evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor

evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor


34. Today, the City’sEconomy is downfall.tive. The Shipyard of Sulina repairs all types oftechnological ships that navigate on the Danube.Uprava proste cone Suline predstavlja delpozidanega območja mesta in zavzemapovršino več kot 100 ha, sestavljena je izsedmih predelov, ki se nahajajo v urbanemobmočju in okrog pomorskega tranzitnegabazena Suline. Ogled dejavnosti v prosti coni jemožen na podlagi dovolilnice z javne dražbe alis pridobitvijo dovolilnice za »uporabnike prostecone«. AFZS se ukvarja z upravljanjem,odlaganjem, razvrščanjem in zavijanjem blaga.V prosti coni je prav tako možno najeti alipodariti ozemlja in zgradbe. Pogodbenoobdobje za to vrsto dejavnosti je bilo zakonskodoločeno na 50 let. Dovolilnice za delo soveljavne od enega meseca do največ enega leta.Prav tako pooblastilo za dostop do proste conevelja največ 12 mesecev. Cena teh se vrti med3 in 50 dolarji, odvisno od zahtevane veljavnosti,in v primeru prevoznega sredstva, od težetransportnega vozila. Drugo podjetje, zakaterega je delala večina prebivalstva, je bilatovarna ribjih konzerv na obrobju mesta. Predmnogimi leti je tam vsak dan delalo 250zaposlenih. Proizvodnja je znašala 14 ton ribjihkonzerv in delo je potekalo v dveh izmenah. Predrevolucijo je v bližini bila tudi tovarna ledu sproizvodnjo 14 ton. Sedaj je staro podjetjeprevzel zasebni investitor, vendar to ni dovolj.Največji težavi sta nezadostno število rib vDonavi in odsotnost močnega partnerja napodročju ribarjenja v odprtih morjih.2.3. DediščinaVredne ogleda so stara zgradba Evropskekomisije za Donavo, zgrajena leta 1860, cerkevsvetega Nikolasa Aleksandra, hišni muzej EmilaBoteza, poznanega kot Jeana Barta, in v centrumesta svetilnik, ki meri 18,5 m, zgrajen leta1852 in prenovljen 1870.Ob upoštevanju kulturnega modela, opredeljenegaskozi čas, menimo, da je posebnostToday, the City’s Economy is downfall. The peopleof the city crave even now for the economicalsituation of other times. Long ago, the largegoods traffic on the navigable branch of theDanube drove to the flourishing of the economyand the welfare of its citizens. Now, all that’s leftof the glory of the past, of the fish can factoryand the tax free business of the free zone of thecity is memories. In Sulina, ever since 1978, thefree port system was established and the FreeZone Sulina Administration was founded. Theorganism has an authonom statute and is structuredbased on the economical and financialself-gestion principles, as a result of the reorganizationof former foreign trade enterprise, SulinaFree Port.The AFZS is included within the built-up area ofthe city, on a surface of over 100 ha, and is composedof seven perimeters placed in the urbanarea and around the maritime transit basinSulina. The display of activities in the free zonecan be made either as a result of the adjudicationof an public auction, or through acquiring a»user of free zone« license. AFZS is profiled onthe manipulation, depositing, sorting and wrappingof goods. Also, in the free zone, lands andbuildings can be rented or granted. The periodstipulated by contract for this type of operationshas been established by the law to be 50 years.Work licenses are delivered on a validity periodstarting from a month to a year. Also, the accessauthorizations for the free zone remain into forcefor maximum 12 months. The price of these variesbetween 3 and 50 dollars, depending on therequested validity period, and in case of themeans of transportation, depending on theweight of the transportation vehicle. Anothercompany most of the inhabitants used to workin was the fish can factory, at the periphery.Long ago, 250 employees used to work theredaily. The production was of 14 tons of fish cansand the work was in two shifts. Before the Revolution,there was an ice factory in the same precincts,with a production of 14 tons. Now, theold company was taken by a private investor, butit isn’t efficient. The insufficient Danube fish andthe absence of a powerfull partner in the field ofbig ocean fishing are the main inconveniences.The AFZS is included within the built-up area ofthe city, on a surface of over 100 ha, and is com-181Delavnica 2 / Workshop 2

182Delavnica 2 / Workshop 2Suline:– Razvoj določene vrste naselja, ki je skladnoz vodnim virom (Donavo), z linearno sestavoter pravilno gradnjo in vzporednimi ulicami.V centru se na 1. in 2. ulici nahajajo pomembnejšezgradbe, ki so neposredno povezanez obstojem različnih vrst kultur in večkulturnihpričevanj, ki jih izkazujejo gospodarski,socialni in etnični profili mesta: palačaECD-ja, Upravna palača z javnimi ustanovami(Podprefekturo, Mestno hišo, Carino, zgradbes številnimi konzularnimi agencijami).– Razvoj določene vrste arhitekture, ki je značilnaza Sulino, z lesenimi in s kovinoobloženimi hišami na visokih kamnitihtemeljih, z balkoni, delavnicami in skladišči vpritličju. Posebna vrsta urbane arhitekture jeposledica prepletanja naravnega okolja inarhitekturnih stilov dobe ter obenem prilagoditveokolju in posebnim funkcijam. Prepoznamolahko značilne hiše znotraj ECD iniz okolice svetilnika, ki so bile zgrajene medleti 1868-1899 za zaposlene ECD-ja.Danes lahko opazimo napredujočo degradacijograjene dediščine, do katere je prišlo v časugospodarskega zatona mesta. Z uvedbo določenihprojektov, kot je »Pomoč Sulini 2000«, smoposkušali:– Razviti kulturno infrastrukturo z izboljšanjemohranitve in kapitalizacijo grajene dediščinein njene integracije v mehanizme tržnegagospodarstva.– Vključiti mesto v večsektorski koncept prostorskega,regijskega in kulturnega razvoja,kamor spada tudi kulturni turizem kotdejavnik ekonomske vitalnosti.Ljudje z različnimi etničnimi ozadji so tukajsložno živeli skupaj, sledili so svojim tradicijamin prav tako skupnemu interesu: mirnemuživljenju in dobremu poslovanju. V takšnemokolju je Sulina postala mešanica narodnosti,kraj za vsakogar, kjer so velike količine denarjabotrovale nastanku casinojev in izbruhu mode,ki bi si ga težko zamislili. Lastniki ladij in trgovciz žitom so zapravili ogromne količine denarja vcasinojih, mnogo jih je iskalo uteho v hišah zrdečimi lučmi in veliko duš je našlo svoj počitekpod prstjo pokopališča v Sulini. Tako prebivalcikot obiskovalci Suline so živeli skupaj na vodah,sklepali posle v svojih pisarnah, se zabavali vcasinojih in gostilnah ter skupaj našli večni mirna pokopališču majhnega mesta. Po igri usodeposed of seven perimeters placed in the urbanarea and around the maritime transit basinSulina. The display of activities in the free zonecan be made either as a result of the adjudicationof an public auction, or through acquiring a»user of free zone« license. AFZS is profiled onthe manipulation, depositing, sorting and wrappingof goods. Also, in the free zone, lands andbuildings can be rented or granted. The periodstipulated by contract for this type of operationshas been established by the law to be 50 years.Work licenses are delivered on a validity periodstarting from a month to a year. Also, the accessauthorizations for the free zone remain into forcefor maximum 12 months. The price of these variesbetween 3 and 50 dollars, depending on therequested validity period, and in case of themeans of transportation, depending on theweight of the transportation vehicle. Anothercompany most of the inhabitants used to workin was the fish can factory, at the periphery.Long ago, 250 employees used to work theredaily. The production was of 14 tons of fish cansand the work was in two shifts. Before the Revolution,there was an ice factory in the same precincts,with a production of 14 tons. Now, theold company was taken by a private investor, butit isn’t efficient. The insufficient Danube fish andthe absence of a powerfull partner in the field ofbig ocean fishing are the main inconveniences.2.3. HeritageThe local attractions are the old building of theEuropean Danube Commission, built in 1860,the Saint Nicolas Alexander Church, the House-Museum of Emil Botez, as known as Jean Bart,and in the center of the city, the beacon measuring18,5 m, built in 1852 and renovated in1870.Regarding the cultural model defined throughout time in Sulina we think as remarkable:– The development of a certain type of settlementproportional to the source of water (theDanube), with a linear structure and regulartexture and parallel streets. In the center, onthe 1 st and 2 nd street, important buildingswere placed, directly bound by the existenceof various cultural types and multi-culturalmanifests by the economic, social and ethnicprofile of the city: the ECD’s Palace, the AdministrativePalace with public institutions(Sub-prefecture, City Hall, Costom House,the buildings with numerous consular agen-

182Delavnica 2 / Workshop 2Sul<strong>in</strong>e:– Razvoj določene vrste naselja, ki je skladnoz vodnim virom (Donavo), z l<strong>in</strong>earno sestavoter pravilno gradnjo <strong>in</strong> vzporednimi ulicami.V centru se na 1. <strong>in</strong> 2. ulici nahajajo pomembnejšezgradbe, ki so neposredno pove<strong>za</strong>nez obstojem različnih vrst kultur <strong>in</strong> večkulturnihpričevanj, ki jih izkazujejo gospodarski,socialni <strong>in</strong> etnični profili mesta: palačaECD-ja, Upravna palača z javnimi ustanovami(Podprefekturo, Mestno hišo, Car<strong>in</strong>o, zgradbes številnimi konzularnimi agencijami).– Razvoj določene vrste arhitekture, ki je značilna<strong>za</strong> Sul<strong>in</strong>o, z lesenimi <strong>in</strong> s kov<strong>in</strong>oobloženimi hišami na visokih kamnitihtemeljih, z balkoni, delavnicami <strong>in</strong> skladišči vpritličju. Posebna vrsta urbane arhitekture jeposledica prepletanja naravnega okolja <strong>in</strong>arhitekturnih stilov dobe ter obenem prilagoditveokolju <strong>in</strong> posebnim funkcijam. Prepoznamolahko značilne hiše znotraj ECD <strong>in</strong>iz okolice svetilnika, ki so bile zgrajene medleti 1868-1899 <strong>za</strong> <strong>za</strong>poslene ECD-ja.Danes lahko opazimo napredujočo degradacijograjene dedišč<strong>in</strong>e, do katere je prišlo v časugospodarskega <strong>za</strong>tona mesta. Z uvedbo določenihprojektov, kot je »Pomoč Sul<strong>in</strong>i 2000«, smoposkušali:– Razviti kulturno <strong><strong>in</strong>frastrukturo</strong> z izboljšanjemohranitve <strong>in</strong> kapitali<strong>za</strong>cijo grajene dedišč<strong>in</strong>e<strong>in</strong> njene <strong>in</strong>tegracije v mehanizme tržnegagospodarstva.– Vključiti mesto v večsektorski koncept <strong>prostor</strong>skega,regijskega <strong>in</strong> kulturnega razvoja,kamor spada tudi kulturni turizem kotdejavnik ekonomske vitalnosti.Ljudje z različnimi etničnimi o<strong>za</strong>dji so tukajsložno živeli skupaj, sledili so svojim tradicijam<strong>in</strong> prav tako skupnemu <strong>in</strong>teresu: mirnemuživljenju <strong>in</strong> dobremu poslovanju. V takšnemokolju je Sul<strong>in</strong>a postala mešanica narodnosti,kraj <strong>za</strong> vsakogar, kjer so velike količ<strong>in</strong>e denarjabotrovale nastanku cas<strong>in</strong>ojev <strong>in</strong> izbruhu mode,ki bi si ga težko <strong>za</strong>mislili. Lastniki ladij <strong>in</strong> trgovciz žitom so <strong>za</strong>pravili ogromne količ<strong>in</strong>e denarja vcas<strong>in</strong>ojih, mnogo jih je iskalo uteho v hišah zrdečimi lučmi <strong>in</strong> veliko duš je našlo svoj počitekpod prstjo pokopališča v Sul<strong>in</strong>i. Tako prebivalcikot obiskovalci Sul<strong>in</strong>e so živeli skupaj na vodah,sklepali posle v svojih pisarnah, se <strong>za</strong>bavali vcas<strong>in</strong>ojih <strong>in</strong> gostilnah ter skupaj našli večni mirna pokopališču majhnega mesta. Po igri usodeposed of seven perimeters placed <strong>in</strong> the urbanarea and around the maritime transit bas<strong>in</strong>Sul<strong>in</strong>a. The display of activities <strong>in</strong> the free zonecan be made either as a result of the adjudicationof an public auction, or through acquir<strong>in</strong>g a»user of free zone« license. AFZS is profiled onthe manipulation, deposit<strong>in</strong>g, sort<strong>in</strong>g and wrapp<strong>in</strong>gof goods. Also, <strong>in</strong> the free zone, lands andbuild<strong>in</strong>gs can be rented or granted. The periodstipulated by contract for this type of operationshas been established by the law to be 50 years.Work licenses are delivered on a validity periodstart<strong>in</strong>g from a month to a year. Also, the accessauthori<strong>za</strong>tions for the free zone rema<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>to forcefor maximum 12 months. The price of these variesbetween 3 and 50 dollars, depend<strong>in</strong>g on therequested validity period, and <strong>in</strong> case of themeans of transportation, depend<strong>in</strong>g on theweight of the transportation vehicle. Anothercompany most of the <strong>in</strong>habitants used to work<strong>in</strong> was the fish can factory, at the periphery.Long ago, 250 employees used to work theredaily. The production was of 14 tons of fish cansand the work was <strong>in</strong> two shifts. Before the Revolution,there was an ice factory <strong>in</strong> the same prec<strong>in</strong>cts,with a production of 14 tons. Now, theold company was taken by a private <strong>in</strong>vestor, butit isn’t efficient. The <strong>in</strong>sufficient Danube fish andthe absence of a powerfull partner <strong>in</strong> the field ofbig ocean fish<strong>in</strong>g are the ma<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>conveniences.2.3. HeritageThe local attractions are the old build<strong>in</strong>g of theEuropean Danube Commission, built <strong>in</strong> 1860,the Sa<strong>in</strong>t Nicolas Alexander Church, the House-Museum of Emil Botez, as known as Jean Bart,and <strong>in</strong> the center of the city, the beacon measur<strong>in</strong>g18,5 m, built <strong>in</strong> 1852 and renovated <strong>in</strong>1870.Regard<strong>in</strong>g the cultural model def<strong>in</strong>ed throughout time <strong>in</strong> Sul<strong>in</strong>a we th<strong>in</strong>k as remarkable:– The development of a certa<strong>in</strong> type of settlementproportional to the source of water (theDanube), with a l<strong>in</strong>ear structure and regulartexture and parallel streets. In the center, onthe 1 st and 2 nd street, important build<strong>in</strong>gswere placed, directly bound by the existenceof various cultural types and multi-culturalmanifests by the economic, social and ethnicprofile of the city: the ECD’s Palace, the Adm<strong>in</strong>istrativePalace with public <strong>in</strong>stitutions(Sub-prefecture, City Hall, Costom House,the build<strong>in</strong>gs with numerous consular agen-

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