can; mGon-dkar; GUR-GYI-MGON-PO.GoraknathGuardian god. Hindu. An avatara of Šiva, worshipedamong cow-herders and the founder ofthe gorakhnathi sect in Nepal.Grannus<strong>God</strong> of healing. Romano-Celtic (ContinentalEurope). The name appears across a wide areagenerally associated with medicinal springs andhot mineral waters, including sites at Aix-la-Chapelle, Grand (Vosges), Trier, Brittany, and asfar distant as the Danube basin. Grannus becamesyncretized with the Roman god APOLLO asApollo Grannus, and baths were sometimes calledAquae Granni.Gratiae<strong>God</strong>desses. Roman. The counterparts of theGreek Charites. Identified with the arts and generallydepicted with long flowing tresses, but otherwisenaked.Grdhrasya (face of a vulture)Minor goddess. Buddhist.Govannon<strong>God</strong> of skills. Celtic (Welsh). Son of the goddessDON.See also GOBNIU.Grahamatrka (demon mother)<strong>God</strong>dess. Buddhist (Mahayana). One of the formsof VAIROCANA. Attributes: arrow, bow, lotus andstaff. Three-headed.GramadevataGeneric term for a local tutelary deity. India. Suchdeities are identified as “not being served by Brahmanpriests.” Most are goddesses e.g. CAMUNDA,DURGA and KALI. Generally they are invoked insmall villages where they guard boundaries andfields and are represented by a painted stone, butthey are also to be found in larger towns and cities.Grismadevi (goddess of summer)Seasonal goddess. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. Alsoan attendant of SRIDEVI. Usually accompanied bya yak. Color: red. Attributes: ax and cup.GugulannaMinor underworld deity. Mesopotamian (Sumerian).The consort of the goddess EREŠKIGAL,mentioned as the pretext on which the fertilitygoddess INANA descends to the netherworld.GujoTutelary guardian deity. Kafir [Afghanistan]. Agod of whom there is nothing other than a passingreference from among the extinct southernHindukush tribe of Pachags. He may have been alocal consort of the messenger goddess Zhiwu.

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