Hyakujo: The Everest of Zen, with Basho's Haikus - Oshorajneesh.com

Hyakujo: The Everest of Zen, with Basho's Haikus - Oshorajneesh.com Hyakujo: The Everest of Zen, with Basho's Haikus - Oshorajneesh.com

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CHAPTER 7. THE LAST MILESTONEThe problem is, the people who have gone in, the deeper they go in, the farther away the outerreality becomes. But the outer reality has its own existence. Its existence needs a mind, and theinner reality has a far greater and far more majestic existence. For it no-mind is needed. So it is adouble-tier world: mind has its world, and no-mind has on top of it a very beautiful, a very majesticworld.My effort has been to convince all kinds of people. There are people who deny any inner world –just the objective world is the only reality; all the inner is just dream. And on the other hand thereare people who say that everything inner is real, and everything outside is just a dream. But theyboth agree on one point, that they are denying one reality.I want to accept both realities. How can the inner exist without the outer? And how can the outerexist without the inner? That’s why I started calling sannyasin restaurants and their discos, Zorbathe Buddha. Zorba represents the outside reality.Kazantzakis, in his great book, ZORBA THE GREEK has given something of immense value to theworld. He has given Zorba. It has become almost a reality, not just a fictitious name. Zorba is happyin mediocre things, in anything – drinking, dancing, loving – a very vibrant, a very alive person.The Church of Greece expelled him from the church because he created Zorba the Greek. Amritois here from Greece. She has received a letter from Kazantzakis’ wife saying that she would like tobe the director of our World Academy. Kazantzakis suffered very much because of the OrthodoxChurch of Greece.When I say Zorba the Buddha, I am trying to bring the inner and outer closer. There is no needthat Zorba should remain only a Zorba. It is perfectly good, but it is not the highest point whereconsciousness can rise to greater realities, to greater mysteries.Zorba has to become the Buddha.Zorba is the seed of the Buddha.You are all born as Zorbas – liking the ordinary things of the world, carrying your buddha inside,ignoring it. But even if you realize the buddha, I will not deny the outside world. I am absolutelyscientific in the sense that whatever is true; it may be outer, it may be inner. The inner may be ahigher reality; the outer may be a lower reality. But as far as reality is concerned, there are tworealities: a reality which is perceived by the mind, and a reality which opens its doors to the no-mind.Now it is Anando time....Old Buffalo Grass, the ageing hippy, is bopping down the street puffing away on a couple of reefers.To his amazement, he finds himself standing in front of a barber shop.”Far out!” he says to himself, scratching his big beard. ”I haven’t had a haircut for thirty-two years.”So, in a cloud of smoke, he walks in, and sits down in the barber’s chair.”How much is a haircut?” asks Buffalo.Hyakujo: The Everest of Zen, with Basho’s Haikus 106 Osho

CHAPTER 7. THE LAST MILESTONEThe barber looks at the old hippy’s long straggly hair and says, ”Ten dollars!”Buffalo’s eyes pop out. ”Really?” he says. ”And how much for a shave?””Two dollars,” replies the barber.”Okay,” says Buffalo Grass, pointing to his head, ”shave it!”Little Albert goes to stay with his grandparents at their house in the country. Grandpa and Albertdecide to to fishing early next morning, and they sleep together in the same bed so that they will notdisturb Grandma when they get up.In the middle of the night, Grandpa wakes up, and shakes Little Albert.”Albert!” he cries, excitedly. ”Quick! Go and get your grandma. I have got an erection...! My first onefor twenty-one years!””Relax, Grandpa,” says Albert, sleepily, ”that’s my prick you are holding!”Little Ernie is at the zoo with his teacher, Miss Goodbody, and the entire class. They are touringaround when Ernie sees a deer peacefully grazing on some grass.”Ernie, can you tell us the name of that animal?” asks Miss Goodbody, pointing to the deer.”Well,” says Ernie, ”I think it is a... I guess it is a...””Let me give you a hint,” interrupts Miss Goodbody. ”What does your mother call your father everymorning?””Oh, right!” shouts Ernie. ”It is an asshole!”Anando...(Drumbeat)(Gibberish)(Drumbeat)Be silent.Close your eyes.Feel your body to be completely frozen.Now, with tremendous urgency, look inwards. Gather all your consciousness like an arrow pointingto the center of your being.Hyakujo: The Everest of Zen, with Basho’s Haikus 107 Osho

CHAPTER 7. THE LAST MILESTONE<strong>The</strong> problem is, the people who have gone in, the deeper they go in, the farther away the outerreality be<strong>com</strong>es. But the outer reality has its own existence. Its existence needs a mind, and theinner reality has a far greater and far more majestic existence. For it no-mind is needed. So it is adouble-tier world: mind has its world, and no-mind has on top <strong>of</strong> it a very beautiful, a very majesticworld.My effort has been to convince all kinds <strong>of</strong> people. <strong>The</strong>re are people who deny any inner world –just the objective world is the only reality; all the inner is just dream. And on the other hand thereare people who say that everything inner is real, and everything outside is just a dream. But theyboth agree on one point, that they are denying one reality.I want to accept both realities. How can the inner exist <strong>with</strong>out the outer? And how can the outerexist <strong>with</strong>out the inner? That’s why I started calling sannyasin restaurants and their discos, Zorbathe Buddha. Zorba represents the outside reality.Kazantzakis, in his great book, ZORBA THE GREEK has given something <strong>of</strong> immense value to theworld. He has given Zorba. It has be<strong>com</strong>e almost a reality, not just a fictitious name. Zorba is happyin mediocre things, in anything – drinking, dancing, loving – a very vibrant, a very alive person.<strong>The</strong> Church <strong>of</strong> Greece expelled him from the church because he created Zorba the Greek. Amritois here from Greece. She has received a letter from Kazantzakis’ wife saying that she would like tobe the director <strong>of</strong> our World Academy. Kazantzakis suffered very much because <strong>of</strong> the OrthodoxChurch <strong>of</strong> Greece.When I say Zorba the Buddha, I am trying to bring the inner and outer closer. <strong>The</strong>re is no needthat Zorba should remain only a Zorba. It is perfectly good, but it is not the highest point whereconsciousness can rise to greater realities, to greater mysteries.Zorba has to be<strong>com</strong>e the Buddha.Zorba is the seed <strong>of</strong> the Buddha.You are all born as Zorbas – liking the ordinary things <strong>of</strong> the world, carrying your buddha inside,ignoring it. But even if you realize the buddha, I will not deny the outside world. I am absolutelyscientific in the sense that whatever is true; it may be outer, it may be inner. <strong>The</strong> inner may be ahigher reality; the outer may be a lower reality. But as far as reality is concerned, there are tworealities: a reality which is perceived by the mind, and a reality which opens its doors to the no-mind.Now it is Anando time....Old Buffalo Grass, the ageing hippy, is bopping down the street puffing away on a couple <strong>of</strong> reefers.To his amazement, he finds himself standing in front <strong>of</strong> a barber shop.”Far out!” he says to himself, scratching his big beard. ”I haven’t had a haircut for thirty-two years.”So, in a cloud <strong>of</strong> smoke, he walks in, and sits down in the barber’s chair.”How much is a haircut?” asks Buffalo.<strong>Hyakujo</strong>: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Everest</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Zen</strong>, <strong>with</strong> Basho’s <strong>Haikus</strong> 106 Osho

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