Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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ENKI 89EllilCreator god. Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian).See also ENLIL.EloaiPrimordial being. Gnostic Christian. The secondof the androgynous principles born to YALD-ABAOTH, the prime parent, ruling the seven heavensof chaos in Gnostic mythology.placed in charge of the sacred rivers Tigris andEuphrates by the god ENKI. He is also god ofcanals, irrigation and farming. In Babyloniantimes he becomes the son of EA and is syncretizedwith ADAD.EndouellicusChthonic oracular and healing god. Romano-Iberian. Known from the Portuguese region.Probably the recipient of pig sacrifice.ElohimCollective term for gods. Judaic. Found in theVetus Testamentum and distinguishing the higherorder of great gods from the minor deities, ELIM.Also applied to the Israelite god YHWH.Endursaga (lofty mace)Herald god. Mesopotamian (Sumerian). He leadsthe Sumerian pantheon particularly in times ofconflict. Also IŠUM (Akkadian).Emeli HinCreator god. Tuareg [central Sudan]. A generictitle meaning “my lord.”Eme’mqutAnimistic spirit. Siberian Koryak. SeeQUIKINN.A’QU.EmešVegetation god. Mesopotamian (Sumerian).Emeš was created at the wish of ENLIL to takeresponsibility on earth for woods, fields, sheepfolds and stables. He is identified with the abundanceof the earth and with summer. An unidentifieddeity who is depicted iconographically witha plough may well be Emeš.EnbiluluRiver god. Mesopotamian (Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian).In creation mythology he isENKI (lord of the soul)ORIGIN Mesopotamian (Sumerian) [Iraq]. Creatorgod; god of wisdom; god of sweet water.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 3500 BC tocirca 1750 BC.SYNONYMS EA (god of the deep, Akkadian);Lugal-id(ak) (owner of the river); Lugalabzu(ak)(owner of the deeps); NUDIMMUD(image fashioner).Center(s) of worship probably at Eridu (AbuŠahrain), but known only from literature.ART REFERENCES plaques, votive stelae, glyptics.LITERARY SOURCES creation epics including Atrahasis,Enki and the World Order, temple hymns etc.As god of water in its capacity to nourish the earth,Enki is one of the major Sumerian deities. The sonof AN and NAMMU, he is considered by some to bea late entry to the pantheon. His consort is DAMK-INA and his sanctuary at Eridu is E-engurra. He isusually represented as a figure in typical hornedheaddress and tiered skirt with two streams of water

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