Andrew Martin - Winterim 2013

Andrew Martin - Winterim 2013

Andrew Martin - Winterim 2013


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BA DEGREE IN GLOBAL STUDIESGlobal Studies 202 IIIIntroduction to Globalization and Communication MediaJanuary 2--January 18Professor <strong>Andrew</strong> <strong>Martin</strong>Curtin 496Email: andym@uwm.eduOverview:This class is designed for freshmen and students who are new to the study ofglobalization. In this course we will examine the cultural, social, and politicalshifts brought about by the development of global media and communicationtechnologies. For the most part, our focus will be on modern and contemporaryworld culture and on current issues in the globalization of media forms andtechnology. We will, however, also consider the historical contexts and pressuresat work within the contested terrain of globalism.

Please note: UwinteriM classes move very fast so please do not take a day off.You will need to stay focused on this class each day. Ideally, you should readahead and be ready for discussions, responses, and essays before they are due.All discussions and essays should be in Word only.Required Reading:Required readings are in the “Content” section, while deadlines for discussion andresponses can be found in “Syllabus/Course Calendar.” All reading assignmentsshould be completed by the indicated deadlines for discussions and responses. Youshould get started on the readings as soon as possible as the first introductiondiscussion post is due January 2 by 11:30pm.All discussion posts are due by 11:30pm on the designated day and Responses aredue by 11:30pm of the following day.Requirements and Grades:Grades in this class will be based on the Discussions and Responses (50%) and onTHREE essays of a minimum of 3 pages (50%). It is, therefore, extraordinarilyimportant that you keep up with the readings and know precisely when deadlinesare looming. You are responsible for knowing when posts and essays are due.Discussions and Responses:A significant portion of our class activity (and 50% of your grade) is composed ofasynchronous conversations—i.e., we will not all be talking at the same time.Using live chat rooms for our discussions would be inconvenient since it is all butimpossible to get everyone online at the same time. Instead, we’ll use discussionboards that allow you to take part in the class conversation at your convenience.Through these online conversations, you will be able to bring your analytical,intellectual, and experiential perspectives to our readings and discussions. Inaddition, you should be able to get to know each other and inspire one anotherother intellectually. Please be warned, rudeness and inappropriate language inyour posts will not be tolerated. Keep it civil, people.You are required to post ONE discussion message in response to the reading in250--300 words.Beyond this, you must respond to at least ONE of your peers’ discussion posts in150--200 words.

For a detailed description of what constitutes academic misconduct and theconsequences involved go to:http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/Acad_Aff/policy/academicmisconduct.htmlALL DISCUSSIONS POST ARE DUE BY 11:30PM OF THE ASSIGNEDDAY AND ALL RESPONSES ARE DUE BY 11:30PM ON THEFOLLOWING DAYSection OneThe Terms of Global CommunicationsJan 2: To get us started, and as a way of allowing you to figure out wherethings are on this site, post a brief introduction: Why were you drawn to thisclass? Have you taken other classes in global studies? Have you ever beenabroad? And anything else that might be of interest to the class.Key Terms, Organizations, and TheoriesReading: “Global Communication: Background,” pages1-16.Cold War—Globalization—Terrorism—NWICOJan 3: Discussion #1 due by 11:30pmJan 4: Response due by 11:30pm

World Systems TheoryReading: “Global Communications: Background,” pages 24-34.(Pay particular attention to pages 30-34, “Connections,” and“Communication Forces among Nations”).Jan 5: Discussion #2 due by 11:30pmJan 6: Response due by 11:30pmEssay Topic: Core and PeripheryESSAY # 1 DUE JANUARY 7 BY 11:30 PMJanuary 7Globalization and Electronic ImperialismJan 8: U.S. Media and MTVReading: “Global Issues: Music and MTV,” pages 223--234Jan 9: Discussion # 3 by 11:30pmJan 10: Response due by 11:30pm

Jan 11: The MTV EffectReading: “MTV: Dominant Global Music Connection” 235-42Jan 12: Discussion #4 due by 11:30pmJan 13: Response due by 11:30pmEssay Topic: Cultural ImperialismJanuary 14: ESSAY #2 DUE JANUARY 14 BY 11:30 PMThe Rise of AsiaJan 15: China: The Rising Global PowerReading: “Media Globalization: China”Notes: The Coming Asian CenturyFreidman, “Talk of China”Jan 16: Discussion #5 due by 11:30pmJan 17: Response due by 11:30pmJan 14: : The Pros and Cons of GlobalizationReading: “Summary and Conclusions,” pages 349-366

Jan 15: Discussion #6 due by 11:30pmJan 16: Response due by 11:30pmFinal Essay Topic: Global Discontents and AchievementsJanuary 19FINAL ESSAY DUE BY 11:30 PMFor more information about the BA in Global Studies and Education Abroadopportunities at UWM, click on the following:http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/CIE/GS/If you are interested in film and media studies at UWM (from BA through PhD)click on the following:http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/English/film/

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