Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy


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PINKERTON ACADEMY PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENTGrading and Non-participation PolicyGrading: A student may earn a possible 4 points a day for activity if they are dressed appropriately,participate in the activity as instructed, and have a good attitude.PE 1 & Most PE 2 Grading:Fit4Life Grading:15% Homework 5% Homework15% Class Work 5% Classwork70% Performance 10% Projects10% Tests70% PerformanceMinimum Participation: Due to the nature of Physical Education class, a student is required to physicallyparticipate in at least 30 days per term. A student who fails to meet this minimum will fail the term. The useof PE make-up for a non-participation day can be used as an activity day.Non-Participation Days: A student must be prepared for activity each day. This includes a full change ofclothes including sneakers. A student who has not met the requirements will receive a non-participation dayand may make-up class after school every day except Wednesday from 2:20-3:00. A student will not receivecredit if asked to leave class for unacceptable behavior. A day in which a student does not receive credit due todisciplinary action may not be made up. Five days of non-participation in one quarter without make-up wouldresult in a withdrawal from class or academic failure. <strong>Student</strong>s have one week to make-up zeros.Long Term Injury or Illness: Any student unable to participate in activity will need to attend PE make-upafter school for each day missed. The student will be required to attend make-up once cleared by the doctor foran injury or serious illness. An injury or illness preventing participation in any capacity that lasts longer than 3weeks will result in a removal and rescheduling of the course.Absence Explanation: Any student who is present more than half the period and does not participate willreceive an excusable zero. Any student who is present less than half the period is considered absent for the day.Tardy to Class: A student is responsible for being in the locker-room on time. For the first offense, there willbe a verbal warning. For the second and any subsequent offense, the student will receive a detention.Leaving Class Early: A student who leaves class early without permission will receive a detention and theiradministrator will be notified.Suspension: A student suspended from school will receive no credit for that day unless they make it up. Astudent can receive up to 100% credit for make-up work due to a suspension. <strong>Student</strong>s in OSS/ ISS will makeupPE class during the PE make-up days after school.Notes:• Physical Education is a graduation requirement at <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>.• It is your responsibility to check EDLINE regularly for assignments and updated grades.Appendix

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