Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy


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TailgatingTailgating (normally defined as a picnic or food served from the tailgate of a vehicle) or any similar activity thatcould be referred to as a “tailgating” activity before or after sporting or social events is not allowed on <strong>Academy</strong>property or during school hours.Field Trips/Overnight TravelThe <strong>Academy</strong> acknowledges that travel can be an enriching and exciting part of any program. Therefore, theHeadmaster/designee has the authority to approve overnight or day field trips that are planned for educational,extra-curricular or athletic purposes. Any field trip sanctioned by <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> must meet the following criteria:1. The trip should be of some educational value.2. The trip should pose no risk to the health and safety of students and staff.<strong>Student</strong> attendance on sanctioned field trips is a privilege. All school policies apply to students while on field trips.As such, the <strong>Academy</strong> reserves the right to exclude students from field trips if their behavior at school is questionable.While participating in the field trip and subsequent activities, students are expected to adhere to the same <strong>Academy</strong>rules that they follow when regular class is in session, as stated in the student planner. Athletes participatingon an athletic field trip must also comply with rules as stated in the athletic handbooks and with <strong>Pinkerton</strong>’s AthleticCode of Conduct. An advisor may inform students that there may be additional rules specific to a student organization,which will also be in effect. <strong>Student</strong>s under suspension are ineligible to participate on field trips. <strong>Student</strong>s foundparticipating in acts of gross misconduct including, but not limited to, possession/use of drugs or alcohol, vandalism,theft, violence, and/or sexual misconduct will be returned home at the expense of their parents. <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>also reserves the right to pursue financial compensation from students or parents for damages that occur. Everyoneinvolved in a trip must be aware that <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> will be held financially responsible for any damage, theft, orother liabilities that a student, team, or group may incur on a field trip. The <strong>Academy</strong> will make every effort to recoverthe cost of these damages from the individual(s) involved. All travel by students enrolled at <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> mustbe approved by the Headmaster/designee by completing the “<strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> Trip Request Form” and in accordancewith the <strong>Academy</strong>’s transportation policy. Common sense and good judgment are expected of all students.<strong>Student</strong>s should show proper regard for others and the property of others. In addition, students who participate inschool-sponsored field trips must comply with the following rules:<strong>Student</strong> Responsibilities:1. Permit the inspection of all luggage and carry-on items by <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> personnel prior to departure.2. No smoking at any time — during the transit nor while at the venue of the destination site.3. Possession/use of drugs or alcohol are prohibited. Note: violations of this rule may result in a student returninghome at the parent’s expense.4. Follow the schedule, be on-time, and attend events as directed by the advisor/chaperone. If additional regulationsare mandated as a result of the organization sponsoring the travel, i.e., state organization, these rules/regulationswill be provided and students will be expected to adhere to them.5. Stay within the area defined as the “venue” for the event as outlined by the advisor/chaperone.6. Immediately report to the advisor/chaperone any bullying or harassment observed.7. Immediately report to the advisor/chaperone damage to the bus, motel property, or theft of personal property.8. Overnight Room Accommodations:(a) At no time should male and female students be in the overnight room at the same time. (b) <strong>Student</strong>sare responsible for the cleanliness of the room and will be held responsible for any damages.(c) <strong>Student</strong>s must be in their assigned rooms after curfew and will immediately inform the advisor or chaperoneof any problems.(d) <strong>Student</strong>s are not to leave their rooms after room-check for any reason, and noise should be kept at a reasonablevolume.9. Health and Medical:(a) The handling of prescriptions and administration of same will be handled in a manner consistent with protocolsestablished by the <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> Health Office.(b) Prescriptions will be held by the advisor/chaperone. <strong>Student</strong>s may carry test kits, as with diabetics, etc.39

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