PANELS - Deleuze 2013

PANELS - Deleuze 2013

PANELS - Deleuze 2013


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<strong>Deleuze</strong> Studies Conference"The Territory In-Between"Lisbon, FCUL, 8-10 July, <strong>2013</strong><strong>PANELS</strong>Lars Bakker – Managing space through the notion of intimacy: an analysis using Deleuzian critical space,territory and assemblagePanel 53Artes e subjetividades entre territórios / Art and subjectivities In-Between Territories (Room 8.2.13)Cristiane Mesquita and Rosane Preciosa – Territórios de criação e subjetivação: trajetos entre arte eliteraturaMargareth Carvalho – Territórios de criação e subjetivação: O Barroco entre o finito e o infinitoPanel 54<strong>Deleuze</strong> and the Schizoanalysis of Spatial Power (Room 8.2.14)Kim Dovey – Schizoanalysis of 'Informal' UrbanismKristine Samson – Molecular Urban Revolutions? Reassembled and affective territories in São Paulo and Riode JaneiroMarko Jobst – Always already eroded: Architecture and powerPanel 55The People(s) to Come: Art, Community and Territory (Room 8.2.15)Janae Sholtz – Fluxus and <strong>Deleuze</strong>: Art can be community can create community as In-betweenKaisa Kurikka – Adapting Baby-Jane In-Between TerritoriesJon K. Shaw - Artaud’s Body without OrgansPanel 56From Cinema to Metaphysics (Room 8.2.16)Surbhi Goel - Unfixing identity, deterritorializing body, sensational becoming? Siddheshwari, a Deleuzianassemblage of affect, haecceities, subjectless individuationChristine Reeh - Dasein's Desire for FilmLisa Åkervall - Learning to see: a Differential Theory of the Faculties in CinemaPanel 57<strong>Deleuze</strong> and Security Studies I: Secured Space, Political Space (Room 8.2.17)Geoffrey Whitehall – The paradox of Crisis and the Importance of being desinterestedAthina Karatzogianni – Schizorevolution vs. Microfacism: A Deleuzo-Nietzchean Perspective on State,Security and Active/Reactive NetworksNoel Parker – <strong>Deleuze</strong> as a reader of Hardt and NegriPanel 58Letter/Meaning (Room 8.2.19)Juliana Nalerio - Unhomely Moments in Translated Spaces: Aguantando as Postmodern TextMalgorzata Kloskowicz - Między: Concept-Shape as a parasiteAim Deuelle Luski - Re-thinking the Old Testament with Delauze-Gauttarian PhilosophyPanel 59Revolution, Territory and Repetition (Room 8.2.23)Sean Irwin - Machiavelli, Authority and TerritorialityRiccardo Baldissone - Arcana Revolutions - Deterritorializations and Reterritorializations in the Eleventh-Century Papal Invention of Revolution and its RepetitionsLuca Tiezzi - <strong>Deleuze</strong>: a militant anthropology

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