Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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6 EE Alom (conceiver of children)Primeval creator goddess. Mayan (Quiche, classicalMesoamerican) [Guatemalan highlands]. Theconsort of E QUAHOLOM, identified in thesacred Maya book, the Popol Vuh. Her son isGUKUMATZ, the counterpart of the Aztec godQUETZALCOATL. Also Bitol.E Quaholom (begetter of children)Primeval creator god. Mayan (Quiche, classicalMesoamerican) [Guatemala highlands]. Identifiedin the sacred Maya book the Popol Vuh. Theconsort of the goddess E ALOM and the father ofGUKUMATZ who equates with the Aztec QUET-ZALCOATL. Also Tzacol.EAORIGIN Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian)[Iraq]. <strong>God</strong> of primordial waters.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 1900 BC tocirca 200 BC.SYNONYMS Ea-šarru; ENKI (Sumerian).CENTER(S) OF CULT Eridu, Babylon.ART REFERENCES glyptics and other carvings.LITERARY SOURCES cuneiform texts includingEnuma Eliš, Epic <strong>Of</strong> Gilgameš, Nergal andEreškigal etc.One of the major deities in the old Babylonian-Akkadian pantheon who evolved from the modelof Enki. <strong>God</strong> of sweet water and of wisdom. Hisconsort is DAMKINA and his temple is the Apsuhouse or E-engurra in Eridu (lost). By the neo-Babylonian period his popularity as a major deityhad waned and he was relegated to the role offather of the god MARDUK.EacusWeather god. Romano-Iberian. Known from thearea of Castille and syncretized with the localRoman deity Jupiter Solutorius.Ebisu<strong>God</strong> of luck. Shinto [Japan]. The most popularof seven gods of fortune recognized in Shintoismand frequently linked with the godDAIKOKU. He is depicted as a fat, smiling andbearded fisherman holding a fishing rod in onehand and a sea bream in the other. The namedoes not appear in the classical sacred textsNihongi and Kojiki, but Ebisu is known tohave been worshiped in ancient times amongfishermen. From about the sixteenth centuryhis character changed and he became a deityassociated with profit. Thus he is a patron of85

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