Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy


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However, the following will be school policy in regard to excessive tardiness:During the course of each quarter, each student will be allowed to be tardy to school no more than four timeswithout a penalty. On the fifth and sixth tardy to school, one Saturday detention will be assigned; on the seventhtardy, one-day in Internal <strong>Student</strong> Support will be assigned. On the eighth tardy, two days in Internal <strong>Student</strong> Supportwill be assigned. Any subsequent tardies to school will result in a one-day external suspension. At the beginningof each quarter, the attendance cycle starts again. *Note: Whenever a student who does not have an excusechecks into school so late that it causes them to miss one or more periods, that student will receive one detentionfor each period missed, even if it is the student’s first tardy of the marking period. Tardiness due to dental/medicalappointments and late buses will not count against the student.The <strong>Academy</strong> looks upon punctuality as a basic student responsibility; therefore, such excuses as oversleepingand/or not having the alarm sound will not be considered legitimate.Tardiness to Class<strong>Student</strong>s are expected to be prompt and be in classes when the late bell rings. If students, through their ownfault, are late to a class, they shall report to it and gain entrance by explaining the situation to the teacher. Teachersreserve the right to impose disciplinary measures when a student’s reasons are unacceptable, or when a student’stardiness is chronic. The exception to this rule is period A, which will be treated as tardiness to school and handledby the attendance office.Tardiness to Study Hall and the LibraryDuring the course of each semester, each student will be allowed to be tardy to study halls and the library notmore than two times. On the 3rd, 4th, and 5th occasions of tardiness, progressive detentions will be imposed beginningat one and increasing by one each time. On the 6th, 7th, and 8th time of tardiness, suspension will be imposed,also on a progressive basis, beginning with one day of suspension and increasing by one day each time. At thebeginning of second semester, the cycle starts over again. <strong>Student</strong>s who are tardy to a study hall or the library willreport directly to the attendance office for an admit slip. If there is a legitimate reason preventing a student fromarriving “on time” on a daily basis, the student should see the appropriate Associate Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s.Removal from ClassIf an upperclassman student is removed from an academic class for disciplinary reasons, the student will reportimmediately to the department chairperson. If, however, a freshman student is removed from an academic class fordisciplinary reasons, they will report immediately to their administrator. Depending on circumstances, the penaltyimposed by the chairperson may range from a warning to removal from class for a specific number of days. Allclasses missed for disciplinary reasons count against the attendance policy. When a student is removed from classfor a third time, the student will meet with the Associate Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s and a parent meeting will be scheduled,but the student will be returned to class. Subsequent removal from class is subject to a three-day suspension.Study Halls<strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> does not operate social study halls; study halls are meant to offer a quiet atmosphere inwhich students can apply themselves to their scholastic assignments. Playing cards and games are prohibited. Allstudents are expected to work quietly by themselves during study halls. Electronic devices may be used in studyhalls with the use of personal headphones. Any student who fails to comply with these regulations shall, upon therequest of the study hall supervisor, report directly to the attendance office.Senior PrivilegesSenior Privileges are awarded to only 4th-year students who have earned 16 credits, who have paid their classdues, and who passed all their academic courses during the previous marking term. These privileges are in effectduring certain periods of the fall and spring. Passing a course in summer session will entitle the student (who failedthe course during 4th quarter) to fall Senior Privileges. Seniors on “privileges” may spend their study hall time outsidethe buildings, but may not leave the campus. All parking lots are considered “off campus”. In addition, seniorsmust eat lunch during their designated lunch periods, and they must do so in the Senior Cafeteria located in the9

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