evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor

evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor


namerava na novo ukrojiti kulturne percepcije invlogo upravnih struktur države, ki so zanje bilezgodovinsko odgovorne.Po drugi strani pridobljene izkušnje kažejo, da zuporabo tradicionalnih instrumentov načrtovanjakrajin Italija ne more primerno voditi svojihčudovitih krajin, niti ne more učinkovito slediticiljem kakovosti. Največ, kar lahko stori, je, danaloži veliko omejitev, ki pa so redko učinkovitepri obravnavanju močnih pritiskov zaspremembe v današnji krajini. Zdi se, da dosedaj še ni našla prepričljivih rešitev, ki so delpozitivnega približevanja krajevne politike inozemeljske politike, uravnoteženega približevanja,ki ne žrtvuje elementov ohranitve niti razvoja.Italija ne zmore upravljati krajine zaradiobjektivnih težav soočanja z ekonomskimi insocialnimi procesi, ki prevevajo občutljivekrajine, ki smo jih podedovali. Prav tako nezmore spodbuditi sodelovanja med pristojnimidržavnimi organizmi, odgovornimi za ohranitevkulturne dediščine in krajine, ter regionalnimi inobčinskimi vladami, ki so po zakonupooblaščene za načrtovanje in upravljanje krajin.Končno, obstaja problem, ker Italija ne zmoreučinkovito združiti politike ohranjanja s politikovrednotenja svoje dediščine, saj veljavnazakonodaja jasno ločuje ohranjanje odvrednotenja s tem, da prvo daje pod okriljedržave, medtem ko se za drugo borita država inregionalne vlade.V takšnih razmerah uspeh politike varovanja inupravljanja krajine ni odvisen le od zbližanjapolitike načrtovanja krajine in lokalnih načrtov.Na splošno se nanaša na potrebo po sprejemunovega modela večnivojskega upravljanja, kivključuje veliko institucij, od Evropske unije donacionalne državne vlade ter regionalnih,provincialnih in občinskih vlad.Izolacija ohranjanja krajine od medsebojneodvisnosti med različnimi institucijami nizmagovalna poteza, kot smo videli pri politikipreprostega omejevanja, ki se neizbežno nanašale na omejene dele krajine. Soočanje s temizzivom pa je prav tako zelo tvegano, predvsemče vrednosti krajine različni institucionalnisubjekti ne znajo dovolj ceniti.Pomemben vpliv prihaja s strani noveekonomije, ki omogoča posamezno obravnavoin kakovostne okoliščine in tako v krajini odkrivathat is intentionally removed from the realm ofdemocratic discussion, precisely with the aim ofguaranteeing its correct conservation, aboveand beyond any of the other values at stake. Furthermore,the power of the Superintendents, asdiscretional as it is autocratic, in interpretingaesthetic-cultural values represents the coherentexpression of this vision of conservation thatis centred on a specific method of State government.Currently the situation is changing profoundlywith respect to the period when, some fifty yearsago, governance was seen as being separatefrom conservation. The growing articulation ofpowers that accompanies the transformation ofour society and our institutional system placesthe unitary model of the State in crisis and requiresa reconsideration of institutional structuresin favour of a new, more balanced modelof local and centralised powers.The landscape becomes the element at stake ina complex interweaving of powers and responsibilitiesbetween the State, the Regions and localEntities. Following the involvement of theRegional, Provincial and Municipal Governments,things have changed. The value of thelandscape and that of local development areerupting on the scene in a very positive manner.We are finally faced with the concrete possibilityof joining landscape, territory and economy.However, the equilibrium between the variousspheres of value remains very flexible, and weseriously risk sacrificing the landscape throughan approach that tends, inevitably, to re-dimensionthe role of cultural perceptions and the administrativestructures of the State that werehistorically responsible for them.On the other hand, the experience gained todate demonstrates that by using the traditionalinstruments of the Landscape Plan, Italy cannotin fact manage to properly govern its magnificentlandscapes, nor can it effectively pursuequality objectives. At the most it manages toimpose a great deal of restrictions that, what ismore, rarely seem to be effective in dealing withthe strong pressures for change in the contemporarylandscape. It does not yet appear to havedefined convincing solutions that are part of apositive convergence between landscape policiesand territorial policies, a balanced convergencethat does not sacrifice either the instancesof conservation or those of development.81Delavnica 1 / Workshop 1

82Delavnica 1 / Workshop 1pomemben vzvod za politiko konkurenčnostipodjetij ter krajin. Tako se pomen krajine krepi innadaljevanje je lahko podobno kot v regijiUmbrija, kjer so kot del dolgoročnega načrtauvrstili krajino v »Razvojni sporazum« (Patto perlo sviluppo), ki so ga podpisala vlada tergospodarske in socialne sile iz regije.Vendar težave, povezane s predlogom, ki želipovečati pomen krajine in posledično spremenitisisteme prostorskega načrtovanja in upravljanja,ostajajo.Če pogledamo na zadevo bolj podrobno, gretorej za potrebo po vzpostavitvi nove oblikerazmerja med nadzornimi organi regij, provinc,občin in države pri snovanju načrta krajine ali,podrobneje, pri pregledni povezavi sprejetihmodelov upravljanja in izgradnji procesa izdelavenačrta.Potrebno se je spomniti izkušenj regije Marche,ki se ponaša z enim najboljših načrtov krajine,izdelanim v devetdesetih letih, ki je v veljavi šedanes. Načrt vključuje niz smernic za ohranitevzgodovinsko-kulturnih, botanično-rastlinskih ingeomorfoloških vrednot, ki so priznane naregionalnem nivoju. Načrt se prav tako dotikaobčin in njihovega lokalnega zavedanja priobravnavanju predlogov za spremembo tehsmernic na stopnji posodobitve občinskihnačrtov za usklajevanje z regionalnim krajinskimnačrtom.Zanimiva raziskava o odnosu občinskih vladkakšnih deset let pozneje je omogočila opredelitevtreh vrst odziva.Pasivni odnos popolnoma nekritičnega sprejemanjaomejitev, ki jih je uvedla regionalna vlada,pogajalski odnos, katerega namen je sprostitiobmočja največjega interesa za razvoj naselij, sprenašanjem omejitev na ostala, manj zaželenaobmočja; in končno odnos dialoga, ki se vmešav odločitve, ki jih je sprejela regionalna vlada indodaja bolj podrobno zavedanje in razumevanjevrednot z vidika lokalne družbe.Zaradi te izkušnje lahko sedaj osnujemo novmodel upravljanja, ki dopušča interakcijo medrazličnimi subjekti in v vsakem primeru določanekaj osnovnih odločitev, ki ponujajo jamstvoglede primarnih zahtev ohranitve.Italy has not been able to manage to govern thelandscape as a result of the objective difficultyof facing up to economic and social processesthat overrun the delicate landscapes that wehave inherited. This is also true because it doesnot manage to create a co-operation betweenthe competent State organisms responsible forthe conservation of cultural heritage and thelandscape and the Regional and Municipal Governmentswho, by law, have the power to planand govern the landscape. Finally, there is theproblem that Italy is unable to effectively unitethe policies of conservation with those of thevalorisation of its patrimony, given that the currentlegislation has disputably separated conservationfrom valorisation, respectively attributingthe first to the sole competence of the State andthe second to be fought over between the Stateand Regional Governments.Within this situation, the success of the policiesof protection and management of the landscapeis entrusted not only to the possible convergencebetween Landscape Plans and local MasterPlans. More in general, it refers to the necessityof adopting a new model of multi-level governancethat involves a lot of institutions rangingfrom the European Union to the nationalState Government and the Regional, Provincialand Municipal Governments.Isolating the conservation of the landscape fromthe interdependence between the various institutionsat various levels is not a winning move,as we have witnessed with those policies of simplerestriction that tend, inevitably, to be appliedonly to limited portions of the landscape. Confrontingthe challenge is, however, equally risky,above all if the value of the landscape is not sufficientlyappreciated by the various institutionalsubjects involved.An important impulse is provided by the neweconomy that awards the conditions of singularityand quality of context, and thus finds, in thelandscape, a significant lever for policies ofcompetitivity of both businesses and the landscape.It is thus possible to reinforce the importanceof the landscape, and to proceed, as in theRegion of Umbria, which, as part of a long rangeplan, has introduced the landscape within the»Development Agreement« (Patto per losviluppo) signed by government and the economicand social forces present in the region.

82Delavnica 1 / Workshop 1pomemben vzvod <strong>za</strong> politiko konkurenčnostipodjetij ter kraj<strong>in</strong>. Tako se pomen kraj<strong>in</strong>e krepi <strong>in</strong>nadaljevanje je lahko podobno kot v regijiUmbrija, kjer so kot del dolgoročnega načrtauvrstili kraj<strong>in</strong>o v »Razvojni sporazum« (Patto perlo sviluppo), ki so ga podpisala vlada tergospodarske <strong>in</strong> socialne sile iz regije.Vendar težave, pove<strong>za</strong>ne s predlogom, ki želipovečati pomen kraj<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong> posledično spremenitisisteme <strong>prostor</strong>skega načrtovanja <strong>in</strong> upravljanja,ostajajo.Če pogledamo na <strong>za</strong>devo bolj podrobno, gretorej <strong>za</strong> potrebo po vzpostavitvi nove oblikerazmerja med nadzornimi organi regij, prov<strong>in</strong>c,obč<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> države pri snovanju načrta kraj<strong>in</strong>e ali,podrobneje, pri pregledni pove<strong>za</strong>vi sprejetihmodelov upravljanja <strong>in</strong> izgradnji procesa izdelavenačrta.Potrebno se je spomniti izkušenj regije Marche,ki se ponaša z enim najboljših načrtov kraj<strong>in</strong>e,izdelanim v devetdesetih letih, ki je v veljavi šedanes. Načrt vključuje niz smernic <strong>za</strong> ohranitevzgodov<strong>in</strong>sko-kulturnih, botanično-rastl<strong>in</strong>skih <strong>in</strong>geomorfoloških vrednot, ki so priznane naregionalnem nivoju. Načrt se prav tako dotikaobč<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> njihovega lokalnega <strong>za</strong>vedanja priobravnavanju predlogov <strong>za</strong> spremembo tehsmernic na stopnji posodobitve obč<strong>in</strong>skihnačrtov <strong>za</strong> usklajevanje z regionalnim kraj<strong>in</strong>skimnačrtom.Zanimiva raziskava o odnosu obč<strong>in</strong>skih vladkakšnih deset let pozneje je omogočila opredelitevtreh vrst odziva.Pasivni odnos popolnoma nekritičnega sprejemanjaomejitev, ki jih je uvedla regionalna vlada,pogajalski odnos, katerega namen je sprostitiobmočja največjega <strong>in</strong>teresa <strong>za</strong> razvoj naselij, sprenašanjem omejitev na ostala, manj <strong>za</strong>želenaobmočja; <strong>in</strong> končno odnos dialoga, ki se vmešav odločitve, ki jih je sprejela regionalna vlada <strong>in</strong>dodaja bolj podrobno <strong>za</strong>vedanje <strong>in</strong> razumevanjevrednot z vidika lokalne družbe.Zaradi te izkušnje lahko sedaj osnujemo novmodel upravljanja, ki dopušča <strong>in</strong>terakcijo medrazličnimi subjekti <strong>in</strong> v vsakem primeru določanekaj osnovnih odločitev, ki ponujajo jamstvoglede primarnih <strong>za</strong>htev ohranitve.Italy has not been able to manage to govern thelandscape as a result of the objective difficultyof fac<strong>in</strong>g up to economic and social processesthat overrun the delicate landscapes that wehave <strong>in</strong>herited. This is also true because it doesnot manage to create a co-operation betweenthe competent State organisms responsible forthe conservation of cultural heritage and thelandscape and the Regional and Municipal Governmentswho, by law, have the power to planand govern the landscape. F<strong>in</strong>ally, there is theproblem that Italy is unable to effectively unitethe policies of conservation with those of thevalorisation of its patrimony, given that the currentlegislation has disputably separated conservationfrom valorisation, respectively attribut<strong>in</strong>gthe first to the sole competence of the State andthe second to be fought over between the Stateand Regional Governments.With<strong>in</strong> this situation, the success of the policiesof protection and management of the landscapeis entrusted not only to the possible convergencebetween Landscape Plans and local MasterPlans. More <strong>in</strong> general, it refers to the necessityof adopt<strong>in</strong>g a new model of multi-level governancethat <strong>in</strong>volves a lot of <strong>in</strong>stitutions rang<strong>in</strong>gfrom the European Union to the nationalState Government and the Regional, Prov<strong>in</strong>cialand Municipal Governments.Isolat<strong>in</strong>g the conservation of the landscape fromthe <strong>in</strong>terdependence between the various <strong>in</strong>stitutionsat various levels is not a w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g move,as we have witnessed with those policies of simplerestriction that tend, <strong>in</strong>evitably, to be appliedonly to limited portions of the landscape. Confront<strong>in</strong>gthe challenge is, however, equally risky,above all if the value of the landscape is not sufficientlyappreciated by the various <strong>in</strong>stitutionalsubjects <strong>in</strong>volved.An important impulse is provided by the neweconomy that awards the conditions of s<strong>in</strong>gularityand quality of context, and thus f<strong>in</strong>ds, <strong>in</strong> thelandscape, a significant lever for policies ofcompetitivity of both bus<strong>in</strong>esses and the landscape.It is thus possible to re<strong>in</strong>force the importanceof the landscape, and to proceed, as <strong>in</strong> theRegion of Umbria, which, as part of a long rangeplan, has <strong>in</strong>troduced the landscape with<strong>in</strong> the»Development Agreement« (Patto per losviluppo) signed by government and the economicand social forces present <strong>in</strong> the region.

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