Reptiles, Dinosaurs, Birds & Animal Locomotion and ... -

Reptiles, Dinosaurs, Birds & Animal Locomotion and ... - Reptiles, Dinosaurs, Birds & Animal Locomotion and ... -
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Phylum Chordata: Class Reptilia & Class Aves 18.2Lab #18 -- Biological Sciences 102 – Animal BiologyOrder Sphenodonta (sfen'o-don'tuh) (Gr. sphen, wedge, + odontos, tooth): tuatara(Rhynchocephalia). Primitive diapsid skull; vertebrae biconcave; quadrate immovable;parietal eye present; two extant species in the genus Sphenodon.Superorder Ichthyosauria (ik'thee-o-sor'ee-uh) (Gr. ichthys, fish, + sauros, lizard). Mesozoicmarine dolphin-shaped diapsids with reduced limbs. All extinct.Superorder Sauropterygia (sor-op-ter-ig'ee-uh) (Gr. sauros, lizard, + pteryginos, winged).Mesozoic marine reptiles. All extinct.Order Plesiosauria (plees' ee-o-sor' ee-uh) (Gr. plesios, near, + sauros, lizard). Long-neckedMesozoic marine reptiles with paddlelike limbs. All extinct.Superorder Archosauria (ark'uh-sor'ee-uh) (Gr. archon, ruling, + sauros, lizard). Advanceddiapsids, mostly terrestrial, but some specialized for flight; gizzard present.Order Crocodilia (crok'uh-dil'ee-uh) (1. crocodilus, crocodile): crocodilians. Skull elongateand massive; nares terminal; secondary palate present; four-chambered heart; vertebraeusually concave in front; forelimbs usually of five digits; hindlimbs of four digits; quadrateimmovable; advanced social behavior; 23 species.Order Pterosauria (ter'uh-sor' ee-uh) (Gr. pteron, winged, + sauros, lizard). Flying, Mesozoicarchosaurs with membranous wings; extensive radiation. All extinct.Order Saurischia (sor-ish'ee-uh) (Gr. sauros, lizard,+ ischion, hip). Mesozoic dinosaurs;bipedal carnivores and quadrupedal herbivores; primitive (reptilian) hip structure.All extinct.Suborder Sauropodomorpha (sor'uh-pod-uh-morf'uh) (Gr. sauros, lizard, + podos, foot, +morphe, form). Herbivorous saurischians including Mesozoic giants such asBrachiosaurus, Apatosaurus and Diplodocus.Suborder Theropoda (the-ro'po-duh) (Gr. ther; wild beast, + podos, foot). Carnivoroussaurischians including huge predators such as Tyrannosaurus and small, agilepredators such as Deinonychus and Velociraptor. Birds are descended from thislineage.Order Ornithischia (orn'uh-thish'ee-uh) (Gr. ornis, bird, + ischion, hip). Mesozoic dinosaurs;bipedal and quadrupedal herbivores such as Stegosaurus, Triceratops, andParasaurolophus; advanced (birdlike) hip structure. All extinct.Subclass Synapsida (sin-ap'si-duh) (Gr. syn, together, + apsis, arch). Amniotes having skullwith one pair of lateral temporal openings.Order Therapsida (ther-ap'-si-duh) (Gr. ther; wild beast, + apsis, arch): synapsids. Permianand Triassic synapsids with many mammal-like characteristics; carnivores andherbivores. Living mammals are descended from this lineage.

Phylum Chordata: Class Reptilia & Class Aves 18.3Lab #18 -- Biological Sciences 102 – Animal BiologyBird TaxonomyClass Aves (L. avis, bird)Subclass Archaeornithes (Gr. archaios, ancient, + ornis, bird). Birds of thelate Jurassic and early Cretaceous bearing many primitivecharacteristics. ArchaeopteryxSubclass Neornithes (Gr. neos, new, + ornis, bird). Extinct and livingbirds with well-developed sternum and usually with keel; tail reduced;metacarpals and some carpals fused together. Cretaceous to present.Over 30 different orders with about 9000 species (see end of lab).Class Aves and Major Bird Orders‣ Briefly describe some important characteristics of this Class of vertebrates.Lab practicum practice: list 10 different bird orders in the space below:(see the end of this lab)

Phylum Chordata: Class Reptilia & Class Aves 18.3Lab #18 -- Biological Sciences 102 – <strong>Animal</strong> BiologyBird TaxonomyClass Aves (L. avis, bird)Subclass Archaeornithes (Gr. archaios, ancient, + ornis, bird). <strong>Birds</strong> of thelate Jurassic <strong>and</strong> early Cretaceous bearing many primitivecharacteristics. ArchaeopteryxSubclass Neornithes (Gr. neos, new, + ornis, bird). Extinct <strong>and</strong> livingbirds with well-developed sternum <strong>and</strong> usually with keel; tail reduced;metacarpals <strong>and</strong> some carpals fused together. Cretaceous to present.Over 30 different orders with about 9000 species (see end of lab).Class Aves <strong>and</strong> Major Bird Orders‣ Briefly describe some important characteristics of this Class of vertebrates.Lab practicum practice: list 10 different bird orders in the space below:(see the end of this lab)

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