evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor

evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor

evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor


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the processes of enculturation. Thus landscapefeatures act as message carriers. A number ofsuch conceptions <strong>in</strong>fluence our relationship withthis environment, our behaviour and the conceptionswe convey to others. The process is repetitive,mean<strong>in</strong>g that landscape are evaluated andtransformed accord<strong>in</strong>g to a certa<strong>in</strong> generallyaccepted, idealized image, which does not necessarilymatch<strong>in</strong>g the spatial reality.46Delavnica 1 / Workshop 13. Razglednica »Rodna gruda« (Maksim Gaspari) iz časa pred drugosvetovno vojno.Rodna gruda (»Native soil«) by Maksim Gaspari, pre-World War IIpostcard.<strong>prostor</strong>u/<strong>kraj<strong>in</strong>i</strong>, da pa lahko ob njih mirno <strong>in</strong>brez konfliktov sprejemajo tudi družbenosplošno sprejete predstave. To je zelo jasnopoka<strong>za</strong>la raziskava, opravljena leta 1995 naprimeru Slovenije, potrdilo pa jo je tudi pilotskopreizkušanje pred nekaj leti (2002). Rezultati izjavnega mnenja so potrdili ugotovitve izsemiološke analize likovnih predstavitevslovenskega <strong>prostor</strong>a v turistični <strong>in</strong> političnipropagandi. Poka<strong>za</strong>li so, da se identiteta niopredeljevala samo s simbolnimi kraji, temvečtudi s posebnimi kraj<strong>in</strong>skimi tipi, ki epitomizirajonacionalni <strong>prostor</strong> 5 .Pridobivanje spoznanj o družbeni <strong>za</strong>znav<strong>in</strong>acionalnega <strong>prostor</strong>a oziroma kraj<strong>in</strong>skeidentitete ozemlja, na katerem živimo, pa se ni<strong>za</strong>dovoljilo le z iskanjem fenomenoloških vidikovnacionalne topografije, temveč je prodrlo tudi vvzročno-posledične soodvisnosti <strong>in</strong> razkrilovzroke <strong>in</strong> procese, ki pri nas usmerjajo <strong>prostor</strong>skirazvoj <strong>in</strong> s katerimi se ustvarja predstava oistovetnosti slovenskih kraj<strong>in</strong>. Ta namreč izhajaiz naše (narodove) samoopredelitve, iz našegaskupnega dojemanja <strong>prostor</strong>a, v katerem živimo<strong>in</strong> sledi vrednostnim opredelitvam, določenim združbenim sistemom simbolov, nastalih v skupnikulturni zgodov<strong>in</strong>i. Slovenija je <strong>za</strong>to odličenprimer <strong>za</strong>radi dveh razlogov. Prvič, ker se jekoncem 20. stoletja ponovno pojavila potrebapo utrjevanju nacionalne identitete, ki je <strong>za</strong> svojcilj uporabljala tudi kraj<strong>in</strong>ske podobe <strong>in</strong>prispodobe <strong>in</strong> je bilo vlogi kraj<strong>in</strong>e v nacionalnimitologiji lahko slediti <strong>in</strong> situ <strong>in</strong> drugič, ker setakoj izpostavi vprašanje, ali je ob izpričani(stvarni) geografski <strong>in</strong> kulturni raznolikostislovenskega ozemlja sploh možen (<strong>in</strong> ustrezen)obstoj ene <strong>in</strong> enotne, časovno stabilne <strong>in</strong> sWhy the use of plural <strong>in</strong> the term conception?None of these conceptions is an absolute category;they can replace each other <strong>in</strong> the currentlypredom<strong>in</strong>ant position. Now one and thenanother significance layer of the conceptioncome to the fore. This means there are certa<strong>in</strong>lymore conceptions of space, which differ with<strong>in</strong>social groups and ga<strong>in</strong> their importance accord<strong>in</strong>gto specific current needs. Needs are not onlypragmatic; they are also ideological, such as theneed for establish<strong>in</strong>g or preserv<strong>in</strong>g national identity;they are topical at certa<strong>in</strong> moments: they areneither <strong>in</strong>herent nor ord<strong>in</strong>ary. The research onthe modern social conception of Slovene spaceclearly revealed that <strong>in</strong>dividuals, while hav<strong>in</strong>gtheir own conceptions of the environment, caneasily and without any conflicts adopt generallyaccepted social conceptions 5 . The results of thepublic op<strong>in</strong>ion survey confirmed the f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gs ofa semiotic analysis of pictorial presentations oflandscapes <strong>in</strong> tourist and political propaganda.They showed that <strong>in</strong> course of history, nationalidentity is def<strong>in</strong>ed not only by symbolic placesbut also by special landscape types that epitomizethe national space.While attempt<strong>in</strong>g to understand the social perceptionof national space – of the landscapeidentity of the territory of a certa<strong>in</strong> nation – thesearch for the phenomenological issues of nationaltopography was not <strong>in</strong> itself satisfactory.It was necessary to penetrate the causal<strong>in</strong>terdependencies and reveal motifs, causesand processes that direct spatial developmentand are basic constituents of the concept of thespatial identity of Slovenian landscapes. Thisconcept emerges from the national self-def<strong>in</strong>ition,from mutual and collective spatial perceptionsand follows the social system of values thatwas developed <strong>in</strong> common cultural history.Slovenia made an excellent case for such astudy for two reasons. First, at the end of thetwentieths century the needs for a re<strong>in</strong>forcementof a national identity came for various reasons(aga<strong>in</strong>) to the fore and while landscape

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