evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor

evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor


Resnično osrednji prostori, kakor tudi sistemobmočij zelenih pasov, območij tišine in miru,priborjenih iz hrupnih krajin, so tisti, ki senahajajo med infrastrukturnimi objekti intrgovskimi naselji ter lokalno in arhitekturnoreorganizacijo javnih služb.Na prvi pogledi se zdi, da je splošno razširjenaideja o infrastrukturnih koridorjih do neke meretako usmerjena, vendar ostaja preveč omejenana idejo območja in funkcije. Da bi preoblikovalisuburbanizirana območja in krajino, morajomedsebojne povezave med različnimi politikamiimeti logiko, ki ni omejena samo na povezovanje(integracijo) različnih omrežij in ki poteka gledena pravokotne odseke, ki se po velikosti zelorazlikujejo, in na ozemlja, na katerih se objektinahajajo. Poleg tega terjajo projekte, ki sočasnodelujejo na drugačnih ravneh kot tisti, ki sopodrobno dani v infrastrukturnem projektu,začenši od vmesnega projekta urbanih naselij invse do bolj obsežnih projektov omrežja.Poudariti je treba, da se lahko finančni vidikiobravnavajo samo na podlagi te povezave medrazličnimi politikami, da se zagotovi, da se delona zelenih območjih ne vidi zgolj kot nadaljnarazvojna stopnja sofinanciranja razlaščenihobmočij za izgradnjo zabaviščnih in trgovskihcentrov. Takšna politika se ne skuša izognitiodgovornosti, ki izhaja iz razvoja suburbaniziranihobmočij in krajine.Kot zaključek je treba poudariti, da ko sesklicujemo na kompleksni sistem infrastrukturnihnaložb in njihovo vlogo pri ponovniopredelitvi italijanske krajine, se moramosklicevati ne samo na velika dela stvarnegaprava, pač pa tudi na večji projekt, ki ga je trebaopredeliti kot zbirko različnih majhnih posegov,ki se v glavnem, vendar ne izključno, ukvarjajoz izboljšanjem že obstoječih omrežij, urbanih insuburbanih cest.Da bi izboljšali italijansko krajino, si moramozamisliti veliki načrt, ki se uresniči s pomočjoobičajne dolgoročne javne politike strateškihvrednot, ki vključuje izboljšanje cest, redefinicijocest, učinkovit tok vode, oblikovanje pločnikov instez za kolesarje, in v bolj splošnem smislu,različne sisteme življenjskega sloga, ki jihdoločajo različni prometni sistemi, velikepovršine za parkiranje, z drevesi obdane avenije,ki poleg tega, da so ekološke, vračajo urbaniorganizaciji tretjo razsežnost, ki je še vednorazvidna iz kart.accountability for designs that are not immediatelypopular. Most of all there must be somecomparison with other scenarios proposingideas of landscapes able to generate connectionsbetween the various networks, (roads, railways,airports), and with different scales (national-regionalbut also local between differentsuburbanised areas of the controversial cities ofPedemontana), between policies on infrastructuresand those on open spaces which are involved(which for example in the cases in questionmay become a system of public areas).The real central places as well as a system ofgreen belt areas, areas of silence and tranquillitycarved out of noisy landscapes are those betweeninfrastructures and commercial settlementsand the reorganisation of public services,locally and architecturally.The widespread idea of infrastructural corridorswould seem to be oriented to some extent in thisdirection, but it remains too restricted to the ideaof area and function; in order to reformsuburbanised areas and landscape the interconnectionsbetween the various policies require alogic that is not limited only to integration betweenthe various networks and which proceedsin relation to perpendicular sections, that varygreatly in size, and to the territories involved inthe structures. They, moreover, require projectsthat work concomitantly on different scalesfrom that detailed in the infrastructure project,starting from the intermediary project on urbansettlements and extending to the more extensiveones of the network.It should be underlined that only through this linkbetween different policies can financial aspectsbe dealt with to assure that work on green areasis not seen to be only a further development ofco-financing of dispossessed areas for the constructionof entertainment or commercial centres.Such a policy does not try to escape accountabilitythat may be considered as evolutionof suburbanised areas and of the landscape.In conclusion it must be pointed out that whenwe refer to a complex system of infrastructureinvestments and their role in the redefinition ofthe Italian landscape, we must refer not only tothe great works of objective law, but also to agreater project to be defined by a collection ofvarious small interventions mainly, but not exclusively,concerned with improvement of the preexistingnetworks, urban and suburban roads.247Delavnica 3 / Workshop 3

248Delavnica 3 / Workshop 3Politika, ki je prilagodljiva pri svojem preprojektiranju,ki se izogiba urbanim modelom, kiznova predlagajo standardne prostore v bližinicest, nekaj, kar je resnična priložnost, da se izraziizjemno banalnim in za bivanje neprimernimobmočjem.V italijanskih krajinah je čedalje več dokazov oprizadevanjih za izboljšanje krajine z majhnimi,vendar splošno razširjenimi projekti. Takšniprojekti morajo ostati decentralizirani, vendar jihmora spremljati, tudi s finančnega vidika,ponoven pregled (revizija) lokalnega financiranjacest, različnih delov mesta, kakor tudi vsehurbanih struktur, temelječ na logiki, ki ni avtoreferenčna,nagrajujoč ne nujno najboljšiprojekt, pač pa tiste, ki so najbolj zanimivi alisposobni izzvati posnemanje, da bi sprožili tokmojstrstva.Če se spomnimo starih priročnikov Ina-case alizakonodaje v zvezi s prispevki za izboljšanje, alicelo najbolj omejevalnih navedb za ‘urbanestandarde’, se dobro zavedamo, kako lokalna aliskupna prizadevanja dosežejo več, če jihpodpira stimulativna nacionalna politika. Izziv vtem primeru je izogniti se banalnemu‘opremljanju’ urbanih območij in vrsti prevečdrznih tehničnih rešitev. Zaželjeno je, da bi senaložbe zagotavljale na lokalni ravni in bileusmerjene v doseganje visoke ravni primernostiza življenje z izgradnjo bolj gostoljubnih odprtihin kolektivnih prostorov, in seveda, z varstvom tekompleksne in neprecenljivo dragocene javnedobrine, ki se imenuje krajina.In order to improve the Italian landscape wemust imagine a great plan that it is implementedthrough an ordinary public long term policy ofstrategic valences involving improvement ofroads, redefinition of roads, efficient water flow,creation of pavements and bicycle lanes, andmore generally, different systems of life styleregulated by different transport systems, largeparking areas, tree-lined avenues which, besidesbeing ecological take the third dimension backto the urban organisation which we still read onmaps.A policy that is flexible in its redesign, avoidingtraditional urban models which re-proposestandard spaces close to streets, something thatis a real opportunity to give expression to extraordinarilybanal and uninhabitable areas.In the Italian landscapes there is more and moreevidence of attempts at improving the landscapethrough small but widespread projects. Suchprojects must remain decentralised but must beaccompanied, also from a financial point of view,by a review of local funding for roads, variousparts of the town as well as entire urban structures,based on non auto-referential logic, awardingnot necessarily the best project but thosethat are the most interesting or able of to createan imitation in order to activate circuits of virtuosity.If we think back to the old handbooks of lna-casaor the legislation regarding contributions forimprovement, or even the most curtailing of indicationsfor ‘urban standards’ we are wellaware of how local or joint actions can achievemore when supported by a stimulating nationalpolicy. The challenge in this case is to avoid abanal ‘furnishing’ of urban areas and a series ofpresumptuous technical solutions. Preferably investmentsshould be provided at local level andoriented towards achieving a high level of liveabilityin the territory through the constructionof more hospitable open and collective spaces,and, of course, the protection of that complexand inestimably valuable public asset which isthe landscape.

248Delavnica 3 / Workshop 3Politika, ki je prilagodljiva pri svojem preprojektiranju,ki se izogiba urbanim modelom, kiznova predlagajo standardne <strong>prostor</strong>e v bliž<strong>in</strong>icest, nekaj, kar je resnična priložnost, da se izraziizjemno banalnim <strong>in</strong> <strong>za</strong> bivanje neprimernimobmočjem.V italijanskih kraj<strong>in</strong>ah je čedalje več dokazov opri<strong>za</strong>devanjih <strong>za</strong> izboljšanje kraj<strong>in</strong>e z majhnimi,vendar splošno razširjenimi projekti. Takšniprojekti morajo ostati decentralizirani, vendar jihmora spremljati, tudi s f<strong>in</strong>ančnega vidika,ponoven pregled (revizija) lokalnega f<strong>in</strong>anciranjacest, različnih delov mesta, kakor tudi vsehurbanih struktur, temelječ na logiki, ki ni avtoreferenčna,nagrajujoč ne nujno najboljšiprojekt, pač pa tiste, ki so najbolj <strong>za</strong>nimivi alisposobni izzvati posnemanje, da bi sprožili tokmojstrstva.Če se spomnimo starih priročnikov Ina-case ali<strong>za</strong>konodaje v zvezi s prispevki <strong>za</strong> izboljšanje, alicelo najbolj omejevalnih navedb <strong>za</strong> ‘urbanestandarde’, se dobro <strong>za</strong>vedamo, kako lokalna aliskupna pri<strong>za</strong>devanja dosežejo več, če jihpodpira stimulativna nacionalna politika. Izziv vtem primeru je izogniti se banalnemu‘opremljanju’ urbanih območij <strong>in</strong> vrsti prevečdrznih tehničnih rešitev. Zaželjeno je, da bi senaložbe <strong>za</strong>gotavljale na lokalni ravni <strong>in</strong> bileusmerjene v doseganje visoke ravni primernosti<strong>za</strong> življenje z izgradnjo bolj gostoljubnih odprtih<strong>in</strong> kolektivnih <strong>prostor</strong>ov, <strong>in</strong> seveda, z varstvom tekompleksne <strong>in</strong> neprecenljivo dragocene javnedobr<strong>in</strong>e, ki se imenuje kraj<strong>in</strong>a.In order to improve the Italian landscape wemust imag<strong>in</strong>e a great plan that it is implementedthrough an ord<strong>in</strong>ary public long term policy ofstrategic valences <strong>in</strong>volv<strong>in</strong>g improvement ofroads, redef<strong>in</strong>ition of roads, efficient water flow,creation of pavements and bicycle lanes, andmore generally, different systems of life styleregulated by different transport systems, largepark<strong>in</strong>g areas, tree-l<strong>in</strong>ed avenues which, besidesbe<strong>in</strong>g ecological take the third dimension backto the urban organisation which we still read onmaps.A policy that is flexible <strong>in</strong> its redesign, avoid<strong>in</strong>gtraditional urban models which re-proposestandard spaces close to streets, someth<strong>in</strong>g thatis a real opportunity to give expression to extraord<strong>in</strong>arilybanal and un<strong>in</strong>habitable areas.In the Italian landscapes there is more and moreevidence of attempts at improv<strong>in</strong>g the landscapethrough small but widespread projects. Suchprojects must rema<strong>in</strong> decentralised but must beaccompanied, also from a f<strong>in</strong>ancial po<strong>in</strong>t of view,by a review of local fund<strong>in</strong>g for roads, variousparts of the town as well as entire urban structures,based on non auto-referential logic, award<strong>in</strong>gnot necessarily the best project but thosethat are the most <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g or able of to createan imitation <strong>in</strong> order to activate circuits of virtuosity.If we th<strong>in</strong>k back to the old handbooks of lna-casaor the legislation regard<strong>in</strong>g contributions forimprovement, or even the most curtail<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>in</strong>dicationsfor ‘urban standards’ we are wellaware of how local or jo<strong>in</strong>t actions can achievemore when supported by a stimulat<strong>in</strong>g nationalpolicy. The challenge <strong>in</strong> this case is to avoid abanal ‘furnish<strong>in</strong>g’ of urban areas and a series ofpresumptuous technical solutions. Preferably <strong>in</strong>vestmentsshould be provided at local level andoriented towards achiev<strong>in</strong>g a high level of liveability<strong>in</strong> the territory through the constructionof more hospitable open and collective spaces,and, of course, the protection of that complexand <strong>in</strong>estimably valuable public asset which isthe landscape.

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