evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor

evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor

evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor


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extremely low prices and the fish<strong>in</strong>g license. Andalso seen from the <strong>in</strong>side, the landscape loosesits glamour, it is always the same, shadowed bythe daily problems. The reed covered houses sopicturesque <strong>in</strong> summer for the tourists are muchtoo uncomfortable when you use them on adaily basis and the boat becomes sometimes asecond house when, turned upside down, it protectsyou aga<strong>in</strong>st the storms unleashed all of asudden. Everyth<strong>in</strong>g becomes hostile when a fewperches are expected to represent a satisfactoryd<strong>in</strong>ner. This very moment, the boat becomes themost valuable asset, greased with tar and pitchit is expected to resist about five years. Takencare of and permanently repaired, ow<strong>in</strong>g to itsmultipurpose utili<strong>za</strong>tions, the boat is the mosttrusted friend of the fisherman. However, <strong>in</strong>spiredby the love for their profession, by the avatarsof their daily life, these dar<strong>in</strong>g people will alwayswelcome you with an open heart if youlook for their company.189Delavnica 2 / Workshop 2In the Delta everyth<strong>in</strong>g is spectacular - the sunriseand the sunset, the impenetrable reed or thewillow islets, the w<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g canals, the hills wherethe echo of the cattle clatter can be still heard,the clumsy silhouettes of the fishermen’s cottagesor of the fisheries, long forgotten w<strong>in</strong>dmills project you <strong>in</strong>to the archaic side of time,where poetry has not been yet sta<strong>in</strong>ed by anymodern element. Here, you may forget all thedaily problems, nourish<strong>in</strong>g your soul with thepeace of a realm which looks as if it were <strong>in</strong>tentionallyforgotten by the evolutive civili<strong>za</strong>tion , aland com<strong>in</strong>g straight from a fairy tale that beg<strong>in</strong>swith the unforgettable words »once upon atime...«Don’t let all these th<strong>in</strong>gs to die. Together, we canrescue Sul<strong>in</strong>a. Thus, the world will be better.

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