TRAil of A TERRoRisT - Point Park University

TRAil of A TERRoRisT - Point Park University TRAil of A TERRoRisT - Point Park University
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Alumni ProfileProfileBy Kate Beard MillerLynn FeroInspired Alumna CreatesArt for Academic HallLynn Fero has always had a creative streak. Shetakes every opportunity to create, whether it isacting, writing, teaching or painting, and sheattributes her education at Point Park to preparingher for her career every step of the way.After graduation her mother encouraged her to moveto New York to pursue her dream. She was up for thechallenge and left her hometown of Penn Hills, Pa.Within a few years of living in the city, she took asecretarial position at Viacom, which was then a smallbusiness. In a mere eight years, Lynn received a seriesof promotions and became vice president of businessaffairs administration. She has held the same positionthrough buy-outs and mergers from ParamountPictures to CBS Television Distribution where shemanages the classic film and television library.However she found her greatest creative fulfillment inan unexpected way. After her father passed away, sheasked her mother, an artist, to teach her how to paint.“Sometimes when a parent does something well,you build up a wall and say ‘I can’t do that.’” ForLynn, painting became a wonderful outlet ofemotion during the time of mourning for herfather. She found it was a natural talent she hadnever explored or taken time to develop.Fero is well known for her impressionistic landscapesusing bold colors and strong, dramatic composition.In 2007 when Fero returned to Point Park ascommencement speaker, she met Jack Tomayko,an art collector and member of Point Park’sBoard of Trustees. He recently commissionedFero to create new works to be displayed theadministrative suite of Academic Hall. In one suchpainting, she created a series of trees symbolicof a student’s journey out into the world.During a recent visit to Point Park in the fall, Ferotoured the campus and said she was surprised athow the University has grown and improved.“Watching Point Park evolve just makes yougrin with pride.” She said her educationalexperience at Point Park was exceptional and wasthrilled to see how the University continues toprepare students for achieving their dreams.20“Life is about the art. It’s that feeling you getwhen you create something and someone elselooks at what you’ve expressed – there are nowords to describe it. That is very satisfyingand that’s when you find real purpose.”

Alumni ProfileProfileBy Colleen C. DerdaJohn Isaac HarrisAlumnus Serves DetroitKids as Teacher, Coachand Community Leader“Larry Anderson was a big influence on my life,”says John Isaac Harris (A&S 1983) about the PointPark University Hall of Fame member. “As a coachand member of the student affairs staff, he took aninterest in me, helping me to determine my major andsucceed in both basketball and academics.”The combination remains a big part of John Harris’life, thanks to Anderson and other Point ParkUniversity faculty and administrators. Today Harris isa teacher, basketball coach and civic leader in Detroit.After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in publicadministration, Harris returned to his hometown togain a master’s degree in education from Wayne StateUniversity and serve his community.He is running for Detroit City Council this year(,while maintaining a busy schedule of teaching 10 thand 12 th grade special education students and runningH.O.P.E., or “Helping Other People Everyday,”a program he founded to promote communityinvolvement. He stays active in basketball through hiscompany “Shooting for Excellence,” which providesconditioning and offensive skills drills at clinics andcamps.“I believe a coach is a teacher first,” says Harris.Kids from elementary school through high schoolattend “Shooting for Excellence” sessions to work onfundamentals. Along the way, they absorb more thana few lessons about the importance of education andworking hard. The boys and girls can earn copies of amanual with photos of all of the offensive drills shownin the session plus conditioning tips, all based onHarris’ more than 35 years in the sport.“Sometimes jobs choose you,” says John Harris of hisability to combine sports, community service andeducation. “Working with kids always seemed to be anatural fit,” he says, noting that he is the oldest siblingin his family. “I certainly enjoy teaching and coaching.I also enjoy working with community groups.”Harris was a candidate for mayor in 1989 and 1993.The time is right, he says, for his election to DetroitCity Council in 2009.“People are fed up with some of the political leadershere,” he says. “They are looking for new, qualifiedpeople. I am ready to serve.” 21

Alumni Pr<strong>of</strong>ilePr<strong>of</strong>ileBy Kate Beard MillerLynn FeroInspired Alumna CreatesArt for Academic HallLynn Fero has always had a creative streak. Shetakes every opportunity to create, whether it isacting, writing, teaching or painting, and sheattributes her education at <strong>Point</strong> <strong>Park</strong> to preparingher for her career every step <strong>of</strong> the way.After graduation her mother encouraged her to moveto New York to pursue her dream. She was up for thechallenge and left her hometown <strong>of</strong> Penn Hills, Pa.Within a few years <strong>of</strong> living in the city, she took asecretarial position at Viacom, which was then a smallbusiness. In a mere eight years, Lynn received a series<strong>of</strong> promotions and became vice president <strong>of</strong> businessaffairs administration. She has held the same positionthrough buy-outs and mergers from ParamountPictures to CBS Television Distribution where shemanages the classic film and television library.However she found her greatest creative fulfillment inan unexpected way. After her father passed away, sheasked her mother, an artist, to teach her how to paint.“Sometimes when a parent does something well,you build up a wall and say ‘I can’t do that.’” ForLynn, painting became a wonderful outlet <strong>of</strong>emotion during the time <strong>of</strong> mourning for herfather. She found it was a natural talent she hadnever explored or taken time to develop.Fero is well known for her impressionistic landscapesusing bold colors and strong, dramatic composition.In 2007 when Fero returned to <strong>Point</strong> <strong>Park</strong> ascommencement speaker, she met Jack Tomayko,an art collector and member <strong>of</strong> <strong>Point</strong> <strong>Park</strong>’sBoard <strong>of</strong> Trustees. He recently commissionedFero to create new works to be displayed theadministrative suite <strong>of</strong> Academic Hall. In one suchpainting, she created a series <strong>of</strong> trees symbolic<strong>of</strong> a student’s journey out into the world.During a recent visit to <strong>Point</strong> <strong>Park</strong> in the fall, Ferotoured the campus and said she was surprised athow the <strong>University</strong> has grown and improved.“Watching <strong>Point</strong> <strong>Park</strong> evolve just makes yougrin with pride.” She said her educationalexperience at <strong>Point</strong> <strong>Park</strong> was exceptional and wasthrilled to see how the <strong>University</strong> continues toprepare students for achieving their dreams.20“Life is about the art. It’s that feeling you getwhen you create something and someone elselooks at what you’ve expressed – there are nowords to describe it. That is very satisfyingand that’s when you find real purpose.”

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