TRAil of A TERRoRisT - Point Park University

TRAil of A TERRoRisT - Point Park University TRAil of A TERRoRisT - Point Park University
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BlueprintBrightfor aFutureBy Cheryl Valyo$2 Million Grant from TheHeinz Endowments InitiatesArchitectural Design Processfor the Academic VillageElevated by a $2 million grant from The HeinzEndowments, which supports the architectural designphase of the University’s Academic Village Initiative,Point Park continues to make important strides towardrealizing its $210 million campus master space plan.Announced last December, the grant from the HeinzEndowments underwrites a comprehensive designprocess that will result in a specific set of architecturaland engineering blueprints necessary for construction ofkey components of the Academic Village.Point Park President Paul Hennigan said the Endowmentsgrant allows for the building of “the human infrastructureat the University necessary to undertake the design andconstruction of our transformational campus plan. We arevery grateful to count the endowments as our partner inthis initiative.”“Even during these difficult economic times, Point Parkis fortunate that we have been able to build upon allof the planning dedicated toward the Academic VillageInitiative over the past two years,” said Mariann Geyer,vice president for University Advancement.“This generous grant from the Heinz Endowments hasenabled us to move from the concept phase of theIn addition, the grant will support a University architect/planner to oversee the initiative in its entirety and tohelp construct an environmental, sustainable overlay forthe project.“Point Park’s campus space plan weaves its presence intothe Downtown fabric in a very exciting way,” EndowmentsChairman Teresa Heinz said. “It expands considerablythe opportunity for Point Park students to engage theiracademic programs in a vibrant urban setting.”22

Academic Village, announced last May, into the designphase. This takes us another step closer to constructionof some of these key projects.”For example, “the grant enables the University tocarefully select the appropriate architect for the plannedpublic space enhancement at the corner of Wood Streetand the Boulevard of the Allies,” said Geyer. Nowoccupied by a parking lot, the corner will be transformedinto an urban park with adjacent retail elements.The grant also supports the selection of an architectfor the design of the student center that will occupy theformer YMCA building on the Boulevard, according toGeyer.“In addition, thanks to the Heinz Endowments, we wereable to engage the engineering construction firm GAIConsultants Inc. to produce the design of the plannedstreetscape enhancements along the Wood Streetcorridor.”All of these building projects, along with continueddevelopment of the new student residence halls, theBoulevard Apartments on the Blvd. of the Allies, mustreflect a continuity of design, according to Geyer. “Ourultimate goal is to produce a well-designed AcademicVillage that will be good for the University and good forour Downtown neighborhood.”The design and construction process will also providea positive economic impact, she added. “We’ll beengaging excellent architects and hiring local designand construction firms, which will also serve to boostlocal employment, during this next phase of developmentof the Academic Village.”Photograph by Tom BellStreetscape to Bloom alongWood Street CorridorOne of the most architecturally diverse and continuouslyused commercial streets in Downtown Pittsburgh, theWood Street Corridor has long been the beating heartof Point Park. Under the Academic Village Initiative, thestreet (between Ft. Pitt Blvd. and Third Avenue) will berevitalized to become a truly pedestrian-friendly corridor.With the help of the Heinz Endowments grant, theUniversity engaged GAI Consultants Inc., a Pittsburghbasedengineering firm that provides transportation,energy, environmental, land development andconstruction services, to spearhead design for theWood Street Corridor project.According to Jim Saxon, project manager for theUniversity, the Wood Street Corridor project will includemilling and resurfacing of the street, including newcrosswalks, and feature such elements as exposedaggregate and granite.Among other planned improvements, all of which willcomply with city standards, are new pedestrian lighting,new street signals and signage, and additional Point Park“way-finding” signage. Trees will be planted along thestreet and appropriate irrigation installed, said Saxon.With the design process and survey phase now complete,construction documents are expected to be ready bysummer, he 23

BlueprintBrightfor aFutureBy Cheryl Valyo$2 Million Grant from TheHeinz Endowments InitiatesArchitectural Design Processfor the Academic VillageElevated by a $2 million grant from The HeinzEndowments, which supports the architectural designphase <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>’s Academic Village Initiative,<strong>Point</strong> <strong>Park</strong> continues to make important strides towardrealizing its $210 million campus master space plan.Announced last December, the grant from the HeinzEndowments underwrites a comprehensive designprocess that will result in a specific set <strong>of</strong> architecturaland engineering blueprints necessary for construction <strong>of</strong>key components <strong>of</strong> the Academic Village.<strong>Point</strong> <strong>Park</strong> President Paul Hennigan said the Endowmentsgrant allows for the building <strong>of</strong> “the human infrastructureat the <strong>University</strong> necessary to undertake the design andconstruction <strong>of</strong> our transformational campus plan. We arevery grateful to count the endowments as our partner inthis initiative.”“Even during these difficult economic times, <strong>Point</strong> <strong>Park</strong>is fortunate that we have been able to build upon all<strong>of</strong> the planning dedicated toward the Academic VillageInitiative over the past two years,” said Mariann Geyer,vice president for <strong>University</strong> Advancement.“This generous grant from the Heinz Endowments hasenabled us to move from the concept phase <strong>of</strong> theIn addition, the grant will support a <strong>University</strong> architect/planner to oversee the initiative in its entirety and tohelp construct an environmental, sustainable overlay forthe project.“<strong>Point</strong> <strong>Park</strong>’s campus space plan weaves its presence intothe Downtown fabric in a very exciting way,” EndowmentsChairman Teresa Heinz said. “It expands considerablythe opportunity for <strong>Point</strong> <strong>Park</strong> students to engage theiracademic programs in a vibrant urban setting.”22

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