evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor

evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor


Zato prostor ni vrednota sam po sebi, temvečpredmet našega vrednotenja.Z vidika vrednotenja je prostor dobrina, če gavrednotimo pozitivno ali protidobrina, če gavrednotimo negativno. Prostor ocenjujemo invrednotimo po določenih merilih oz. kriterijih, kiso lahko skupna ali posamezna.Kadar gre za skupna merila, ki se oblikujejo tako,da jih zaznava večina predstavnikov nekeskupnosti, govorimo o družbenih vrednotah, kijih želimo v prostoru vzpostavljati oz. ohranjati.Posamezna merila temeljijo na predstavahposameznika, kar predstavlja individualnevrednote.Ključno je vprašanje, kako je mogočenasprotujoče skupne, družbene (javne) vrednoteprostora in individualne (zasebne) vrednoteprostora medsebojno približati tako, da bi sledilipotrebam lokalnih skupnosti, nacionalnim inširšim ciljem in pri tem ne bi okrnili življenjskegasloga (bivanjskega, delovnega, prostočasnega…)posameznikov.Vrednote prostora so produkt človeškekreativnosti, ki upošteva realne danosti, vendarjih hkrati presega.Razumevanje vrednot prostora na globalni ravnilahko na splošno povzamemo kot prostor, kidržavljanom sveta omogoča uživati ne le boljšeživljenje, temveč tudi varnejši in bolj razumensvet, kar naj bi zagotovili s smotrnim načrtovanjemprostora in trajnostnim prostorskimrazvojem.of space in connection with other human values(health, employment, family…).Value is a principle or criteria which annotates orrefuses values of objects. That’s why the spaceis not a value by itself but the subject of ourevaluation.The space is estimated and valuated by definedmeasures or criteria which can be common orindividual.Common measures are formed to be perceivedby majority of certain community – these aresocial values, which should be reestablished orpreserved in space. Individual measures arebased on conception of individuals and representindividual values.The key question is how to bring near those twoopponent space values, social (public) and individual(private) one, in such manner to follow theneeds of local communities, national and widergoals without prejudicing the life style (residential,working, leisure…) of individuals.Values of space are the product of human creativenesstaking into account the real circumstanceswhich are exceeded at the same time.Comprehension of values of space on a globallevel can be summarized as a space which enablescitizens of the world not only the better lifebut also safer and more understanding world.This can be achieved with proper spatial planningand sustainable spatial development.293Delavnica 4 / Workshop 451.skupna merilacommon measuresp r o s t o rs p a c eosebna merilaindividual measuresdružbene vrednote (javne)social values (public)osebne vrednoteindividual values (private)slediti potrebam skupnosti,ne da bi okrnili življenjski slog posameznikato follow the needs of communitywithout prejudicing the lifestyle of individuals

294Delavnica 4 / Workshop 4Povezave projekta R.A.V.E. Space z drugimirelevantnimi vsebinami oz. aktivnostmiProjekt je tako na mednarodni kot na nacionalniravni vpet v okvire izobraževanja za trajnostnirazvoj. Navezuje se na naslednje relevantnevsebine oz. aktivnosti:– UNECE Strategija izobraževanja za trajnostnirazvoj;– Lizbonska strategija;– Resolucija, Memorandum in PriporočiloSveta Evrope o izobraževanju mladih zatrajnostni razvoj (Kongres lokalnih in regionalnihoblasti – Vloga regij);– Projekt Eko šole;– Mreža RTPI za izobraževanje za trajnostnirazvoj;– Desetletje Združenih narodov za izobraževanjeza trajnostni razvoj (2005-2014)/UNESCO šole;– »Bristol Accord« – Neformalno srečanjeministrov o trajnostnih skupnostih v časubritanskega predsedovanja EU.Ob upoštevanju aktualnih dogajanj, povezanih zizobraževanjem za trajnostni prostorski razvoj, sorezultati projekta univerzalni in široko uporabni,v nekaterih segmentih pa lahko na izvedbeniravni pokrijejo predvidene aktivnosti zgorajomenjenih mednarodnih dokumentov.R.A.V.E. Space in context with other relevantcontent and activitiesProject is in the framework with education forsustainable development on the internationaland national level. It is connected to followingrelevant content and activities:– UNECE Strategy for Education for SustainableDevelopment;– Lisbon strategy;– The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities– Council of Europe: Resolution, Memorandum,Recommendation;– Eco-Schools;– RTPI Network for Education for Sustainabledevelopment;– United Nations Decade of Education forSustainable Development (2005-2014)/UNESCO Schools;– »Bristol Accord« – Informal Ministerial Meetingunder the EU presidency of Great Britainabout sustainable communities.Taking into consideration all current activitiesconnected with education for sustainable spatialdevelopment, the results of the project are universaland wide applicable, in certain parts alsoserviceable to cover certain activities in earliermentioned international documents.Outputs of the projectThe methodology for analysis of existing curricularegarding spatial contents was already finished.On the basis of this methodology projectpartners from all five countries carried out analysisof primary and secondary school curricula ineach country trying to define the contents connectedto space in different subjects. Schoolteachers were part of this process as well. Findingsof these analysis have showed us that spatialcontents appears in very different subjectssuch as geography, sociology, social sciences,chemistry… We only need to concretize the contentsand direct it towards practical examplesfrom life.The international questionnaire for teachers wasdistributed in all five countries and the resultshave showed us teacher relation to values ofspace, the initiation of new contents, readinessfor incorporation of this contents into the existingeducational process and the need for variousteaching tools for the implementation of new ormodernized contents.52. PlakatPoster

294Delavnica 4 / Workshop 4Pove<strong>za</strong>ve projekta R.A.V.E. Space z drugimirelevantnimi vseb<strong>in</strong>ami oz. aktivnostmiProjekt je tako na mednarodni kot na nacionalniravni vpet v okvire izobraževanja <strong>za</strong> trajnostnirazvoj. Navezuje se na naslednje relevantnevseb<strong>in</strong>e oz. aktivnosti:– UNECE Strategija izobraževanja <strong>za</strong> trajnostnirazvoj;– Lizbonska strategija;– Resolucija, Memorandum <strong>in</strong> PriporočiloSveta Evrope o izobraževanju mladih <strong>za</strong>trajnostni razvoj (Kongres lokalnih <strong>in</strong> regionalnihoblasti – Vloga regij);– Projekt Eko šole;– Mreža RTPI <strong>za</strong> izobraževanje <strong>za</strong> trajnostnirazvoj;– Desetletje Združenih narodov <strong>za</strong> izobraževanje<strong>za</strong> trajnostni razvoj (2005-2014)/UNESCO šole;– »Bristol Accord« – Neformalno srečanjem<strong>in</strong>istrov o trajnostnih skupnostih v časubritanskega predsedovanja EU.Ob upoštevanju aktualnih dogajanj, pove<strong>za</strong>nih zizobraževanjem <strong>za</strong> trajnostni <strong>prostor</strong>ski razvoj, sorezultati projekta univer<strong>za</strong>lni <strong>in</strong> široko uporabni,v nekaterih segmentih pa lahko na izvedbeniravni pokrijejo predvidene aktivnosti zgorajomenjenih mednarodnih dokumentov.R.A.V.E. Space <strong>in</strong> context with other relevantcontent and activitiesProject is <strong>in</strong> the framework with education forsusta<strong>in</strong>able development on the <strong>in</strong>ternationaland national level. It is connected to follow<strong>in</strong>grelevant content and activities:– UNECE Strategy for Education for Susta<strong>in</strong>ableDevelopment;– Lisbon strategy;– The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities– Council of Europe: Resolution, Memorandum,Recommendation;– Eco-Schools;– RTPI Network for Education for Susta<strong>in</strong>abledevelopment;– United Nations Decade of Education forSusta<strong>in</strong>able Development (2005-2014)/UNESCO Schools;– »Bristol Accord« – Informal M<strong>in</strong>isterial Meet<strong>in</strong>gunder the EU presidency of Great Brita<strong>in</strong>about susta<strong>in</strong>able communities.Tak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to consideration all current activitiesconnected with education for susta<strong>in</strong>able spatialdevelopment, the results of the project are universaland wide applicable, <strong>in</strong> certa<strong>in</strong> parts alsoserviceable to cover certa<strong>in</strong> activities <strong>in</strong> earliermentioned <strong>in</strong>ternational documents.Outputs of the projectThe methodology for analysis of exist<strong>in</strong>g curricularegard<strong>in</strong>g spatial contents was already f<strong>in</strong>ished.On the basis of this methodology projectpartners from all five countries carried out analysisof primary and secondary school curricula <strong>in</strong>each country try<strong>in</strong>g to def<strong>in</strong>e the contents connectedto space <strong>in</strong> different subjects. Schoolteachers were part of this process as well. F<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gsof these analysis have showed us that spatialcontents appears <strong>in</strong> very different subjectssuch as geography, sociology, social sciences,chemistry… We only need to concretize the contentsand direct it towards practical examplesfrom life.The <strong>in</strong>ternational questionnaire for teachers wasdistributed <strong>in</strong> all five countries and the resultshave showed us teacher relation to values ofspace, the <strong>in</strong>itiation of new contents, read<strong>in</strong>essfor <strong>in</strong>corporation of this contents <strong>in</strong>to the exist<strong>in</strong>geducational process and the need for variousteach<strong>in</strong>g tools for the implementation of new ormodernized contents.52. PlakatPoster

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