Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy


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The most obvious form of plagiarism is copying someone else’s work almost word for word, but it is also dishonestto paraphrase or summarize another’s ideas without documenting them. Documenting material is not only a matterof honesty, but also a matter of common sense (and legality). --<strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> Guide to Preparing the ResearchPaper and the MLA Citation Guide.Ultimately, to plagiarize is to give the impression that the student has written, thought or discovered somethingthat he or she has in fact borrowed/stolen from someone else without acknowledging this in an appropriate manner.Plagiarism is a form of cheating.It is acceptable to: use general or common knowledge (such as Abraham Lincoln was assassinated) withoutacknowledging the source of information.-draw general conclusions that anyone could reach (Spring tends to be muddy in New Hampshire).-use ideas openly discussed in class.-follow up your reading of a text by using a reading guide, such as Cliff Notes or Spark Notes -to augment yourunderstanding.-work collaboratively on an assigned group project.-receive help from a tutor or teacher.-work cooperatively with another student on homework, and submit separate and different products.It is not acceptable to:-copy, paraphrase, or summarize words or ideas without giving credit to the original source/creator (this includesindividual sentences, pictures, quotes, data).-submit all or part of someone else’s paper or other assignment (including those from the Internet) with orwithout modifications (this includes homework, art work, translations, labs, music, programs) and present it asyour own.-use another’s ideas or expressions (whether they be from published source, parent, sibling, friend, etc.), pretendingthat they are yours (this includes completing collaborative work on independent assignments).-use, supply, or communicate in any way unauthorized materials (including textbooks, notes, calculators,computers or other unauthorized technology) during an exam, project, or assignment unless approved by theteacher.-use technology for illicit purposes and/or unauthorized communication between students for the purpose ofgaining academic advantage.-agree to assist a student in committing any act of academic dishonesty.use Spark Notes, Cliff Notes, reading guides, or video/DVD as a substitute for actual reading of an assignedtext.-gain unauthorized access to exams/answers, altering computer records, or forging signatures for the purposeof academic advantage.-falsify research or results.-copy games, music or software.This list is not intended to be comprehensive.<strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> Diploma Options/GraduationThe diploma is a document verifying that the student has earned sufficient academic secondary school credits tomeet the New Hampshire State Department of Education and <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> requirements, and that the studenthas successfully completed an approved four-year course of study at <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>.Traditional DiplomaThe traditional diploma is available to any student attending <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> if that student has obtained a minimum oftwenty-two academic credits and has met the requirements as outlined in the State Minimum Standards. (See <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>Course Catalog.)Any student who has earned a traditional diploma is not eligible to return to the <strong>Academy</strong> for additional coursework.Individualized DiplomaThe individualized diploma will be awarded to any student attending <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> who has successfully completedan individualized program not leading to a traditional diploma. <strong>Student</strong>s have the opportunity to access classes on a modified29

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