Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy


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Communications<strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> believes that a positive and constructive working relationship between the school and the parent orguardian is essential to the fulfillment of the school’s mission. We believe that while on campus or through any means ofcommunication, the parents or guardians conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, refraining from personal threatsand inappropriate language. We reserve the right to have our School Resource Officer present during any meetings thatthe administration feels may become disruptive or hostile.Anti-Harassment Policy<strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> is committed to equal employment and educational opportunity for all employees and applicants,students, and members of the school community without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, maritalstatus, sexual orientation, handicap, or status as a Vietnam-era or special disabled veteran in all aspects of employmentand education. The members of the school community include the Board of Trustees, administration, staff, students,and volunteers working and studying in the school. <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> is also committed to maintain a school and workenvironment free of harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation,handicap or disability, or Vietnam-era or special disabled veteran. <strong>Pinkerton</strong> expects all employees and members of theschool community to conduct themselves in an appropriate and professional manner with concern and respect for theirfellow employees and the students. Harassment of any member of the school community by any other member of theschool community, or by vendors or visitors, will not be tolerated. Violations of this policy, whether intended or not, will notbe permitted.Harassment refers to conduct or behavior which is personally offensive or threatening, impairs morale, orinterferes with the education of students. Examples of harassment include conduct or comments that threaten physicalviolence, circulation of written materials, items or pictures degrading to any gender, racial, ethnic, religious, age, sexualorientation, handicap or disability, or other group listed above; and verbal abuse or insults about, or directed at, any employee,student or group of employees or students because of their relationship in any of the groups listed above. Sexualharassment includes sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual naturewhen:1. Submission to such conduct or communication is made a term or condition either explicitly or implicitly toobtain or maintain employment or educational development and opportunity, or2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment or educationdecisions affecting such individual, or3. Such conduct or communications has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’swork or educational performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work or educational environment.How to report harassment:<strong>Student</strong>s who believe that they are targets of harassment should contact any administrator, teacher or guidancecounselor. Reports of harassment will be investigated by an Associate Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s, and/or the Dean of Faculty Mrs.Lannan. Any student found to have engaged in any form of harassment will be subject to disciplinary action up to andincluding expulsion from school. Any further violations will be dealt with on an individual basis.The <strong>Academy</strong> also prohibits any form of retaliation against any member of the school community for filing a goodfaith complaint under this policy or for assisting in a complaint investigation. Anyone found to have engaged in retaliationagainst a person who has registered a complaint under this policy or to have retaliated against anyone for assisting in theinvestigation of a complaint, will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Anyone not satisfied withthe course of investigation or results of the harassment procedure may appeal to the Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s/designee.BullyingFor the purposes of this policy; bullying is defined as insults, taunts, or challenges, whether verbal or physical innature, which are likely to intimidate or provoke a violent or disorderly response from the student being treated in thismanner. Harassment may rise to the level of bullying if severe or pervasive. Further, reporting may be required underNew Hampshire’s Child Abuse Protection Act (RSA 169C). Reporting Procedures: All students are required to report allincidents of bullying to an administrator who will conduct an investigation. All incidents of bullying established as valid byan administrative investigation, along with preliminary subsequent disciplinary actions that were taken, will be reportedto the Associate Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s for his awareness, approval, and/or further action. In accordance with RSA 193-F, the4

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