evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor

evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor


upoštevanje objektov za rekreacijo, krajinskihspomenikov, kulturnih značilnosti innačrtovanja krajine) z njo ne strinjajo?– Ali Evropska konvencija o krajini obravnavate teme v zadostni meri?The network of NATURA 2000 sites is a greatchance for common efforts of the EuropeanUnion to provide for nature protection. It is fundamentallynecessary to protect and connectisolated habitats in order to save some endangeredspecies. Our responsibility for preservingthe biodiversity requires this.Many people (especially land users and infrastructureplanners) still react in a very reservedmanner. Even the designation of NATURA sitesin Germany was long and full of conflict.To effect a more positive image for the NATURAnetwork assessment methods require improvementin order to produce faster results. It is alsonecessary to take a holistic view of nature andlandscape.Some remaining questions:– What does it mean, when the Habitats Directivedeals only with habitats and species andblends out cultural or aesthetical aspects ofthe landscape?– May not conflicts occur, if other interestgroups for landscape matters (such as considerationof recreation facilities, landscapemonuments, cultural features or landscapedesign) are colliding with it?– Does the European Landscape Conventionincorporate these matters in an adequateway?279Delavnica 3 / Workshop 3

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upoštevanje objektov <strong>za</strong> rekreacijo, kraj<strong>in</strong>skihspomenikov, kulturnih značilnosti <strong>in</strong>načrtovanja kraj<strong>in</strong>e) z njo ne str<strong>in</strong>jajo?– Ali Evropska <strong>konvencija</strong> o <strong>kraj<strong>in</strong>i</strong> obravnavate teme v <strong>za</strong>dostni meri?The network of NATURA 2000 sites is a greatchance for common efforts of the EuropeanUnion to provide for nature protection. It is fundamentallynecessary to protect and connectisolated habitats <strong>in</strong> order to save some endangeredspecies. Our responsibility for preserv<strong>in</strong>gthe biodiversity requires this.Many people (especially land users and <strong>in</strong>frastructureplanners) still react <strong>in</strong> a very reservedmanner. Even the designation of NATURA sites<strong>in</strong> Germany was long and full of conflict.To effect a more positive image for the NATURAnetwork assessment methods require improvement<strong>in</strong> order to produce faster results. It is alsonecessary to take a holistic view of nature andlandscape.Some rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g questions:– What does it mean, when the Habitats Directivedeals only with habitats and species andblends out cultural or aesthetical aspects ofthe landscape?– May not conflicts occur, if other <strong>in</strong>terestgroups for landscape matters (such as considerationof recreation facilities, landscapemonuments, cultural features or landscapedesign) are collid<strong>in</strong>g with it?– Does the European Landscape Convention<strong>in</strong>corporate these matters <strong>in</strong> an adequateway?279Delavnica 3 / Workshop 3

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