Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy

Student Planner 2013-14 - Pinkerton Academy


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attempt will be made to advise a parent of other situations that may indicate a need for follow up. Physician contact will bemade when appropriate if indicated on the Emergency Form. Injuries that occur at home are the responsibility of parents/guardians.If, in the judgment of the nursing staff, the condition of a student to be excused due to illness, injury, or other emergencyis such that permitting the student to walk or drive home would be imprudent, the nurse may delay excusing that studentuntil a parent or appropriate escort is available.Accidents/Injuries – All accidents, illnesses, or emergencies should be immediately reported to the nearest staff memberand to the nursing staff.Confidentiality – All medical information shared between students and certified health care providers is private and istreated confidentially within the limits of the law. Protecting the confidentiality of health care for students serves importantinterests. By respecting their need for privacy, students are encouraged to develop relationships of trust with their healthcare providers and to be candid about their health histories and risk behaviors. The Health Services staff strongly encouragesstudents to communicate with parents. Confidential information will be released in life-threatening circumstancesand when legally necessary as required by law or in litigated matters. Whenever possible, students and/or parents will benotified before confidential information is released. The <strong>Academy</strong> adheres to FERPA regulations and HIPPA as appropriate.Emergency Transportation – In an emergency, the school nurse and/or administrator at the scene will decide if ambulancetransport is appropriate. Please be aware of the following policy of the Derry Ambulance Service:Preferences are limited to Derry, Manchester, Nashua, Methuen, and Lowell.All life threatening situations will be transported to Parkland Medical Center. Transport to another facility can usuallybe arranged after stabilization. If there is a serious health problem that cannot be treated at a local health facility (or thatcan only be treated at a specific out of town facility), please make this known, in writing, to the <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> HealthOffice. The <strong>Academy</strong> will, in turn, make every effort to inform responding emergency personnel of these exceptional circumstances.Preferences (limited to the above) will be honored provided back up ambulance service is available at the time.Exclusions – A student may be excluded from school by an administrator if there is reason to believe that there is seriousrisk to the student’s health, life, safety, or well-being, or by a school nurse if the hazard is specifically health related.The student may be required to remain out of school until evaluated and approved to return by a licensed medical provider.<strong>Student</strong>s whose immunizations are not updated will be excluded from school until they are in compliance with NH immunizationlaws.Excusals – for minor illnesses are considered as part of the 5 days-per-quarter policy. A “medical excuse” will be consideredfor students dismissed due to high fevers, situations where contagion is questioned, and for other circumstanceswhere it was “inadvisable or impossible” for the student to remain in school. HIV/AIDS Policy Statement – The <strong>Pinkerton</strong><strong>Academy</strong> policy on HIV/AIDS adopted by the <strong>Pinkerton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> Board of Trustees on April 9, 1992 (revised 2003), isavailable in the Health Services link.Immunizations – In conjunction with RSA <strong>14</strong>1 C:20 and its recent amendments, no students will be enrolled at <strong>Pinkerton</strong><strong>Academy</strong> without an immunization record that is in compliance with said laws. <strong>Student</strong>s are required to update their tetanusimmunizations every 10 years. Verification must be provided to the nursing staff.Parent Trips/Absences – If a student will be attending school, but the parent(s) or guardian(s) will be away on a vacation,business trip, etc., even for only a day or two, it is essential that the school receive a note (preferably notarized) indicatingthe student’s name, birth date, the inclusive dates, the adult who will be responsible, and that person’s phone numbers.This is crucial in the event of an accident, illness, injury, need for dismissal from school, care and treatment, etc. The signedand dated note should be forwarded to the nurse’s office with a copy to the appropriate attendance office prior to the periodof the parent/guardian’s absence. Notarization is usually available in the <strong>Pinkerton</strong> attendance office.Passes Required – Except in cases of emergency, students must report to the Health Office with a pass from a teacheror other staff member.Responsibility/Self Care – <strong>Student</strong>s are encouraged to accept responsibility for their own health, prevention of illnessand accidents, communicable disease control, good nutrition, appropriate attendance, etc. Proper hand-washing is thesingle most important means of interrupting the transmission of communicable diseases and reducing the incidence ofcolds, flu, and other viral and bacterial infections, including some forms of meningitis and hepatitis. Sharing cups, lip balm,etc. should also be avoided.42

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