Hyakujo: The Everest of Zen, with Basho's Haikus - Oshorajneesh.com

Hyakujo: The Everest of Zen, with Basho's Haikus - Oshorajneesh.com Hyakujo: The Everest of Zen, with Basho's Haikus - Oshorajneesh.com

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CHAPTER 5. DON’T BE IDIOT BUDDHASYou don’t have to become the richest person in the world. You don’t have to accumulate all kindsof unnecessary luxuries, but be comfortable. In a state of uncomfortableness, meditation becomesdifficult.HE SAW THAT WORSHIP AND MEDITATION COULD BE PART OF EVERYDAY WORK ANDSEEMINGLY MUNDANE ACTIVITIES.IT IS SAID THAT THE GREAT PEARL WAS THE CREATOR OF THE CHINESE TEA CEREMONY.Hyakujo himself was the creator of the Chinese tea ceremony. To make tea a meditative ceremonyis just symbolic. It shows that any mundane activity can become meditative. Digging a hole inthe garden, planting new roses in the garden... you can do it with such tremendous love andcompassion, you can do it with the hands of the buddha. There is no contradiction.The tea ceremony is only the beginning. I say unto you: Your every act should be a ceremony.If you can bring your consciousness, your awareness, your intelligence to the act, if you can bespontaneous, then there is no need for any other religion, life itself will be the religion.Now the sutra:ONCE, HYAKUJO WAS OUT IN THE FIELDS WORKING ALONGSIDE HIS DISCIPLES. JUSTAS A CERTAIN MONK LIFTED UP HIS HOE, THE SOUND OF THE DINNER DRUM COULD BEHEARD.WITH THIS, THE MONK LAUGHED LOUDLY, DROPPED HIS HOE AND WENT TO THE TEMPLE.”WONDERFUL!” EXCLAIMED HYAKUJO. ”THIS IS THE GATE TO THE ENTERING OF THEBODHISATTVA KANNON.” HYAKUJO FOLLOWED AFTER THE MONK, AND ARRIVING AT THETEMPLE, ASKED THE MONK, ”WHAT TRUTH DID YOU PERCEIVE WHEN YOU HEARD THEDINNER DRUM?”THE MONK SAID, ”JUST NOW I WAS TERRIBLY HUNGRY, AND WHEN I HEARD THE SOUNDOF THE DRUM, I WENT BACK AND HAD MY MEAL.”ON HEARING THIS, HYAKUJO HIMSELF LAUGHED.Simple things... the monk was so deeply engaged, so totally engaged in his work, that he hadforgotten completely that it was time for lunch. And as the drum was beaten to call all the monksfrom the fields and the gardens, he laughed, throwing away his hoe.Hyakujo asked him, ”Why did you laugh?”A simple and honest answer: ”I laughed at the coincidence. As the drum was beaten, suddenly I felta great hunger. I laughed at the coincidence.”ON HEARING THIS, HYAKUJO HIMSELF LAUGHED.Hyakujo: The Everest of Zen, with Basho’s Haikus 80 Osho

CHAPTER 5. DON’T BE IDIOT BUDDHASHyakujo made Zen very light, very earthly, very honest, sincere.ON ANOTHER OCCASION, ISAN, HEARING THE WOODEN GONG SOUNDING, RUBBED HISHANDS AND GAVE A GREAT LAUGH.WHEN HYAKUJO SAW AND HEARD THIS, HE ASKED ISAN THE SAME QUESTION AS HE HADASKED THE OTHER MONK IN A SIMILAR SITUATION, AND RECEIVED A SIMILAR RESPONSE.If you are silent and honest, the response cannot be different. Both have laughed at the coincidence.They were both so totally engaged in their work, they completely forgot themselves. And when youforget yourself, how can you remember your hunger? And when they heard the drum or the gong– a sudden hit and a spontaneous remembering: ”I am hungry and this is the time to go to thedininghall.”Both laughed. Hyakujo asked both just to see whether the similar situation would have a similarresponse from two honest, simple, meditative people.In fact, all buddhas will respond similarly in a situation because of the simple fact that they are inthe moment and their action is not through the mind, but instantaneous. They respond, they don’treact. And being empty-hearted, their responses will be just like a mirror – reflecting the situation,whatever is there in front of them.Because both confronted hungriness, they laughed, ”This is strange that we got lost so much in thework, that there was not even a sign of hunger. And just the gong... as if the gong created thehunger.”The hunger was there but was waiting, because the consciousness was totally engaged somewhereelse. The gong brought the consciousness to the waiting hunger. Hyakujo laughed, seeing thesimilarity of simple and empty-hearted people.AT ANOTHER TIME, A MASTER OF THE VINAYA SECT NAMED FA MING REMARKED, ”YOUZEN MASTERS DO A LOT OF TUMBLING ABOUT IN THE EMPTINESS OF THE VOID.”HYAKUJO REPLIED, ”ON THE CONTRARY, VENERABLE SIR, IT IS YOU WHO TUMBLE A LOTIN THE EMPTINESS OF THE VOID.”THE VINAYA MASTER ASKED, ”HOW CAN THAT BE?””THE SCRIPTURES,” CONTINUED HYAKUJO, ”ARE JUST WORDS – MERE INK AND PAPER –AND EVERYTHING OF THAT SORT IS JUST AN EMPTY DEVICE. ALL THOSE WORDS ANDPHRASES ARE BASED ON SOMETHING PEOPLE ONCE HEARD – THEY ARE NOTHING BUTEMPTINESS. YOU, VENERABLE SIR, CLING TO THE MERE LETTER OF THE DOCTRINE, SOOF COURSE YOU TUMBLE ABOUT IN THE VOID.”Ordinarily, the meditator is thought to be in the emptiness, in the ultimate void. But these formingteachers, who were only scholars of the vinaya scriptures of Gautam Buddha...Hyakujo: The Everest of Zen, with Basho’s Haikus 81 Osho

CHAPTER 5. DON’T BE IDIOT BUDDHASYou don’t have to be<strong>com</strong>e the richest person in the world. You don’t have to accumulate all kinds<strong>of</strong> unnecessary luxuries, but be <strong>com</strong>fortable. In a state <strong>of</strong> un<strong>com</strong>fortableness, meditation be<strong>com</strong>esdifficult.HE SAW THAT WORSHIP AND MEDITATION COULD BE PART OF EVERYDAY WORK ANDSEEMINGLY MUNDANE ACTIVITIES.IT IS SAID THAT THE GREAT PEARL WAS THE CREATOR OF THE CHINESE TEA CEREMONY.<strong>Hyakujo</strong> himself was the creator <strong>of</strong> the Chinese tea ceremony. To make tea a meditative ceremonyis just symbolic. It shows that any mundane activity can be<strong>com</strong>e meditative. Digging a hole inthe garden, planting new roses in the garden... you can do it <strong>with</strong> such tremendous love and<strong>com</strong>passion, you can do it <strong>with</strong> the hands <strong>of</strong> the buddha. <strong>The</strong>re is no contradiction.<strong>The</strong> tea ceremony is only the beginning. I say unto you: Your every act should be a ceremony.If you can bring your consciousness, your awareness, your intelligence to the act, if you can bespontaneous, then there is no need for any other religion, life itself will be the religion.Now the sutra:ONCE, HYAKUJO WAS OUT IN THE FIELDS WORKING ALONGSIDE HIS DISCIPLES. JUSTAS A CERTAIN MONK LIFTED UP HIS HOE, THE SOUND OF THE DINNER DRUM COULD BEHEARD.WITH THIS, THE MONK LAUGHED LOUDLY, DROPPED HIS HOE AND WENT TO THE TEMPLE.”WONDERFUL!” EXCLAIMED HYAKUJO. ”THIS IS THE GATE TO THE ENTERING OF THEBODHISATTVA KANNON.” HYAKUJO FOLLOWED AFTER THE MONK, AND ARRIVING AT THETEMPLE, ASKED THE MONK, ”WHAT TRUTH DID YOU PERCEIVE WHEN YOU HEARD THEDINNER DRUM?”THE MONK SAID, ”JUST NOW I WAS TERRIBLY HUNGRY, AND WHEN I HEARD THE SOUNDOF THE DRUM, I WENT BACK AND HAD MY MEAL.”ON HEARING THIS, HYAKUJO HIMSELF LAUGHED.Simple things... the monk was so deeply engaged, so totally engaged in his work, that he hadforgotten <strong>com</strong>pletely that it was time for lunch. And as the drum was beaten to call all the monksfrom the fields and the gardens, he laughed, throwing away his hoe.<strong>Hyakujo</strong> asked him, ”Why did you laugh?”A simple and honest answer: ”I laughed at the coincidence. As the drum was beaten, suddenly I felta great hunger. I laughed at the coincidence.”ON HEARING THIS, HYAKUJO HIMSELF LAUGHED.<strong>Hyakujo</strong>: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Everest</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Zen</strong>, <strong>with</strong> Basho’s <strong>Haikus</strong> 80 Osho

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