PANELS - Deleuze 2013

PANELS - Deleuze 2013

PANELS - Deleuze 2013


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<strong>Deleuze</strong> Studies Conference"The Territory In-Between"Lisbon, FCUL, 8-10 July, <strong>2013</strong><strong>PANELS</strong>Panel 60The Eye Thinks: Deterritorializing the Genre of Detective Stories (Room 8.2.03)Wan-Shuan Lin – The Detective in the Final Darkness: The Mad Zone That Lies beyond the Limits ofKnowledge in Natsuhiko Kyogoku’s The Stories of the Nether World SeriesPei-Yun Chen – «I had become that eye»: Geographical Detection and Becoming-Other in Orhan Pamuk’sThe Black BookPei-Ju Wu – Nomadic “Sights”/ “Sites” of Necropolis in Orhan Pamuk’s IstanbulPanel 61Territories of Capitalism (Room 8.2.04)Diana Masny – Boundaries and in-between: immigration, capitalism and control societyGerard Moreno Ferrer – De-territorialization, value and capitalismKane Faucher – “Seed De/Re-Territorialization. Monsanto and Genetic Drift as Deleuzo-Guattarian CapitalPanel 62Deleuzian Ethics (Room 8.2.10)Arjen Kleinherenbrink – Hell is other people, other people are possible worlds - <strong>Deleuze</strong> beyond SartreCheri Carr – Knowing that you know nothing: Wisdom in <strong>Deleuze</strong>'s ethicsHarumi Osaki – Outside the Dialectic of Recognition: <strong>Deleuze</strong>-Nietzschian Transformation of the Master-Slave RelationshipPanel 63Time and Event in <strong>Deleuze</strong> (Room 8.2.11)Jay Lampert – The “Power of Decision” between Present and FutureJacek Dobrowolski – Landscape and face as territories of God - a case study of <strong>Deleuze</strong>'s antitheologyLaura Hengehold – From Nonsense to the Creation of Problems: An Event-ive Reading of The Second SexPanel 64Territories of Conflict (Room 8.2.12)Janice Baker – Ore Wars: Politics, territory and big mining in the Western Australia PilbaraMike Ardoline – Land Wars: Territories and Potential Maps vs Possible WarsCraig Lundy – The Necessity and Contingency of Universal History: <strong>Deleuze</strong> and Guattari contra HegelPanel 65Territory, Technology and Science (Room 8.2.13)Francesco Vitale – Between Nomadism and Sedentarization: To Think our Technological DeterritorializationMarek Wojtaszek – Exploring Machinic Territory. Between Digital Isles of Solitude and Virtual Flows ofSingularityJean-Sébastien Laberge – Onto-Ethology, the Metaphysics Contemporary Science NeedsPanel 66Territories of the Moving Image (Room 8.2.14)Dennis Rothermel – Becoming-Animal Cinema NarrativeNadine Boljkovac – This indefinite life: a cine-philosophical tracing of loveSimon Schleusener – Re-Mapping the Frontier: <strong>Deleuze</strong>, Becoming-Indian, and the American WesternPanel 67Memory and Learning (Room 8.2.15)Dorota Golanska – Affective Landscapes/Traumatic Intensities: In Quest of Synaesthetic Approach toMemorial Art

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