Contents - Yadavindra Public School, Patiala

Contents - Yadavindra Public School, Patiala

Contents - Yadavindra Public School, Patiala


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<strong>Contents</strong>06 The Foundation08 Aims and Objectives10 Campus11 Prep <strong>School</strong>12 Junior <strong>School</strong>13 Facilities18 Games and Sports25 Admission Information

YPS - Founder's Day 05On Founder's Day FEBRUARY, 1948We live in difficult times but difficulties perhaps come to test one's mettle. All of you who are studying are our future hopes. We want to lookup to you with pride because you have to shoulder the future responsibilities of our country. I am a great believer in the future greatness ofIndia and I wish you all to share this greatness happily.”H.H. MAHARAJADHIRAJ YADAVINDRA SINGHOur Founder :HIS HIGHNESSMAHARAJADHIRAJ YADAVINDRA SINGHMOHINDRA BAHADUR OF PATIALA(07.01.1913 - 17.06.1974)

06 YPS - The FoundationYPS - The Foundation 07<strong>Yadavindra</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>School</strong>The FoundationThe genesis of YPS, as a matter offact, lies in the Aitchison College,Lahore (the only <strong>Public</strong> <strong>School</strong> in Pre-Partition Punjab), and it plays a great rolein the making of our school.Aitchison was a college not for all, butonly for scions of princes, lords andaristocrats. His Highness the lateMaharajadhiraj <strong>Yadavindra</strong> Singh of<strong>Patiala</strong>, from whose august name thisschool derives its significance, was too astudent of this college and later a memberof its Board of Governors. He was againstrestrictions in admission of boys toAitchison College and had an idea ofopening a public school at <strong>Patiala</strong> whichwould be open to all, irrespective of caste,creed or colour. However, this ideasomehow could not be translated intoreality.August 1947 came, the time whichwitnessed the worst bloodshed of the era.The parents of the boys from <strong>Patiala</strong> andHis Highness' own contemporariesappealed to His Highness to give shape tohis old idea of starting a public school in<strong>Patiala</strong>. The generous, bountiful andbenign ruler of <strong>Patiala</strong>, who had alwaystaken keen interest in the education of theyouth of this country, promptly agreed.On 11th October, 1947, the late RaiBahadur Dhani Ram Kapila, one of the oldteachers of His Highness and theHeadmaster of Aitchison College, wasbrought to <strong>Patiala</strong> from Ludhiana undermilitary escort. On 12th October, a sixmember committee was appointed toexplore the possibilities of founding thepublic school in <strong>Patiala</strong>.On 30th October, 1947, the Maharaja of<strong>Patiala</strong>, members of the Committee anddepartmental heads visited the stadiumand Exhibition Grounds to select the sitefor the school and for a temporarybuilding for the boarding house. The<strong>Yadavindra</strong> Stadium was made availablefor classrooms and Bhupindra Kothi forthe boarding house.On 2nd February, 1948, the schoolstarted functioning with a meagrestrength of 21 students and 9 teachers,with Rai Bahadur Dhani Ram Kapila asthe Principal. The school was animprovement on Aitchison College inthat there was no social restriction onthe admission of students. Anyonewithout any prejudice to race, belief orfaith could join the school.In 1950, YPS attended the Indian <strong>Public</strong><strong>School</strong>s' Conference and was elected amember of the Conference. The sameyear some personal reasons led to RaiBahadur Dhani Ram Kapila relinquishinghis charge of the school Principal. On18th September, 1950, Lt. Col. Frank VonGoldstein took over as the secondPrincipal of the school. From a smallbeginning the school continued to growsteadily; and now it had more boys on therolls than there was room for, with stillmore clamouring for admission.In 1954, the school was made coeducational;with the number of studentsstill increasing, the school had to buildmore accommodation and increase thenumber of playing fields. The existingboarding house facilities were expandedand a third boarding house was opened in1953. In 1957, His Highness theMaharaja of <strong>Patiala</strong> placed Lal Bagh atour disposal. For playing fields, weleveled the areas between the boardinghouses and the stadium.Renovated, furbished and embellished,the school now presents an attractivelook. After facing difficulties with courageand confidence for over 60 years, YPShas now established itself as one of theleading public schools in the country.The school crest bears the motto,“VIDYA VINAY VEERTA”- Valour andHumility through Knowledge. The schoolpays a lot of attention to characterbuilding and sports activities as part ofeducation. Over the last 60 years, it hasgained a place for itself as one of thepremier schooling institutions in ourcountry.In 1973, the school celebrated its SilverJubilee. There were 550 students on rollwith 40 teachers on strength. At itsGolden Jubilee, in 1998, it had maintainedits growth, with over 1500 alumni and100 faculty members, while progressingtowards excellence in all fields ofeducation.

YPS - Academics 09he Aims <strong>School</strong> aims at and all-round Objectivesdevelopment of the boys andgirls-physical, emotional andTintellectual-with consciousness ofThe aim of the school is to impart an all-social obligations. Indian art, culture, round education, so as to equip themusic, dance and languages, yoga, students mentally, morally, physicallycomputer literacy form the hard core of and culturally to become worthy citizensa finished personality. 10 years of of free India and enable them togeneral education are followed by 2 zealously guard and retain its nobleyears of preparation, leading totraditions. The school tries to developEngineering, Medicine, Commerce and initiative and leadership. The schoolother Institutes of higher learning. aims at disciplined students, educatedin mind, body and spirit, and hencebest suited to serve their country, andbest-fitted to lead others by theirexample.Academicshe most quick and strong assertionTa school makes of its priorities is inthe form of the ever-so-importantstudies - unarguably, the most visibleface of an educational institution. Theschool has been maintaining itsimpeccable repute of being a seat ofhigh-learning and academic excellencethrough its remarkable results achievedin the ICSE and the ISC examination,year after year. The school, atpresent, boasts of an impressivestrength of a hundred facultymembers, all highly qualified andproficient in their job. To facilitate thisprocess of learning and provide theright and conducive atmosphere, theschool has large, airy and wellventilatedclassrooms, a well-stockedlibrary judiciously fitted with theinternet facility, well equipped sciencelaboratories and four computercentres with the lately - introducedsmart class facility having the state-ofthe-artinteractive board as one of itsmajor highlights. The school strives tokeep academics in the foremostechelons of its curriculum, even whileeffectively supplementing it with otherextra-curricular activities.

10 YPS - CampusYPS - The Prep <strong>School</strong> 11CampusThe <strong>Yadavindra</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>School</strong> is situated in<strong>Yadavindra</strong> Sports Stadium, one of themost beautiful buildings on the Mall. Thesurroundings are picturesque and ideal for aneducational institution. It is located three kmsfrom the <strong>Patiala</strong> Railway Station and the BusTerminus. The main teaching block is aprincely structure with a built-in stadium,providing a 400m track, a velodrome andmultipurpose facilities; it has extensiveplaygrounds, well-equipped laboratories, awell-stocked library, a music room and aComputer Centre. There is a swimming poolwith a filtration plant. Four Boarding Houses, a<strong>School</strong> Hospital and Staff Quarters on thecampus are architecturally beautiful. Thereare, at present, 1600 boys and girls on therolls. Of these, 200 are boarders. The schoolhas three Houses-Dhani Ram, Mohindra andPhulkian, besides a Holding house for juniorschool boys and a Girls' boarding house with adifferent setup. Each House has its owncommon room and dormitories. All childrendine in the Central Dining Hall. A most modernand beautiful Faculty Housing Complexhouses the staff.The Prep <strong>School</strong>In the Golden Jubilee year, 1998, the school came up with anindependent building for the Prep <strong>School</strong>. It is an attractive, spacious,modern and well-ventilated building. The facilities consist of six spaciousclassrooms, three activity areas for music, dance and art and threecabins for the office, staff and visitors.The building is surrounded by fenced playgrounds with adequateoutdoor play equipment exclusively for the prep children. The buildingoffers the tiny tots freedom and, at the same time, a sense of security.The main aim of our Prep <strong>School</strong> education is to lay the foundation forthe all-round development of the child. Our curriculum covers the fourdomains of development, viz:- Physical and Mental, Language andCommunication, Personal and Social Cognitive.

12 YPS - The Junior <strong>School</strong>YPS - Facilities 13The EnglishLanguageLaboratoryTheJunior<strong>School</strong>An independent building for the junior<strong>School</strong> came up in the year 1990. Thefacilities consist of 26 classrooms, 6multipurpose rooms in the basement, anopen-air auditorium and rooms for theoffices and the staff.Computer CentreComputer Education in YPS isconducted under the “ComputerLiteracy Programme”. There are separatelabs for the Junior and Senior <strong>School</strong>s. TheJunior <strong>School</strong> laboratory is equipped withMultimedia kits. All the computers havethe latest operating systems. This is todevelop the interest of children, thuspreparing them to face today's competitiveworld. The Computer Centre is increasinglyutilised not only to teach computer subject,but also for learning Mathematics andEnglish, which is more user-friendly.The school is also linked with Internetand E-mail facilities. Lately, the schoolhas introduced the new, advancedcomputer-aided education as a part ofits education programme, in which thestate-of-the-art interactive board willmake the process of learning far moreeasy and effectiveIn keeping with the changing times,YPS has set up a Language labequipped with modern learnercentered language software toimprove communication skills of thestudents.

14 YPS - FacilitiesYPS - Facilities 15StaffThe Staff consists of well qualified faculty and professionals, most of whomhave long experience of working in <strong>Public</strong> schools and as such are efficientand experienced to improve and maintain the standards of a good public school.Dining FacilitySenior <strong>School</strong> LibraryPrefects' BodyThe body assists the school administration in the day to day running of theschool and in organising various inter-house activities. The prefectorial systemalso inculcates qualities of character and discipline in the students and promotesleadership abilities.The school runs its own mess, for theboarders in particular, but the dayscholars, too, are served mealsduring the winter routine. It is managedby a committee on which the studentsalso have their representation. The mealsare served in the Central Dining Hall.The school provides five meals a daybreakfast,11 o'clock tea/cold drinks,Lunch, Afternoon tea/cold drinks andsupper. The mess caters for bothvegetarian and non-vegetarian meals.Menus are carefully designed toinclude a wide variety of healthy,sumptuous food to ensure a wellbalanced diet necessary for the growthof children.

16 YPS - Co-curricular ActivitiesYPS - Tours and Treks 17Co-curricular ActivitiesThe <strong>School</strong> ,keeping in with the true ethos of a public school ,offers all kinds of cocurricularactivities ranging from inter and intra school debates, quizzes anddramatics to other cultural activities like Mime competitions and dance. The<strong>School</strong> encourages and stimulates the interest of the students in the field by organisingand arranging workshops, seminars and visits by prominent artistes of the region andthe country, regularly.Tours & TreksThe most coveted activity during the year, for boys and girls from class VIonwards, is trekking. This adventure activity is an integral part of theschool curriculum and eagerly awaited by the senior school students everyyear. The aims and objectives of organizing this activity are to inculcate thespirit of adventure and comradeship, to instill self-confidence and an attitudeof self-reliance, to foster qualities of leadership and the love of nature, todevelop self-learning through observation, to promote learning through traveland recreation and enjoyment. On return from treks, honour cards are givento certain selected outstanding and deserving students every year. Thismeritorious recognition is given on the basis of helpful attitude, discipline,stamina, endurance, punctuality and co-operation with other students duringtreks.Tours to various parts of the country are regularly organized during thesummer and winter vacations. Apart from this, regular weekend campingtrips are also organized at various nearby spots in the Himalayas.From a modest beginning of a small number trudging across the Shivaliks in1961, treks/tours/camping in YPS has burgeoned to a major adventureactivity with over 800 students taking part in the same annually. Year afteryear, new areas in the country are explored by young boys and girls.

18 YPS - Games and SportsYPS - Hobbies 19Games and Sportsince its inception, YPS has been in the forefront in sporting activities among educational institutions in the region. These lay thefoundation for the development of an all-round personality, which is an invaluable asset in today's world. Games and SportsSteach us tolerance, team spirit, sportsmanship and patience. To achieve this aim, YPS has vast play fields for a large variety ofgames. These include Hockey, Soccer, Cricket, Tennis, Basketball, Shooting and Fencing. We have a well laid out cinder track forathletics in a flood-lit stadium, synthetic courts for tennis, cemented courts for basketball, an arena for horse riding, a swimming pooland a 10M Shooting range. In addition to these, there are five smaller grounds for junior boys and girls.Besides Inter-House competitions, the school is in the forefront in organizing All India IPSC Meets as well as participating in them.HobbiesYPS has always believed that every child has some talent, which just needs to be discovered and nurtured. So, the school,besides promoting the academic and sports' faculties of the child, endeavors to bring to fore and add that extra dimension toa child's personality by offering a wide variety of hobbies which include Cooking, Book-reading, Dramatics, Chess, Natureclub,Music, Dance and many others. The time well-spent during the hobbies period strives to give pleasure and knowledge inequal proportion to the children and kindle that spark in them which is the fore-runner of all creativity.

YPS - Facilities 21Round Square – Regional MemberCommitted, Responsible, Global Citizens.Round Square is a world-wide association of more than 80 schools on five continents sharing unique and ambitiousgoals. Students attending Round Square schools make a strong commitment, beyond academic excellence, topersonal development and responsibility.This is achieved by participating in community service, work projects, exchange programmes and adventuring,which can, and often does, take students half way around the world.R O U N DS Q U A R EInternational Awardfor Young People (IAYP)The International Award is an exciting self-development programme available to all14 to 25 year olds to encourage personal discovery, spirit of adventure, selfreliance,perseverance, self-fulfillment and service to the community.The programme is non-competitive and anyone with perseverance and enterprise,including the disabled, can earn an award. Young people choose activities that areappropriate to their environment and best suited to their own personal interests andtalents. For adults, the programme provides an opportunity to help by sharing theirindividual skills and experience with young people.The Award Programme addresses unplanned leisure time, (so easily misdirected), to beused in exciting and gainful ways. It provides holistic development and growth. Itpromises no material gain, but adds a ‘quality’ that is discernible to all. The 4 Sections(Physical Activity, Skill, Community Service, Adventure ), which appear so simple, arecarefully thought out: they add value and challenge the body, spirit, and mind. They alsoreflect adult choice of leisure activity.It teaches young people to persevere, enjoy leisure time and make a real difference totheir community The Award is offered at three levels viz, Bronze, Silver and Gold.ExchangeProgramso bridge divides between culture,customs and traditions betweenTvarious countries in this fastchanging world and makecommunication more rapid and frequent,the concept of exchange programme istaken up by the school. International tripsand tours are planned and organized togive students an opportunity toparticipate in workshops on music,drama and sports. A continuous Global<strong>School</strong> Programme with London,Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Austriaand regular exchanges with AitchisonCollege, Lahore, are an integral part ofthe school curriculum. The <strong>School</strong> is amember of UKIERI and sends studentsand staff in various exchangeprogrammes with UK cluster schools.

22 YPS - CampusYPS - Facilities 23Students' Tuck ShopThere is a Students' Tuck Shop on thepremises, supplying articles of daily use,such as toiletry items and ready madeitems of clothing, besides running acanteen for the students.<strong>School</strong> DispensaryThe <strong>School</strong> runs its own dispensarymanned by a full-time Nursing Sister anda Compounder. A doctor visits thehospital once a day. Serious cases arereferred to Rajindra Hospital andMedical College. Check up by dentaland eye specialists is also frequentlyarranged for the students.EnvironmentalSocietyKeeping in mind, the need of thetimes, our senior students havebeen actively participatingin an Environment Awarenesscampaign. The school is proud ofthe its Environment Club. The members not only write about the issue but have put upstreet plays and green marches to spread the message of Environment Conservation.AYOSAThe <strong>School</strong> has an active Old students'organization. Members include erstwhilestudents of Aitchison College, Lahore,beside the old student of the school.Students can opt for life membership onleaving school. The Association holdsregular get-togethers on its foundationday, the 2nd of February. The schoolduly invites the Silver and the GoldenJubilee batches of old students everyyear on the occasion of the schoolAnnual Sports day as a continuation ofthe re-union initiative introduced by theschool in 2008.<strong>School</strong> Magazineand NewsletterThe <strong>School</strong> brings out a monthlynewsletter, the YPS Times, on a regularbasis. The school magazine, TheYadavindrian, is published every year.The House SystemEvery student at YPS belongs to aHouse and it is central to his/her lifeat school. We believe that every individualshould have the opportunity to flourish ina safe, secure and happy environment, sothat, whilst making the transition toadulthood, boys and girls can takeadvantage of the wealth of opportunitieson offer here at YPS.The pastoral care provided is designed todo this in a friendly atmosphere,encouraging the students to beresponsible, courteous, tolerant andsupportive of others and to prosper underthe supervision of a team of experiencedstaff consisting of Housemaster/Housemistress, Assistant Housemasterand a team of tutors. Every studenttherefore has access to adults within theHouse (in addition to the Counseling and<strong>School</strong> Medical services) to whom he/shecan turn for support and advice wheneverrequired.The students, boarders as well dayscholars, are divided into three Housesnamely Mohindra House, Dhani RamHouse, and Phulkian House. There are threeBoarding Houses for senior boys and one forgirls students and the Holding house forjunior boys. Each House has dormitories,which provide common living for all.A resident House Matron looks after theboarders' hygiene, clothing and otherrequirements in each house while the HouseMaster and his/her assistant look after theadministrative matters, discipline and closelymonitor the overall progress of each child inthe House.A tutor also interacts with a group of childrenunder his/her care and observes theirparticipation in various activities of the schooland takes note of their academic progress.Students are associated with the running ofthe House by their appointments as HouseCaptains and PrefectsStudents are encouraged to indulge inhealthy competition, take pride in doing theirown work and grow into mature, independentand self confident individuals. Boarders followa time-tabled routine, beginning with morningPT, followed by normal school, evening gamesand supervised prep/study hours.

24 YPS - Admission InformationYPS - Admission Information 25PRE-ADMISSION INFORMATION1. <strong>Yadavindra</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>School</strong> is a member of the Indian <strong>Public</strong> <strong>School</strong>s' Conference. It is an English medium co-educational residentialschool.2. The school prepares students for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (Class X) and the Indian <strong>School</strong> Certificate (Class XII)Examinations, conducted by the Council for the Indian <strong>School</strong> Certificate Examinations, New Delhi, which is successor to the LocalExaminations Syndicate of the Cambridge University (UK).3. PRIOR REGISTRATION IS AN ESSENTIAL CONDITION FOR ADMISSION and the children can be registered for any academic yearas per the choice of parents. THE REGISTRATION FOR ADMISSION TO CLASS PREP 1 AND CLASS I CLOSES ON15TH NOVEMBER, FOR EACH YEAR.4 Registration for classes IV and above is open ONLY for BOARDERS.5. (a) Children registered for admission are called for pre-admission assessment as per school rules.(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)Registration is valid only for the year and class for which it is made.Pre-admission for Prep I & Class I are conducted in the first week of December, every year.Those who do not qualify or are absent for the pre-admission process will forfeit the registration.The list of the students selected for admission is put up on the <strong>School</strong> Notice Board after two days of the conduct of thePre-Admission process.Pre-admission process the other classes (III to IX) will take place in the first week of January. Admission will be offered onlyagainst vacancy. The candidate will be allowed to join the Pre-admission process only if the Registration Fee is paid.No change from Boarder to Day Scholar status will be permitted under any circumstances. A parent wishing to make suchchange will have to withdraw the child and seek re-admission6. The norm of class-age relationship is given below:-Prep I 3 ½ to 4 ½ years Class I 5 ½ years Class VI 10 ½ years(Age is calculated as on 31st March of the year of admission)7. Students for class I are admitted as Day scholars; class IV onwards can be admitted ONLY as BOARDERS. The school providesBoarding House facilities for girls as well.

26 YPS - Admission InformationYPS - Admission Information 278. Entry into classes other than Prep I & Class I is considered only against withdrawals and dropouts. No admissions are made in Class Xor Class XII.. For admission in Class XI, see details given below.9. Parents are advised not to withdraw children from the schools they are presently studying in, as mere registration is no guarantee ofadmission.10. Registration fee of Rs. 2000/- is non-refundable and valid only for the academic session for which the candidate is registered.ADMISSION TO CLASS XI1. Registration for Provisional Admission to Class XI (Science, Commerce & Humanities) is open for Boarders. Classes for XI commencethstfrom 15 April. Forms may be handed in to the Vice Principal by 31 March of the year of admission.2. Provisional Admission will be based on marks scored in the Pre-board / Preliminary Examinations. A copy of the Result card must beattached with the Application Form.3. (a) All applicants from other schools must appear for the Test before being considered for Provisional Admission.(b) Written test will be held in the following subjects :English, Science & Maths — for Science StreamEnglish & Maths — for Commerce StreamEnglish, History & Geography — for Humanities4. The following are the marks criteria for admission to various streams :(a) Average of 75% in English, Science (Phy-Chem-Bio), Maths & Computer Science (if opted for in Class X) and an aggregate of 75%for Science Stream.(b)Average of 70% in English, Mathematics & Computer Science/Economics/Commerce (whichever opted for in Class X) and anaggregate of 70% for Commerce Stream.( c) Average of 65% in English, History, Civics & Geography (HCG), Art/Computer Science/Economics/Commerce (whichever optedfor in Class X) and an aggregate of 60% for Humanities.5. Admission to all streams will be confirmed only after receipt of the Result Card of Class X (ICSE or CBSE) Final Examinations.6. The Result Card must be submitted to the <strong>School</strong> within one week of the declaration of the Board Examination Results.7. The number of seats on offer will depend on availability of vacancies.ADMISSIONIf admission is offered after the test and interview, you will be required :(i) to pay fees for January onwards on half yearly or yearly basis (more details withadmission letter), along with dues payable at the time of fresh admission, within aweek, failing which the offer of admission will stand cancelled.(ii) to produce the Transfer certificate from his/her previous school.(iii) to produce Date of birth certificate issued by the Registrar, Births and Deaths.SCHOLARSHIPSThe following scholarship schemes are in operation:-(a) The Indian <strong>Public</strong> <strong>School</strong>s' Scholarship (The <strong>School</strong> is a donor and recipient of suchscholars)(b) The Nalagarh Scholarship for cases of hardship.(c) The above are available from classes VI to XII.(d) Two scholarships have been instituted to provide free education (with all expenses,including boarding and lodging, paid), upto Class XII (10+2) to the children of theKargil heroes, who have been nominated by the Army Headquarters.(e) The <strong>School</strong>, recently, to promote the cause, has introduced a scholarship for theGirl Child, too.

YPS - Admission Information 29DRESS CODEA. Recommended to be ordered with the <strong>School</strong> Tailor/ CanteenSUMMER UNIFORMRecommended QuantityDay Scholar Boarder1. White Shirts (for boys of all classes) Cotton or Terrycot 4 82. White Blouses (for girls of all classes) Cotton or Terrycot 4 83. Grey Shorts (Classes I to V) JCT Desire (Shade 91) 4 44. Grey Trousers (Classes VI to XII) JCT Desire (Shade 91) 4 45. Grey Skirts (for girls of all classes) JCT Desire (Shade 91) 4 46. Grey Under turbans (Classes I to V) 4 67. Grey Turbans (Classes VI to XII) 2 38. Skyblue Under turbans (Classes VI to XII) (To be worn under the turban) 3 39. Grey socks (for boys and girls of all classes) 4 pairs 4 pairs10. a) Black shoes, with laces (for boys) (BATA) Jr. <strong>School</strong> - Naughty Boy 1 pair 1 pair(BATA) Sr. <strong>School</strong> - Super Stride 1 pair 1 pairb) Black shoes, with straps (for girls) (BATA) Ballerina 1 pair 1 pair11. Belt with <strong>School</strong> Monogram 1 1WINTER UNIFORM1. White Shirts (for boys of all classes) Cotton or Terrycot 4 82. White Blouses (for girls of all classes) Cotton or Terrycot 4 83. Grey Woollen Shorts (Classes I to V) Worsted Terrywool 2 24. Grey Woollen Trousers (Classes VI to XII) Worsted Terrywool 2 2

30 YPS - Admission InformationYPS - Admission Information 315. Grey Woollen Skirts (for girls of all classes) Worsted Terrywool 226. Maroon Under turbans (for classes I to V) 4 67. Maroon Turbans (for classes VI to XII) 3 38. Skyblue Under turbans (To be worn under the turban) 3 39. Sweater (with/without sleeves) Grey wool with maroon and Yellow border 1 110. Maroon Blazer with <strong>School</strong> Crest Pocket (Patch Pocket, Single breasted, brass buttons 1 1no side or back slits) – OCM Basic plus Safire11. Grey socks (for classes VI to XII) 4 pairs 4 pairs12. Grey Woollen Stockings (for all girls and boys of classes I to V) 2 pairs 2 pairs13. a) Black shoes, with laces (for boys) (BATA) Jr. <strong>School</strong> - Naughty Boy 1 pair 1 pair(BATA) Sr. <strong>School</strong> - Super Stride 1 pair 1 pairb) Black shoes, with straps (for girls) (BATA) Ballerina 1 pair 1 pair14. <strong>School</strong> Belt with <strong>School</strong> Monogram 1 115. <strong>School</strong> Tie (Available with school canteen) 1 1NOTE: SCHOOL UNIFORM OTHER THAN SPECIFIED WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.SPORTS KIT1. Sports Shirts (House Colour) 42. Shorts (Black) 4 pairs3. Underturbans (White) 44. Socks (White) 2 pairs5. Trousers (White) - for Circket only 1 pair6. Stockings (House Colour) 2 pairs7. Tracksuit 18. Sports Shoes 1 pair9. Swimming Trunks/Swimming Suit 1NOTE: Items 1, 2, 4 shall be made available under school managementOTHER ACCESSORIES (ONLY FOR BOARDERS)UNDER CLOTHES AND INDOOR WEAR1. Underwears 122. Cotton Vests 123. Night Suits 3 pairs4. Towels 35. Handkerchiefs 66. Dressing Gown 1 Under school arrangements.7. Bedroom Slippers 1 PairTOILET ARTICLES ETC.1. Bathing Soap2. Washing Soap3. Tooth Paste4. Tooth Brush5. Hair Oil6. Black Polish7. Polish Brush8. Soap Dish9. Plastic Mug10. Hair Comb and Brush (for long hair)11. Nycil Powder (required during summers)12. Cold Cream13. <strong>School</strong> Bag14. Nail CutterNOTE :BEDDING1. Bed Sheets (White) 42. Pillow Covers (White) 43. Pillow 14. Quilt 15. Blanket 16. Mattress 17. Attache Case 18. Umbrella/Rain Coat 11. These items of clothing must have woven name-tags stitched to themproperly.2. Children are not allowed to wear long-sleeve shirts except when blazersare worn. It is therefore advisable to clothe them with half-sleeve shirtsthroughout the year.3. Parents who wish to order the clothes with the <strong>School</strong> tailor are advisedto do so at least one month before the term starts. the blazer, shorts,shirts, sweater, tie and belt are recommended to be ordered with the<strong>School</strong> tailor/canteen. However, parents who wish to get these itemsfrom outside are at liberty to do so, provided the cloth and shade isexactly as prescribed. Parents may order the remaining clothes privately.

32 YPS - Information InformationYPS - Admission Information 33VISITING HOURSParents may visit their wards residing inthe Boarding House with the priorpermission of the Housemasterconcerned. Only two visits are permittedper month, which include taking the ward onan out pass for a local visit.Visiting hours -(only on Sundays and holidays.)9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m(Summer and Winter) and5.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. (Summer) and4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. (Winter),Hospital visiting hours are -5.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. in Summer and4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. in Winter.INTERVIEWSLEAVE RULESPrior application is a must before leave isavailed of. In case a student is absent fora period of seven days continuously,without any application having beensubmitted or prior permission availed of fromthe Principal/Vice Principal/Head of theJunior <strong>School</strong>, his/her name will beautomatically struck off the rolls. A studentmissing school without availing priorpermission to proceed on leave, will bemarked absent for the day. Such absenteeswill incur a fine of Rs. 10.00 (Rupees ten) perday of absence, for the Middle <strong>School</strong> andRs. 20.00 (Rupees twenty) for classes XI andXII.Students residing in the Boarding House willobserve the following Leave Rules:a) Only 2 'Nights Out' will be permitted in amonth, of which one can be clubbed withnd2 Saturday/week end.b) Visitors may meet their wards on Sundayand holidays during visiting hours.c) One 'Day Out' per month will beGUARDIANSPrules.arents may, if they wish, appoint a localguardian for their wards, who may visitthem and take them out on leave as perHowever, it is not a necessity, and studentsresiding in the Boarding House need notnecessarily go out on leave.PERSONALEFFECTSStudent are not allowed to keep largesums of money (in excess of Rs. 50) withthem; any such amounts must bedeposited with the Housemaster concerned.Students are also not allowed to keep anyvaluables with them. In case of loss of anysuch item, the school will bear noresponsibility under any circumstances.Carrying or keeping of any Lethal articles isnot permitted.Parents may meet the Principal/Vice Principal/Bursar/Head of Junior <strong>School</strong> in their offices between 12.00 noon to 1.30 p.m. on anyworking day by prior appointment. Parents of students residing in the Boarding House must first meet the Housemaster concerned.FEE (Separate Sheet attached)Following is the summary of FEE related formalitiesFEE related Formalities1. All amounts pertaining to fees shall be deposited with State Bank of <strong>Patiala</strong> (YPS Branch), <strong>Patiala</strong>. OUTSTATION PARENTS CANREMIT PAYMENT THROUGH BANK DRAFT/BANK TRANSFER FAVOURING PRINCIPAL, YPS PATIALA, PAYABLE ON ANYBANK AT PATIALA. Out station cheques are not acceptable for Payment of fees.2. Boarders are required to pay fees on six monthly basis (First term by 31st January and second by 7th July) every year. The Dayscholars may, however, pay their fees on monthly basis in advance by 7th day of each month.3. Late Fee Fine shall be charged after the due date. Names of children who are in debit on the last day of the month shall be struck offrolls. Such students shall have to seek re-admission after payment of re-admission charges alongwith fees and the fine due.4. Caution money refund/lapse: Caution Money refund must be claimed within three months of the child leaving the school or it willlapse.5. Withdrawal Notice: Notice of withdrawal must be given one month in advance. Failure to do so will entail the payment of one month'sfees in lieu of notice.6. No change from Boarder to Day Scholar status will be permitted under any circumstances. A parent wishing to make such changewill have to withdraw the child and seek re-admission.THE FEES ARE SUBJECT TO PERIODIC REVISION AS PER THE DIRECTION OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS, YPS, PATIALA.ALL STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO ADHERE TO "SCHOOL CODE OF CONDUCT"

SCHOOL TERMSAmritsarFirst TermJanuary to MarchSecond TermApril to MayNabhaG.T. RoadThird TermJuly to SeptemberSirhind RoadN.DelhiFourth TermOctober to DecemberBathindaMid Term BreaksLong Breaks7 days Spring break (utilized forTreks and Tours), 4 days inOctober, 4 days Diwali BreakJune – July (Summer Vacation)December - January(Winter Vacation)Thikri wala ChowkFountainChowkSheranWala GateBusStandRailwayStationN.DelhiChandigarhCONTACTY.P.S.SportsGroundPrincipal0175-2217631, 2215634 (O)0175-2213691 (R)Govt. Girls CollegeVice Principal0175-2212230 (O)BursarJunior <strong>School</strong>Fax No.Website0175-2213060 (O), 2217632 (R)0175-2225013 (O)0175-2213060www.ypspatiala.inDistance From <strong>School</strong>Nearest AirportNearest Railway Station :Nearest Bus-Stand :Chandigarh 70 kms.<strong>Patiala</strong> 4 kms.<strong>Patiala</strong> 4 kms.e-mailyps_pat@dataone.in

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