evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor

evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor


Pojem prepoznavnosti krajine je v Sloveniji še vfazi razisikovanja in uveljavljanja. Prepoznavnostkrajine je opredeljena kot celota značilnostikrajinske zgradbe in njenih simbolnih pomenov,po katerih je neko krajinsko območje mogočeprepoznati. Pri tem so pomembne prvine inobmočja prepoznavnosti:– prvine prepoznavnosti: so kakovostneprostorske strukture, ki so pomembne zaprepoznavnost krajine določenega območja.So bodisi naravne bodisi ustvarjene in sozelo raznovrstne zaradi razgibane naravnezgradbe, različnih tipov kulturne krajine,različnih oblik kmetovanja in poselitve.– območja prepoznavnosti: so razmeromaobširna območja, ki se opredeljujejo nanacionalni, regionalni in lokalni ravni kotprostorske enote, v katerih je trebazagotavljati ohranjanje prvin prepoznavnostiin prioritetno izvajanje sanacij razvrednotenjprostora. Opredelitev teh območij temelji naprisotnosti in velikega števila ter gostoteprvin prepoznavnosti, na njihovi izjemnosti,pa tudi na uveljavljenih kategorijah varstvakulturnih krajin in naravnih vrednot ssimbolnimi pomeni ali pomembno vlogo vmentalni sliki prostora.Prostorski planski akti naj bi na državni,regionalni in lokalni ravni prikazali območjaprepoznavnosti in opredelili prvine prepoznavnostina celotnem območju, ki ga pokrivaplan.Usmeritve za ta območja v veliki meri izhajajo iznjihovih dediščinskih in krajinskih vrednosti in sooblikovane glede na želeno stanje posameznihkrajinskih območij in prostorskih enot.14. Dediščinske kulturne krajine Heritage landscapesand symbolic meaning, and inspiring value of thelandscape.The definition of areas and elements of landscapeidentity is a result of many years´ work onthe field od evaluating landscapes. Beyond theRegional Distribution of Landscape Types anddefinition of outstanding landscapes in Sloveniathe endeavours of our Ministry of Culture weresignificant. To be able to determine the mostvaluable landscapes and cultural heritage in thelandscapes, the Ministry has prepared the listand map of heritage landscapes and of areas ofcomplex conservation of cultural heritage inlandscape (open space); this map was taken intothe Spatial Development Strategy of Slovenia asthe basic input of goals in the field of conservationof cultural values.In Slovenia, the conception landscape identity isstill in the phase of research and winning recognition.The landscape identity is defined as awhole of characteristics of the landscape structureand its symbolic meanings, by which eachindividual landscape area can be recognized andidentified. In this connection the elements andareas of landscape identity are important:– the elements of landscape identity:These are qualitative landscape structuresthat are important for identity of the landscapeof a certain area. They are either naturalor created and are very heterogeneousbecause of their diverse natural structure,various types of cultural landscapes, varioustypes of farming and settlements.– the areas of landscape identity: Theseare relatively extensive areas that are on thenational, regional and local level defined asspatial units, in which the conservation of elementsof landscape identity and priority performanceof restorations of spatial degradationsshould be assured. The definition ofthese areas is based on the presence andgreat number and density of the elements oflandscape identity, on their exceptionality,and also on the established categories of theprotection of cultural landscapes and naturalvalues with their symbolic meanings or animportant role in the mental picture.The spatial plans should present the areas oflandscape identity on the national, regional andlocal level and they should define the elementsof recognisability on the complete area coveredby the plan.61Delavnica 1 / Workshop 1

62Delavnica 1 / Workshop 1Namen opredeljevanja območij in prvinprepoznavnosti v planskih aktih je ohranjanjekrajinskih, simbolnih in drugih prostorskihznačilnosti razmeroma širokih območij,pomembnih za prepoznavnost Slovenije innjenih regij. Za uresničevanje planskih določil jeizjemnega pomena medsektorsko usklajevanje,ki edino lahko privede do želenih rezultatov in dosinergijskih učinkov.4. Uporaba rezultatovŠtudija Regionalna razdelitev krajinskih tipov vSloveniji, opredelitev izjemnih krajin in določitevobmočij in prvin krajinske prepoznavnosti sev Sloveniji uporabljajo kot strokovne podlage:a) pri pripravi planskih in izvedbenih prostorskihaktov:– kot podatek in vrednostna ocena stanja,– kot podatek o želenem stanju krajin in kottemeljna usmeritev za usmerjanje prostorskegarazvoja na posameznih območjih,– kot metodološki pripomoček pri vrednotenjukrajin v prostorsko-načrtovalskih postopkih,– kot ena od podlag za izdelavo strokovnihpodlag za prostorske planske in izvedbeneakte,– kot podlaga za vrednotenje vplivov na krajinov okoljskih poročilih, ki so del postopkovstrateških oziroma celovitih presoj vplivov naokolje;b) pri pripravi raziskovalnih nalog na področjuprostorskega načrtovanja, krajinskega planiranjain varstva okolja;c) pri seznanjanju širše javnosti in v učnoizobraževalnihpostopkih za (npr. projekt Miurejamo krajino, ki ga je v letih 2004 in 2005izpeljalo Društvo krajinskih arhitektov Slovenije);d) pri načrtovanju razvoja turizma, pri trženjuSlovenije in turističnih blagovnih znamk, kitemeljijo na krajinski raznolikosti in različnihoblikah rabe naravnih virov;e) pri razvoju kmetijstva na območjih zomejenimi razvojnimi potenciali ter v okviruvarstva narave in kulturne dediščine. Rezultati selahko uporabljajo kot podatki o stanju in težnjahv prostoru in kot vrednostna ocena prvin indelov prostora, ki so tudi v pristojnosti tehsektorjev.In a great extent the directions for these areasresult from their heritage and landscape valuesand are formed with respect to the desired stateof individual landscape areas and spatial units.The purpose of defining the areas and elementsof landscape identity in planning acts is the conservationof landscape, symbolic and other spatialcharacteristics, relatively broad areas, importantfor the landscape identity of Slovenia and itsregions. For the realization of plan stipulationsthe intersector harmonization is of exceptionalimportance, as it alone can lead to the synergiceffects and desired state of landscape.4. Use of the resultsThe study Regional Distribution of LandscapeTypes in Slovenia, definition of outstanding landscapesand definition of areas and elements oflandscape identity are used as the basis:a) for the preparation of spatial plans and detailedspatial plans:– as the data and value evaluation of thecurrent state,– as the data about the desired state of landscapesand as the basic guidelines for thefurther spatial development,– as a methodological instrument in evaluatinglandscapes in the spatial-planning procedures,– as one of the bases for the preparation ofprofessional bases for spatial and detailedspatial plans,– as the basis for the impact assessment inenvironmental reports, which are a part ofthe Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment;b) for the preparation of research studies in thefield of spatial planning, landscape planning andenvironmental planning,c) in informing the public, and in educationalprocesses (e. g. project We are Making ourLandscape, lead by Slovenian Association ofLandscape Architects; posters etc.);d) when planning the development of tourism,when marketing Slovenia as a touristic destinationand touristic trade marks based on landscapediversity and various forms of the use ofnatural sources;

Pojem prepoznavnosti kraj<strong>in</strong>e je v Sloveniji še vfazi razisikovanja <strong>in</strong> uveljavljanja. Prepoznavnostkraj<strong>in</strong>e je opredeljena kot celota značilnostikraj<strong>in</strong>ske zgradbe <strong>in</strong> njenih simbolnih pomenov,po katerih je neko kraj<strong>in</strong>sko območje mogočeprepoznati. Pri tem so pomembne prv<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong>območja prepoznavnosti:– prv<strong>in</strong>e prepoznavnosti: so kakovostne<strong>prostor</strong>ske strukture, ki so pomembne <strong>za</strong>prepoznavnost kraj<strong>in</strong>e določenega območja.So bodisi naravne bodisi ustvarjene <strong>in</strong> sozelo raznovrstne <strong>za</strong>radi razgibane naravnezgradbe, različnih tipov kulturne kraj<strong>in</strong>e,različnih oblik kmetovanja <strong>in</strong> poselitve.– območja prepoznavnosti: so razmeromaobširna območja, ki se opredeljujejo nanacionalni, regionalni <strong>in</strong> lokalni ravni kot<strong>prostor</strong>ske enote, v katerih je treba<strong>za</strong>gotavljati ohranjanje prv<strong>in</strong> prepoznavnosti<strong>in</strong> prioritetno izvajanje sanacij razvrednotenj<strong>prostor</strong>a. Opredelitev teh območij temelji naprisotnosti <strong>in</strong> velikega števila ter gostoteprv<strong>in</strong> prepoznavnosti, na njihovi izjemnosti,pa tudi na uveljavljenih kategorijah varstvakulturnih kraj<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> naravnih vrednot ssimbolnimi pomeni ali pomembno vlogo vmentalni sliki <strong>prostor</strong>a.Prostorski planski akti naj bi na državni,regionalni <strong>in</strong> lokalni ravni prika<strong>za</strong>li območjaprepoznavnosti <strong>in</strong> opredelili prv<strong>in</strong>e prepoznavnost<strong>in</strong>a celotnem območju, ki ga pokrivaplan.Usmeritve <strong>za</strong> ta območja v veliki meri izhajajo iznjihovih dedišč<strong>in</strong>skih <strong>in</strong> kraj<strong>in</strong>skih vrednosti <strong>in</strong> sooblikovane glede na želeno stanje posameznihkraj<strong>in</strong>skih območij <strong>in</strong> <strong>prostor</strong>skih enot.14. Dedišč<strong>in</strong>ske kulturne kraj<strong>in</strong>e Heritage landscapesand symbolic mean<strong>in</strong>g, and <strong>in</strong>spir<strong>in</strong>g value of thelandscape.The def<strong>in</strong>ition of areas and elements of landscapeidentity is a result of many years´ work onthe field od evaluat<strong>in</strong>g landscapes. Beyond theRegional Distribution of Landscape Types anddef<strong>in</strong>ition of outstand<strong>in</strong>g landscapes <strong>in</strong> Sloveniathe endeavours of our M<strong>in</strong>istry of Culture weresignificant. To be able to determ<strong>in</strong>e the mostvaluable landscapes and cultural heritage <strong>in</strong> thelandscapes, the M<strong>in</strong>istry has prepared the listand map of heritage landscapes and of areas ofcomplex conservation of cultural heritage <strong>in</strong>landscape (open space); this map was taken <strong>in</strong>tothe Spatial Development Strategy of Slovenia asthe basic <strong>in</strong>put of goals <strong>in</strong> the field of conservationof cultural values.In Slovenia, the conception landscape identity isstill <strong>in</strong> the phase of research and w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g recognition.The landscape identity is def<strong>in</strong>ed as awhole of characteristics of the landscape structureand its symbolic mean<strong>in</strong>gs, by which each<strong>in</strong>dividual landscape area can be recognized andidentified. In this connection the elements andareas of landscape identity are important:– the elements of landscape identity:These are qualitative landscape structuresthat are important for identity of the landscapeof a certa<strong>in</strong> area. They are either naturalor created and are very heterogeneousbecause of their diverse natural structure,various types of cultural landscapes, varioustypes of farm<strong>in</strong>g and settlements.– the areas of landscape identity: Theseare relatively extensive areas that are on thenational, regional and local level def<strong>in</strong>ed asspatial units, <strong>in</strong> which the conservation of elementsof landscape identity and priority performanceof restorations of spatial degradationsshould be assured. The def<strong>in</strong>ition ofthese areas is based on the presence andgreat number and density of the elements oflandscape identity, on their exceptionality,and also on the established categories of theprotection of cultural landscapes and naturalvalues with their symbolic mean<strong>in</strong>gs or animportant role <strong>in</strong> the mental picture.The spatial plans should present the areas oflandscape identity on the national, regional andlocal level and they should def<strong>in</strong>e the elementsof recognisability on the complete area coveredby the plan.61Delavnica 1 / Workshop 1

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