Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy


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<strong>Student</strong>s who continue to violate this requirement will risk possible suspension from school.Each student will need a <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> ID Card for access to the hot lunch program, the library and itsmaterials, extra-curricular events (such as dances), and for personal identification on campus. All new students,except incoming freshmen, will be processed for student IDs during the registration process. Freshmen will mostlikely be scheduled to have their IDs taken during Freshmen Orientation and/or during their study halls in the firstweek of school. <strong>Student</strong>s whose IDs are lost or stolen may have replacements taken in the Registrar’s office eachmorning before period A. There will be a fee of $5 for each replacement ID card. Individual ID photos will be takenand printed at the time a student registers and/or pays for a replacement ID. <strong>Student</strong>s are encouraged to protectand take proper care of their ID cards as replacement will be at the student’s expense. Broken cards and/or cardsthat have been altered by the student in any way will not be accepted for use in the lunch program or in the libraryand may be confiscated. <strong>Student</strong>s are prohibited from using another student’s ID card or number in any situation.Violations will result in disciplinary action.AttendanceUsing RSA 193:1 as the base, <strong>Pinkerton</strong>’s policies and guidelines on student attendance are as follows:Absenteeism: In the event a student will be absent from school due to illness or emergency, that student’s parentor guardian should phone the appropriate Associate Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s to inform the school of the absence onthe morning of the absence before 7:00 a.m. When a student is absent from school, a judgment must be made bythe <strong>Academy</strong> regarding the legitimacy or illegitimacy of the absence. An absence can only be considered legitimateif it is the result of illness or emergency. In such cases, students will be provided the opportunity to make-up missedassignments.Reasons that are not acceptable as legitimate are baby sitting, job hunting, and general parental permissionwithout reason. All of the unacceptable reasons for absenteeism are not listed here, but this should give studentsand parents an idea of what is acceptable and what is not. Parents who approve of the absence of their children forreasons other than illness or family emergency make it very difficult for the student, the <strong>Academy</strong>, other parents andstudents who insist on, and practice, compliance with the state laws and the <strong>Academy</strong>’s policies on attendance.<strong>Student</strong>s who are absent from school, but who are seen on or near the campus during any part of the schoolday, will be considered truant. Said students will receive a Saturday detention unless a medical note (issued by aphysician’s office) is submitted verifying the absence.Returning from an Absence: <strong>Student</strong>s who return to school following an absence, must have an impressionstamped note from the doctor’s office, or have the note faxed to the appropriate attendance office. Medical notesmust indicate the student’s full name, ID number, the date of return, and the absence dates covered by the medicalexcuse. Medical notes should be turned in within five school days after the student’s return to school. Allmedical notes are subject to verification.If the absence is during the last days of the quarter, medical notes need to be submitted 3 days following theclose of the marking period.<strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> will make every attempt to telephone parents on days when their child is absent fromschool. It is the parent’s responsibility to call the appropriate attendance office when they know that their child willbe absent from school. Parents who have questions about their child’s attendance are encouraged to call the appropriateattendance office.Attendance Policy: <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> believes that optimum educational benefits are tied to optimum attendance.Educational programs are designed for, and scholastic requirements are based on, student in-schoolparticipation. Unfortunately, there are students and parents who do not place a similar priority on attendance, andit has become necessary to implement the following attendance policy: any student who is absent from a particularclass for more than five periods during any marking period (approximately 9 weeks) will receive a failing grade(no higher than 60) for that marking period. Reasons that will be considered unacceptable for excusal from the attendancepolicy are disciplinary suspensions, truancy, excessive family vacations, non-specified absences, familyemergencies, including illness or injury to a family member.Underclassmen will not be eligible for excused absences for off-campus college interviews. Seniors will beeligible for no more than two excused absences for off-campus college interviews during the current school year.6

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