evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor

evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor

evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor


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Mestna proizvodnjaDva otoka v puljskih vodah se uporabljata <strong>za</strong>specializirano gospodarstvo, medtem ko bi jih vturizmu lahko uporabljali <strong>za</strong> sproščene učne ureo moderni proizvodnji – ladjedelništvu v kategorijikulture življenja <strong>in</strong> dela.Namesto <strong>za</strong>ključkaSWOT anali<strong>za</strong> istrskih otokov je poka<strong>za</strong>lanjihove prednosti pri naslednjih značilnostih:– Niz 81 otokov– Slikovita kraj<strong>in</strong>a– Možnosti različnih vrst turistične ponudbe– Zakonsko varovana narava– Lepota okoliških voda– Obstoječa turistična <strong>in</strong>frastruktura <strong>in</strong> nadgradnje– Razvito turistično okoljeOrganised one-day toursTo certa<strong>in</strong> islands, various forms of one-day toursare provided: from vaguely demarcated campgroundsfor stationary visits, through convenientsupport<strong>in</strong>g facilities for daytrippers, to modestmoor<strong>in</strong>gs. Exploitation of these islands, <strong>in</strong> termsof visits, is <strong>in</strong>tensive.Hotel complexesIn certa<strong>in</strong> islands, the size of the hotel complexes(Sv. Nikola 460 beds; Sv. Katar<strong>in</strong>a – 320 beds <strong>in</strong>120 accommodation units; Crveni Otok/theconnected islands of Andrija and Mašk<strong>in</strong> – 969beds <strong>in</strong> 411 accommodation units) absorbs theentire receiv<strong>in</strong>g capacity of these islands on the»mass tourism« level, leav<strong>in</strong>g very little space forrecreational day-trips.Urban productionTwo islands <strong>in</strong> the waters of Pula are used forspecialised economy, while they could be used<strong>in</strong> tourism for leisured classes on modern production– shipbuild<strong>in</strong>g, with<strong>in</strong> the category of liv<strong>in</strong>gand work<strong>in</strong>g culture.149Delavnica 2 / Workshop 2Instead of a conclusionThe SWOT analysis of the Istrian islands establishedtheir strengths <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g features:– Str<strong>in</strong>g of 81 islands– Picturesque scenery– Possibilities for various types of tourist recreation– Legally protected nature– Beauty of the surround<strong>in</strong>g waters– Existent tourism <strong>in</strong>frastructure and suprastructure– A developed tourism environment

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