Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy


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eturn to school. (A copy of that letter will be sent to the Health Office and student’s Attendance Office.) The student willnot be allowed to return to school without clearance from a qualified counselor or medical professional acceptable to theschool. The referring counselor will contact the student’s first period teacher and administrator if the letter is not returned.<strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> reserves the right to refuse readmission if the student presents a risk of harm to themselves or others,if the student refuses to comply with their recommended psychological treatment plan, or if readmission requiresunreasonable accommodations by <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>.F. Crisis Policy will be followed even if a student is 18 years of age.GradingA. To be credited with a satisfactory grade, a student must complete the course requirements in a satisfactory manner,and must be in compliance with the attendance policy. A student who does not do so will receive a failing grade and nocredit for the course. Report cards are distributed to students at the end of each marking period (approximately 9 weeks).Grades on the report cards are numerical, and they represent the following levels of performance:90 - 100 = Excellent80 - 89 = Above Average70 - 79 = Satisfactory65 - 69 = Unsatisfactory, but passing0 - 64 = FailingA student’s numerical average is determined by considering each quarter grade and the mid-year/final exam a certainpercentage of the overall course grade. In a full-year course, each quarter equals 20% of the course grade, and mid-yearand final exams 10% each. In a one-semester (half-year) course, each quarter equals 45% and the final exam equals10% of the course grade.B. Any questions regarding a student’s grades, assignments, or academic performance should first be addressedto the classroom teacher. If the student/parent is not satisfied, the issue can be appealed to the department chair, andsubsequently to the Dean of Faculty. If still not satisfied, the student/parent may submit the concern and request to theDean of <strong>Student</strong>s in writing. The Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s will review the case, decide if further investigation/action is appropriate,and pass final judgment.C. Any students who, one week prior to the start of final exams, have an overall average of at least 90 in a full-yearcourse are exempt from taking the final exam in said course, and may accept their respective course averages in placeof the exam grades if they so choose.D. Weighted Grades Policy: (See Course Catalog.)Plagiarism, Academic Honesty and IntegrityIn its attempt to promote student excellence, <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> expects students to conduct themselves with honestyand integrity. To best benefit from their school experience, students must take control of their own learning bycompleting their own work. Sometimes this learning occurs in the form of assignments for which students are expectedto work independently, or in other instances, cooperatively. Independent and collaborative thinking, and the appropriateuse of each, are essential, life-long skills. Indeed, it is important that students practice ethical behavior now in preparationfor a world in which cheating and plagiarism have calamitous and even criminal consequences.In accordance with real life consequences, cheating, forgery, and/or plagiarism on any assignment will result in agrade of 0% on that assignment. For cheating, forgery, and or/plagiarism on any major lesson or term project, the studentwill receive 0% on that assignment, and the teacher(s) may choose to use the appropriate report card comment,“Dishonesty has lowered grade”. A departmental letter documenting the situation will be sent to the parent/guardian anda copy of it will be placed in the student’s permanent record. A detention or administrative referral is up to the discretionof the teacher and will correlate to the seriousness of the infraction, the importance of the assignment, and the numberof times the student has demonstrated academic dishonesty. Repeat occurrences of this offense will result in administrativeaction.Plagiarism: Plagiarism is using someone else’s words or ideas and presenting them as your own. Many studentsdo not understand that the source must be acknowledged (the original writer/thinker must receive credit) not only fordirect quotations and paraphrases, but also for facts and summaries of information, unless they are general knowledge.28

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