Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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GOBNIU 105Giltine<strong>God</strong>dess of death. Pre-Christian Lithuanian. Sheis said to enter the house of a dying person,dressed in a white gown, and suffocate them.Gish<strong>God</strong> of war. Kafir [Afghanistan]. Known chieflyamong the Kati people in the southern Hindukush.Gish seems partly modeled on the Aryan(Vedic) god INDRA (see also INDR). One of theoffspring of the creator god IMRA, his mother isnamed as Utr; she carried him for eighteenmonths before he wrenched himself from herbelly, stitching her up with a needle. His consortis the goddess SANJU. He slaughters with greatefficiency but is considered lacking in graces andintellect, emerging in a generally boorish light(see also THOR). His home is a fortress of steelatop a mythical walnut tree propped up by hismother which provides nourishment and strengthfor his warriors. The rainbow is a sling withwhich he carries his quiver.Gish is associated chiefly with the villages ofKamdesh and Shtiwe but has been worshipedthroughout the Kafir region with the sacrifice ofhornless oxen, particularly prior to combat. Afeast was given in his honor if the outcome wassuccessful. Also Giwish.Giszida<strong>God</strong>. Mesopotamian (Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian). See Nin-giszida.See also NINGISZIDA.GitaMother goddess. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. Oneof a group of Astamataras (mothers). Color: red.Attributes: Indian gong and lute.GlaucusSea god. Roman.See also GLAUKOS.GlaukosSea god. Greek. Allegedly an impoverished fishermanwho ate a sea-grass with magical properties,dived into the ocean and remained there as aguardian deity of fishermen and their nets.See also PROTEUS.GletiMoon goddess. Fon [Benin, West Africa]. Theconsort of the sun god LISA and the mother of alarge number of minor astral deities, the gletivi,who became the stars of heaven.GOBNIU (smith)ORIGIN Celtic (Irish). <strong>God</strong> of skills including alebrewing.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP early times untilChristianization, circa AD 400.SYNONYMS Goibniu; GOVANNON (Welsh).CENTER(S) OF CULT none specifically known.ART REFERENCES various monumental sculpturesand inscriptions.LITERARY SOURCES Books of Invasions; Cycles of Kings.Gobniu is known chiefly for his skills as a metalsmith and in brewing the immortal beer of thegods. He fashions invincible magic weapons forthe TUATHA DE DANANN. In his brewing activitieshe uses a vast bronze caldron, a copy of which washoused in various sanctuaries and was apparentlyat times associated with the ritual slaughter ofkings of Ireland. Gobniu forms part of a triad ofdeities, the Na tri dee dana (three gods of skill),with Credne, a deity skilful in brazing, and Luchta.

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