evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor

evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor


pospeševanje pomorske varnosti in zaščitepred naravnimi in tehnološkimi tveganji; inzaščito in krepitev naravne dediščine v koristsocialno-ekonomskega razvoja in trajnostnegaturizma;– Dostopnost: dejavnosti za izboljšanjedostopnosti in kakovosti transporta intelekomunikacijskih storitev, kjer imajo jasnotransnacionalno razsežnost. Aktivnosti lahkovključujejo: vlaganje v čezmejne sektorjetransevropskih omrežij; izboljšanje lokalnegain regionalnega dostopa do nacionalnih intransnacionalnih omrežij; izboljšanje interoperabilnostinacionalnih in regionalnih sistemov;in pospeševanje naprednih informacijskihin telekomunikacijskih tehnologij;– Trajnostni urbani razvoj: krepitev policentričnegarazvoja na transnacionalni,nacionalni in regionalni ravni, z jasnimtransnacionalnim učinkom. Dejavnosti lahkovključujejo: vzpostavitev in izboljšanjeurbanih omrežij in mestno-podeželskihpovezav; strategije za reševanje skupnihmestno-podeželskih zadev; ohranjanje inpospeševanje kulturne dediščine, instrateško integracijo razvojnih con natransnacionalni podlagi.3. Ozemeljsko sodelovanje na medregijskiravni se bo nadaljevalo v treh tematskihmedregionalnih programih sodelovanja:– ESPON: http://www.espon.lu/,– Interact: http://www.interact-eu.net in– Urbact: http://www.urbact.org/Izvedbeni postopek za pripravo programskihdokumentov za novo obdobje 2007-2013 žepoteka, operativni program za vsakotransnacionalno sodelovanje pa bi moral bitipredstavljen ES v odobritev jeseni 2006.international centres of R&TD excellence;twinning of technology transfer institutions;and development of joint financial engineeringinstruments directed at supporting R&TDin SMEs;– Environment: water management, energyefficiency, risk prevention and environmentalprotection activities with a cleartransnational dimension. Actions may include:the protection and management ofriver basins, coastal zones, marine resources,water services and wetlands; flood prevention;the promotion of maritime security andprotection against natural and technologicalrisks; and the protection and enhancementof the natural heritage in support of socioeconomicdevelopment and sustainabletourism;– Accessibility: activities to improve access toand the quality of transport and telecommunicationservices where they have a cleartransnational dimension. Actions may include:investments in cross-border sectionsof trans-European networks; improved localand regional access to national andtransnational networks; enhanced interoperabilityof the national and regional systems;and the promotion of advanced informationand communication technologies;– Sustainable urban development:strengthening the polycentric developmentat the transnational, national and regionallevel, with a clear transnational impact. Actionsmay include: the creation and improvementof urban networks and urban-rurallinks; strategies to tackle common urban/ruralissues; the preservation and promotion ofthe cultural heritage, and the strategic integrationof development zones on atransnational basis.171Delavnica 2 / Workshop 228. a, b, c, d, eESPON website Interreg III B CADSES Interreg III B projekti v SlovenijiInterreg III B projects in SloveniaVia AlpinaLOTO Project

172Vse države (države članice, države kandidatke indržave nečlanice) so vabljene, da se pridružijotemu postopku in aktivno sodelujejo v postopkunačrtovanja in izvedbe. Morali bi poskusitinarediti vse, da bi pravilno uporabili te finančneinstrumente za izvajanje Konvencije o krajini.Upoštevati bi morali, da priprava projekta (šeposebej transnacionalnega), potrebuje čas inčloveške vire. Strukture programov EU v vsakidržavi lahko podpirajo potencialne projektnepartnerje pri pripravljanju dobrih projektov zanaslednje programsko obdobje.3. Territorial cooperation at the interregionallevel will continue in three thematic interregionalcooperation programmes:– ESPON: http://www.espon.lu/,– Interact: http://www.interact-eu.net and– Urbact: http://www.urbact.org/The implementation procedure for the preparationof programming documents for the newperiod 2007-2013 is under way, and Operationalprogrammes of each transnational cooperationarea should be presented to the EC for approvalin autumn 2006.Delavnica 2 / Workshop 2Danes je pravi čas za začetek izvajanjaprojektnih idej.All the countries (member states, candidatecountries and non member countries) are invitedto join this process and take an active part in theprogramming process and implementation. Weshould try to do our best to make the right useof these financial instruments for the implementationof the Landscape Convention.We should bear in mind that the preparation ofthe project (particularly transnational) needstime and human resources. The structures of EUprogrammes in every country can support potentialproject partners in preparing goodprojects for the next programming period.Today is the right time to start the implementationof the project ideas.

172Vse države (države članice, države kandidatke <strong>in</strong>države nečlanice) so vabljene, da se pridružijotemu postopku <strong>in</strong> aktivno sodelujejo v postopkunačrtovanja <strong>in</strong> izvedbe. Morali bi poskusit<strong>in</strong>arediti vse, da bi pravilno uporabili te f<strong>in</strong>ančne<strong>in</strong>strumente <strong>za</strong> izvajanje Konvencije o <strong>kraj<strong>in</strong>i</strong>.Upoštevati bi morali, da priprava projekta (šeposebej transnacionalnega), potrebuje čas <strong>in</strong>človeške vire. Strukture programov EU v vsakidržavi lahko podpirajo potencialne projektnepartnerje pri pripravljanju dobrih projektov <strong>za</strong>naslednje programsko obdobje.3. Territorial cooperation at the <strong>in</strong>terregionallevel will cont<strong>in</strong>ue <strong>in</strong> three thematic <strong>in</strong>terregionalcooperation programmes:– ESPON: http://www.espon.lu/,– Interact: http://www.<strong>in</strong>teract-eu.net and– Urbact: http://www.urbact.org/The implementation procedure for the preparationof programm<strong>in</strong>g documents for the newperiod 2007-2013 is under way, and Operationalprogrammes of each transnational cooperationarea should be presented to the EC for approval<strong>in</strong> autumn 2006.Delavnica 2 / Workshop 2Danes je pravi čas <strong>za</strong> <strong>za</strong>četek izvajanjaprojektnih idej.All the countries (member states, candidatecountries and non member countries) are <strong>in</strong>vitedto jo<strong>in</strong> this process and take an active part <strong>in</strong> theprogramm<strong>in</strong>g process and implementation. Weshould try to do our best to make the right useof these f<strong>in</strong>ancial <strong>in</strong>struments for the implementationof the Landscape Convention.We should bear <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d that the preparation ofthe project (particularly transnational) needstime and human resources. The structures of EUprogrammes <strong>in</strong> every country can support potentialproject partners <strong>in</strong> prepar<strong>in</strong>g goodprojects for the next programm<strong>in</strong>g period.Today is the right time to start the implementationof the project ideas.

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