Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy


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administration, but teachers may keep students after school for disciplinary reasons, provided 24-hour notice is givenfor the student to arrange transportation. Detentions are assigned as a deterrent to students who are in violation ofschool rules. Depending on the nature of the infraction, the number of detentions assigned may vary.Any student who misses an assigned administrative detention without administrative approval will receive a warningon the 1st offense; an additional detention on the 2nd offense; an additional detention on the 3rd offense, a Saturdaydetention on the 4th offense, and a 3-day ISS and 3-day OSS for all subsequent offenses during the school year.The accrued detentions must still be served until a 3 or 5-day suspension is assessed. If a student is assigned adetention, attendance at same is compulsory. Such excuses as athletic practice, a job, or a social engagement are notacceptable. If a student feels they have a legitimate reason for missing detention, the student must gain administrativeapproval in advance. The best way to avoid conflicts and problems of this nature is to comply with school policiesso that detentions are not assigned. If a student is asked to leave an administrative detention for a disciplinary reason,the student is subject to suspension or further disciplinary action.It is the responsibility of the student to maintain an awareness of how many detentions have accumulated. Alldetentions must be served consecutively; a student who has been assigned five detentions (for example) may notserve them every Tuesday for 5 weeks. There is no appeal process for administrative detentions.Saturday Detention:GENERAL RULES FOR SATURDAY DETENTION<strong>Student</strong>s who are asked to leave due to non-compliance will receive a 3-day suspension.•Saturday detention may be issued only by an administrator who will provide a minimum of 48 hours’ notice to astudent’s parents.Saturday detention will be assigned at the discretion of the Associate Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s based on the severity ofthe infraction. Saturday detention may bypass normal weekly administrative detention.•<strong>Student</strong>s are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from the detention.•In the event of inclement weather, cancellations to Saturday detention will be announced in the same manner asschool cancellation announcements.Attendance and Location:•Saturday detention is held in the Manning Lecture Hall in the Ek Science Building or Senior Cafeteria from 8:00a.m. to 12:00 p.m.•A missed Saturday detention, without prior administrative approval or appropriate medical, dental or legal documentation,will result in a one-day suspension. A failure to serve any subsequent Saturday detentions will resultin a three-day suspension. Documentation must be provided no later than 7:30 a.m. on the Monday following theassigned detention.•If absent on the Friday before the assigned Saturday detention, students must contact their administrator thatFriday before the end of the school day to discuss their detention if they feel they will miss Saturday detention formedical/other reasons (see above).Internal <strong>Student</strong> Support (ISS)Internal <strong>Student</strong> Support is a disciplinary measure that may be utilized by the <strong>Academy</strong>’s administration in accordancewith established policy and administrative regulations. Days served in ISS will not be held against the student’sattendance. The goals of ISS are:1. to hold students accountable for their actions, which resulted in their presence in ISS;2. to insure that students continue their academic studies while in ISS. Internal <strong>Student</strong> Support is a seriousdisciplinary consequence. Class assignments are completed in a quiet, educational, and supportive atmosphere.3. <strong>Student</strong>s who cannot control their behavior in ISS, will be subject to another day of ISS or Out-of-Schoolsuspension pending nature, occurence, and/or severity of the misbehavior.4. Removal from ISS will result in a 3-day OSS.5. Refusal to attend ISS will result in OSS.Out-of-School Suspension (OSS)Drawing upon RSA 193:13 for guidance, <strong>Pinkerton</strong>’s policies and guidelines on disciplinary suspensions are as11

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