A synopsis of the Characeae'

A synopsis of the Characeae'

A synopsis of the Characeae'


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40 BULLETIN OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL CLUB [VoL. 9120b. Dactyls extended into prolonged point, acuminate; oogoniaconvolutions not swelling.23a. Branchlets l(rarely 2)-furcate; oospore membrane notreticulate (except Y. bastinii).24a. Typical N. acuminata ; homoeoclemous; mucus uncommon............................................................ Sect. 2(7) RAJIA25a. Without mucus.26a. Branchlets 1-furcate ..........................................1(30) Nitella acuminata [Af, As, 0c, NA, SA]26b. Branchlets 1(-2-3)-furcate.27a. Dactyla apices thick-walled at tip;branchlets 1-2-furcate ..................................... 2(31) Nitella heterodactyla [Af]27b. Dactyla apices with normal wall;branchlets 1(-2-3)-fureate ..................................... 3(32)Nitelia polygyra [Aust]25b. With mucus.28a. Oospore membrane not reticulate .................................................. 4(33) Nitella syncarpa [Eu]28b. Oospore membrane reticulate ........................................................... 5(34) Nitella bastinii [NA]24b. Wall <strong>of</strong> end cell <strong>of</strong> branchlet extremely thickened;heads tiny; dactyls tiny ..................... Sect. 3(8) KNIGHTIA.................................................. 1(35) Nitella knightiae [Af]24c. Cells stout; <strong>of</strong>ten swollen; branchlets heteroclemous,<strong>of</strong> two kinds; plant without heads or mucus.................................................................... Sect. 4(9) BROWNIA.............................................. 1(36) Nitella clavata [NA, SA]24d. Cells stout, cylindrical; homoeoclemous; plant withtiny heads with mucus ..................... Sect. 5(10) RIDDELLIA.............................................. 1(37) Nitella cernua [NA, SA]23b. Branchlets 1- and 2-furcate; oospore membrane reticulate................................................................................. Sect. 6(11) PALIA29a. Oospore membranes with 8-13 meshes across fossa;accessory branehlets 2-6; dactyls obtuse or acute.......................................... 1(38) Nitella stuartii [ As, Aust]29b. Oospore membrane with 8-9 meshes across fossa;with occasional accessory branchlets at axisnodes; dactyls acuminate or acute ................................................................................ 2(39) Nitella allenii [As]23c. Branchlets 1-2 (-3) -furcate ; dactyls 2-3 (-4)-celled; endcells allantoid to mucronate; oospore membrane ( ?)....................................................................... Sect. 7(12) INcEaTez.................................................. 1(40) Nitella hookeri [Aust, Oc]19b. Dactyls (1—)2-5-celled, <strong>of</strong> which <strong>the</strong> end cells are cylindrical,similar to o<strong>the</strong>r dactyl cells (generally allantoid) ............................................................................................................ Subgen. 2(4) HYELLA(Arthrodactylae, in part, cf. 19c; Pluricellulatae, in part).30a. Upper whorls normal or reduced, but not modified or compactedinto tight heads [but see forms <strong>of</strong> N. dualis];with or without mucus; primary branchlet rays <strong>of</strong>tenenlarged.31a. Dactyls allantoid; dense mucus; primary branchlet rays<strong>of</strong>ten enlarged (occasionally forms head) .......................................................... 1(41) Nitella dualis [As, Af, Aust][see also 35b].

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