Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy


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student is prohibited on <strong>Pinkerton</strong> property at all times. Normal penalties are:1st violation — 3-day suspension from school.2nd violation — 5-day suspension from school.3rd violation — 10-day suspension from school.4th violation — minimum 10-day suspension; possible expulsion.A cooperative effort among <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> administrators and law enforcement officials will be made to enforcethese laws and regulations. Any student suspended for a tobacco violation will be referred to the school’s <strong>Student</strong> SupportCounselor.ArsonAny student that engages in the act of starting, or attempting to start a fire anywhere on school property will receive amandatory 10-day external suspension from school and be subject to police report, arrest and criminal conviction. In addition,student will be referred to the Headmaster for further disciplinary action.TheftAny student who steals, who is in possession of stolen property, or who in any way is a party to the theft of propertyor services belonging to <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>, a member of the student body, or a member of the staff, will be suspendedfrom school for a minimum of 3 days. Before said student is allowed to return to school, full restitution must be made tothe owner, or suitable arrangements must be agreed to by all parties regarding return, replacement, or compensation. Anyincident of theft will be reported to the Derry Police Department.Theft is an all-too-common occurrence in our society today. With that in mind, parents and students are reminded that<strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> is not responsible for any articles that are lost or stolen at school. <strong>Student</strong>s are encouraged tomake use of school-issued locks and lockers to secure their valuables. <strong>Student</strong>s should take care not to leave their wallets,purses, electronic devices, and other belongings where others may steal them. Finally, parents should discourage studentsfrom bringing unnecessary valuable items such as music players, cell phones or large sums of money to school. Any unauthorizedentry is prohibited and violators will be subject to disciplinary action, including possible suspension from school.VandalismAny student involved in any type of or vandalism on, or involving, school property -including graffiti- will be suspendedfor a minimum of 3 days, and will not be allowed to return to school until full restitution, alternative compensation, or satisfactoryalternative arrangements are made with the <strong>Academy</strong>. An incident of vandalism that involves an estimated value of$50 or more will be reported to the Derry Police Department. Of particular note, vandalism to computer software, computerhardware, files, and operating systems is included in this policy. Depending on the nature and the extent of the vandalism,the <strong>Academy</strong> reserves the right to apply long-term suspensions and possible expulsion.FightingFighting is prohibited on school property and adjacent areas, at off-campus <strong>Pinkerton</strong> activities and events,and areas that relate to school bus transportation for <strong>Pinkerton</strong> students. This rule may also apply to students whoare on their way to or from campus if the incident presents a possible disruption to the operation of the school. Any studentinvolved in a fight or the provocation leading to a fight will receive a minimum suspension of 5 days. Any student who refusesto stop when instructed to do so by school personnel will be subject to a minimum 10-day suspension and possibleexpulsion. Repeat offenders will receive a minimum suspension of 10 days, and may be required to meet with the Headmaster.A fight is considered to be a physical conflict caused by aggression. Fighting includes the throwing of punches,spitting at or on someone, or a serious physical struggle during which punches may not be thrown. Any fight which rises tothe level of a simple assault under RSA 631:2-a, may be reported to law enforcement officials.<strong>Student</strong>s are expected to avoid fighting at all times. When faced with the possibility of a fight, students:1. May use a reasonable attempt to prevent harm to oneself and may attempt to restrain the attacker. Careful considerationneeds to be made when defending oneself. Any retaliatory actions such as, but not limited to, hitting,punching, striking or kicking, may be considered a mutual fight.2. Should leave the area quickly and report directly to the nearest classroom or office.3. Should report the confrontation to any adult.18

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