Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy


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MATHEMATICS REFERENCESG Note- AB representsAA B C D E FHthe distance betweenI two points (length ofpoint A line AB segment CD ray EF angle GHI segment AB).AB represents a line______________________________________________________________________________________A AB CD EF ∠GHI segmentPythagorean Theorem leg2 + leg2 = hypotenuse2hypotenuse (c)leg ( a)a² + b² = c²______________________________________________________________________________________leg ( b)P=perimeter A=area C=circumference SA=surface area V=volume B=area of base l=slant heightwhdrblbRectangle Triangle Circle Parallelogram TrapezoidP = 2l + 2w1C = πdor1A = lwA = bh C = 2πrA bh A = b + b1 222hA = πr2hb1hb2= ( )( )llh lhrhhrbwraRectangular Prism Cylinder Sphere Cone PyramidSA = 2wl + 2wh + 2hlSA = 2π rh + 2πrSA = 4πrSA =π r +πrlSA = LA + B222SA = LA + 2BSA = LA + 2BSA = LA + B1LA = pl2LA = phLA = Ch4 311V = πrLA = C l V = BhV = BhV = Bh323______________________________________________________________________________________21sin 45º =45°130°45° 322sin 30º = 1 2260°1sin 60º =231V = Bh3osinθ=hθa (adj acent)1csc θ=sin θcos 45º =23cos 30º = cos 60º = 1 a1cosθ= sec θ=222h cos θtan 45º = 1 tan 30º =3o1cos 60º = 3 tanθ= cot θ=3a tan θ________________________________________________________________________Pythagorean Identities 2 2sin θ+ cos θ= 1 tan θ+ 1 = sec θ 1 + cot θ= csc θ2 22 2Appendix

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