Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy


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lot who use their vehicle or allow another to use their vehicle to go off campus risk having their parking permits revokedfor the remainder of the school year. Any student who leaves the campus during school hours and engages in smoking,fighting, or committing an offense that would be punishable by suspension if it were done on campus, will be punished forthat offense as well as for being off campus.MisrepresentationForging, altering, or misusing a pass, permit, note, ID card, ticket or any other official school document shall be considereda violation of school policy. Any student who engages in this or any other deliberate deceptions or fraudulent activitieswill receive a minimum of five detentions and may be subject to suspension, depending on the nature of the infraction.PassesThe <strong>Academy</strong> operates on a system of corridor passes. Except for between classes, when students are passing, allstudents in the corridors or bathrooms must have an official school pass from a staff member authorizing their presence.<strong>Student</strong>s who are in the hallways or outside the buildings without a pass are subject to detention. This applies to studentswho leave the cafeteria, locker rooms, library, etc., before the bell.BathroomsBoys’ and girls’ bathrooms are not social centers. If students are repeatedly found to be loitering in these areas, theywill be subject to disciplinary action, usually in the form of a detention or detentions. Passes to bathrooms during classeswill be issued at the reasonable discretion of each teacher. Cell phone usage in bathrooms is strictly prohibited.Cell Phones/Electronic DevicesThe following are considered electronic devices: cell phones, tablets, IPods or similar music devices, electronic readingdevices, personal computers. <strong>Student</strong>s are allowed to use their electronic devices at any time during the schoolday with the following conditions:• <strong>Student</strong>s must turn off all electronic devices before entering any classroom and keep the devices off, unlessotherwise instructed by the classroom teacher.• <strong>Student</strong>s using headphones or similar devices must use only one ear piece.• Headphones that cover the entire ear are not permitted for use during the school day.• Electronic device usage is not allowed during any emergency situation.At no time should students use or have electronic devices turned on in classrooms, auditoriums, labs, thewriting center, lecture halls, the field house or locker rooms without teacher approval. <strong>Student</strong>s should not bemaking calls, texting, checking for messages or time during classroom time. The use of any electronic deviceto take pictures or videos is prohibited unless pre-approved by the administration. <strong>Student</strong>s may, with teacherpermission, use their electronic devices in the classroom for academic purposes only. Any misuse of an electronic deviceduring class time will be considered a violation and will be referred to the administration for disciplinary consequences.No electronic device or cell phone usage for calls or texting is allowed in the library at any time, including before orafter school. <strong>Student</strong>s who use or whose electronic devices or cell phones ring in non-designated areas will be subject toadministrative discipline. Electronic music devices may be used during study halls.<strong>Student</strong>s may not use camera phones, or any other portable recording devices, that in any way violates this policy, orany of the school’s other policies. The wearing or usage of Google glasses or similar devices is prohibited at all times on<strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> property. This would be deemed an invasion of privacy and a violation of law. Further, such devicesmust not be used to record, transmit or make a digital image of anyone who does not know they are the subject of suchactivity or who objects to being subject to such activity. This provision includes a prohibition from using camera phones inany restroom, locker room or other private place.<strong>Student</strong>s in violation of the electronic device policy will have their electronic devices confiscated by the administrationon the fifth reported violation and returned to the parent/guardian. Any violation of these guidelines will be grounds fordisciplinary action, up to and including expulsion, as set forth in the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Planner</strong>.Recording Devices<strong>Student</strong>s are prohibited from bringing any electronic listening or recording device into a classroom, lab or cafeteria without20

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