Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Futsu-Nushi-No-Kami 99He carries a book of sacred teachings tied to hisstaff. Other occasional attributes include a crane,deer or tortoise.FullaMinor goddess. Germanic. Identified in the secondMerseburg Charm as an attendant of the goddessFRIGG and possibly her sister.Futo-TamaAncestral god. Shinto [Japan]. A significant deityin mythology because he took part in the divinationand ritual necessary before the process ofdrawing the sun goddess AMATERASU out of hercave could begin. He collected together variousmagical objects, pushed forward the perfectdivine mirror, recited the sacred liturgy andbegged Amaterasu never again to hide her face.The guardian of Prince NINIGI, ancestor of theimperial dynasty, Futo-Tama is more specificallythe ancestor of the Imba clan in Japan.Futsu-Nushi-No-Kami<strong>God</strong> of war. Shinto [Japan]. One of two deitieswho made the way clear for Prince NINIGI todescend to earth and begin the imperial dynasty.A tutelary deity of swordsmen and judoka artists.Linked with the god TAKE-MIKA-DZUCHI–NO-KAMI.

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