evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor

evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor

evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor


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180Delavnica 2 / Workshop 2<strong>za</strong>puščene cerkve, ceste, ki so tako prašne kotna podeželju, <strong>za</strong>puščene tovarne. Mrtvaškatiš<strong>in</strong>a jo je prekrila nekje na sredi poti <strong>in</strong> o Sul<strong>in</strong>islišimo le takrat, ko jo <strong>za</strong>livajo poplave ali ko sepojavi na spisku mest v karanteni.Sul<strong>in</strong>a se hrani s svojimi spom<strong>in</strong>i. Do leta 1989so štiri hitre ladje <strong>in</strong> ena potniška pripeljale 1500turistov na dan. Gostili so jih v hišah prebivalcevali v hotelu s 150 sobami, ki je sedaj popolnoma<strong>za</strong>nemarjen. Domač<strong>in</strong>i so bili <strong>za</strong>posleni v mestnitovarni konzerv ali v ladjedelnici. Obe sta seprivatizirali <strong>in</strong> sčasoma propadli.Še več, Sul<strong>in</strong>a živi od spom<strong>in</strong>a, kakšne so bilerazmere na <strong>za</strong>četku 20. stoletja. Od 1856 do1939 je to mesto bilo sedež ECD, ustanovljenemz mirovniško pogodbo po Krimski vojni,ko je bila uveljavljena prosta plovba po Donavi.Postala je svetovljansko mesto, njen uradni jezikje bil francošč<strong>in</strong>a <strong>in</strong> gršč<strong>in</strong>a najbolj razširjenijezik. Zraven tega so bili domač<strong>in</strong>i poligloti, sajje skupaj živelo 28 narodnosti. Pristanišče vSul<strong>in</strong>i je bilo deležno davčnih olajšav <strong>in</strong> če so vdrugih evropskih pristaniščih delavci <strong>za</strong>služilifunt na dan, so jih tukaj štiri.Ladjedelnica se skuša rešiti. Zgrajena je bila leta1895, takrat kot je bila ustanovljena Evropskakomisija, <strong>in</strong> je kasneje postala del Plovne upravev spodnjem toku Donave. Od leta 1982 jeLadjedelnica Sul<strong>in</strong>e neodvisna družba. Imela je280 <strong>za</strong>poslenih <strong>in</strong> je ustvarjala približno 50milijonov lei na leto v času, ko je kruh stal 3 lei.Po revoluciji se je število naročil zmanjšalo <strong>in</strong>število romunskih ladij, tako kot <strong>za</strong>poslenih, jeupadlo. Po letu 1989 so ljudje v Sul<strong>in</strong>i postalibrezposelni. Tovarna konzerv se je <strong>za</strong>prla <strong>in</strong>brezposelnih je postalo 40 % prebivalcev. Danessamo 188 ljudi prejema nadomestilo, medtemko je v Sul<strong>in</strong>i 3139 ljudi, sposobnih <strong>za</strong> delo.Vendar ko je ladjedelnica <strong>za</strong>čela najemati ljudi,se le-ti niso <strong>za</strong>nimali <strong>za</strong> razpoložljiva delovnamesta. Leta 2002 se je podjetje privatiziralo.Takrat je ladjedelnica imela mnogo dolgov <strong>in</strong> jebila tik pred stečajem (imela je le 60 <strong>za</strong>poslenih).Po privati<strong>za</strong>ciji se je število <strong>za</strong>poslenih povečalo,prav tako pa proizvodnja. Leta 2003 jeladjedelnica proizvedla 16 milijard lejev <strong>in</strong> število<strong>za</strong>poslenih je doseglo 94, od katerih je 78neposredno produktivnih. Ladjedelnica Sul<strong>in</strong>epopravlja vse vrste tehnoloških ladij, ki plujejo poDonavi.But more than that, Sul<strong>in</strong>a lives with thememory of what it used to be at the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gof the 20 th century. From 1856 to 1939, this citywas the residence of the ECD, founded throughthe peace treaty after the Crimean War, whenthe freedom of navigation on the Danube wasestablished. It became a cosmopolitan city,which had French as its official language andGreek as its mostly spoken language. Besides,the <strong>in</strong>habitants were polyglots, because 28 nationalitieslived together. The Sul<strong>in</strong>a harbor receivedfiscal privileges and, if <strong>in</strong> other Europeanharbors, the workers received one pound a day,here they earned four.The rema<strong>in</strong>ders of the English, the French, theGreeks, the Italians, the Hungarians, the Serbo-Croatians, the Muslims, the Jewish and of otheroutstand<strong>in</strong>g people that connected their nameswith that of Sul<strong>in</strong>a, can only be found <strong>in</strong> the citygraveyard, with impressive monuments, but devastated.It’s the only graveyard of Romaniawhere rest together believers of the three greatreligions. In the last 50 years, the ignorance ofthe people has destroyed most of the maritimegraveyard of Sul<strong>in</strong>a, almost 150 years old. Tombfences have become enclosures for local gardens,tombstones have become pavement for alleys,and wrought iron crosses have been sold asmonuments <strong>in</strong> Tulcea or Constanta.The Shipyard tries to shift. It was built <strong>in</strong> 1895,along with the European Communion, and laterbecame part of the Down Danube Fluvial Adm<strong>in</strong>istration.S<strong>in</strong>ce 1982, the Shipyard of Sul<strong>in</strong>abecame an <strong>in</strong>dependent society. It had 280employees and produced approximately 50 millionlei a year, when bread cost 3 lei. After theRevolution, the number of charges decreased,and the number of Romanian ships, as well asemployees, dim<strong>in</strong>ished. In Sul<strong>in</strong>a, after 1989, thepeople were left unemployed. The can factorywas closed, and it is said 40% of the <strong>in</strong>habitantsare unemployed. Now, only 188 receive allowance,out of the 3139 people capable of work <strong>in</strong>Sul<strong>in</strong>a. Although, when the Shipyard started hir<strong>in</strong>g,the people were not <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> the jobsavailable.In January 2002, the company becameprivate property. In that moment, the Shipyardhad many debts and was almost bankrupt(it only had 60 employees). After privati<strong>za</strong>tion,the number of employees <strong>in</strong>creased, and so didthe production. In 2003, the Shipyard produced16 billion lei and the number of employeesreached 94, from which 78 are directly produc-

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