Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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EL 87LITERARY SOURCES Theogony and Hymn to Apollo(Hesiod).Primarily worshiped by women, Eileithyia iscalled upon specifically to ease the pain and dangerof childbirth. It was said that the cries of laborsummoned her presence. The daughter of ZEUSand HERA and the sibling of HEBE and ARES, sheassisted at the birth of APOLLO. Her role is laterlargely superseded by ARTEMIS. The name is alsoused in a plural collective sense (reflecting thepractice of women in a neighborhood comingtogether to assist at childbirth). In Sparta therewas allegedly a running track at the end of whichwas a temple to Eileithyia.Eirene<strong>God</strong>dess of peace. Greek. The daughter of ZEUSand THEMIS and the sister of Horae, DIKE andEUNOMIA.See also HOURS.Eji OgbeTutelary god. Yoruba [Nigeria, West Africa].The so-called “king” of the pantheon and mentionedin a legend of the dove which is a symbolof prosperity.Ek Chuah<strong>God</strong> of merchants. Mayan (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. Also the deity responsible for thecacao crop. (The cacao bean was traditionally thestandard currency throughout Mesoamerica.)Probably of Putun origin, he is typically depictedpainted black, except for a red area around the lipsand chin. He has a distinctive downwardly projectinglower lip, horseshoe shapes around eacheye and a highly elongated nose. He may alsobear a scorpion’s tail. Other attributes include acarrying strap in his headdress and sometimes apack on his back. Also <strong>God</strong> M.EkadasarudraCollective name for a group of gods. Hindu. Theeleven forms of the god RUDRA, each typicallyrepresented with sixteen arms. Common attributesinclude ax, moon disc and tiger skin.Ekajata (she who has but one chignon)<strong>God</strong>dess of good fortune. Buddhist (Varjayana).She offers happiness and removes personal obstacles.Occasionally found attending the goddessKhadirayani-Tara. She is an emanation of AKSOB-HYA and a form of TARA. She may have one ortwelve heads. Color: blue. Attributes: arrow, ax,bell, blue lotus, book, bow, conch, cup, hook,image of AMITABHA on the crown, knife, noose,skull, staff, sword and tiger skin. Three-eyed.Ekanetra (on e-eyed)Minor deity. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). One ofa group of emancipated VIDYESVARAS (lords ofknowledge) considered to be aspects of ŠIVA.Virtually identical with EKARUDRA, but with asingle eye.EkarudraMinor deity. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). One ofa group of emancipated VIDYESVARAS (lords ofknowledge) considered to be aspects of ŠIVA.Virtually identical with EKANETRA, but withnormal eyes.ELORIGIN Western Semitic regions and Israel(northern Hebrew tribes) [Syria, Lebanon andIsrael]. Creator god.

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