evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor

evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor evropska konvencija o krajini - Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor


ekonomski tekmi še ostala nepozidana, sointenzivno obdelana. Prijetno bivalno okolje pase je marsikje že zelo poslabšalo zaradiintenzifikacije rabe prostora.Drugi pol rasti v Alpah so turistična središča.Čeprav so pogosto odmaknjena in na visokihnadmorskih višinah, pa so po nekaterihznačilnostih podobna urbaniziranim dolinam.Povečuje se število dnevnih delovnih migrantov,pospešuje se gradnja, pomen kmetijstva paupada. Obseg kmetijstva se pogosto ustali nadoločeni, precej omejeni ravni. V teh območjihsta izgradnja turistične infrastrukture in porabaprostora glavna dejavnika spreminjanja kulturnekrajine ter pritiska na naravne ekosisteme. Zeloverjetno je, da bodo v prihodnosti uspevala le šedobro opremljena središča na visokihnadmorskih višinah, med tem ko se bodo moralinižje ležeči kraji soočiti z razvojnimi težavami inprestrukturiranjem dejavnosti.Na drugi strani je slika popolnoma drugačna: vpropadajočih območjih sta glavna procesaspreminjanja krajine opuščanje rabe inpreraščanje z gozdom. Mnoga od tehodmaknjenih območij se soočajo z izgubodelovnih mest in osnovne oskrbe, številna tudiz odseljevanjem. Kmetijstvo je tu še vednopomemben dejavnik, kar pa je bolj posledicapomanjkanja drugih gospodarskih dejavnostikot znamenje vitalnosti kmetijstva. Kmetijskapolitika je v zadnjih letih sicer pripomogla komejevanju množičnega opuščanja obdelavekmetijskih zemljišč, vendar v nekaterih območjihbolj, v drugih manj uspešno. Divjina, ki je bila šenedavno omejena na posamezne predele vjugozahodnih Alpah, se zdaj obnavlja tudi vdrugih delih Alpskega loka.Vsi opisani vzorci so prisotni tudi v drugihevropskih regijah, naslednji pa je morda najboljznačilen ravno za Alpe. Gre za vzdrževanaprizorišča, ki jih zavestno ohranjamo zaradivideza, ki ustreza povpraševanju na turističnemin prostočasnem trgu. Običajno se pojavljajo naobmočjih, ki so dobro dostopna iz urbanihsredišč in v bližini turističnih središč, ki so odkrilaprivlačnost tradicionalne kulturne krajine zaobiskovalce in njeno vrednost v turističniponudbi.3. Krajina in javne politikeNormativni vidik je bil v projektu obdelan zdvema komplementarnima pristopoma: pristopAlpine sceneries, carefully maintained with thespecific aim of preserving traditional culturallandscapes considered valuable as tourist attraction.Alpine cities and their suburbs are locatedmostly in the valley floors and contain 57% ofthe alpine population and 71% of the alpineworking places on 23% of the alpine surface.They are characterised by the increasing importanceof commuting and a strongly increasingnumber of buildings. The main effects on thelandscape in these prosperous areas are increasedland consumption and densification ofbuilt up space. The best agricultural land in thesurroundings of alpine cities is either being intensivelyexplored in the competition with moreprofitable land uses, or already built up. The areassurrounding the urban cores are perhapsundergoing most fundamental and rapid changeof the landscape. The emerging and spreadingsuburban areas of commuter settlements dependon urban centres for jobs and services. Thepleasant living environment is in many placesalready decreasing due to intensification of landuse.The second poles of growth within the Alps arethe areas with intensive tourism. Although tourism-dominatedmunicipalities are often remoteand lying on a high sea level, some characteristicfeatures are comparable to the prosperousalpine valley floors. There are many in-commuters,a strong increase in buildings and low importanceof agriculture. Nevertheless, in tourismareas the stabilisation of an extensive agricultureon a low level can be observed. In these areastourism infrastructures and high land consumptionare causing heavy pressure on landscapesand on sensible mountain ecosystems. It is verypossible that in the future only the well equippedresorts on high altitude will be successful, whileareas on lower sea levels and with less adaptedtourism infrastructure will have to give up orchange their profile.The other side of the coin shows completely differentpicture: in decline areas theextensification of land use and forest overgrowingare the main landscape transformations.Many of these peripheral areas are facing a lossof working places and a decline of basic services;several even a decrease of population. Theagricultural sector is still playing an importantrole in these areas, but this could be attributedmore to the lack of economic alternatives than131Delavnica 2 / Workshop 2

132Delavnica 2 / Workshop 2»od zgoraj navzdol« je vseboval analizo ciljevrazličnih politik, ki se nanašajo na krajino. Pristop»od spodaj navzgor« pa je osvetlil pričakovanjain potrebe prebivalcev v alpskih skupnostih.Rezultati prvega pristopa so predstavljeni vnadaljevanju, rezultati drugega pristopa pa v 4.poglavju.Cilji politik in krajinaPregled in analiza dokumentov politik v alpskihdržavah sta odkrila, da številni zakoni inresolucije vsebujejo cilje, ki se nanašajo nakrajino. Teh je največ v prostorskem planiranju,regionalni in kmetijski politiki ter ohranjanjunarave. Na splošno so teme povezane s kulturnokrajino, ki jih pregledane politike obravnavajo,družbeno pomembne in v skladu s ciljitrajnostnega razvoja. Vendar pa je analiza tudiodkrila, da se pojem »kulturna krajina« skorajvselej uporablja v povezavi z »vzdrževanjem« in»ohranjanjem«, zlasti v kmetijski in naravovarstvenipolitiki.Javne politike le redko obravnavajo razvojneteme, kot so na primer oblikovanje invrednotenje krajine ter vključevanje njenerekreacijske, ekološke in zgodovinske vloge vregionalni razvoj. V skladu s tem pogledom sosubvencije, namenjene vzdrževanju kmetijskerabe tudi osrednji ukrep, povezan s kulturnokrajino.Glavne ugotovitve analize politik kažejo navisoko stopnjo relevantnosti, koherentnosti inkomplementarnosti. Vendar pa je ta na videzdobra slika v veliki meri posledica precejsplošnih in neoperativnih ciljev, kazijo pa jo tudinekatere ugotovitve, kot je na primer pomanjkanjekoordinacije in sodelovanja medinstitucijami, konkurenca med nekaterimisektorskimi cilji in ukrepi, številne pomanjkljivostipri izvajanju ter pomanjkanje prostorskihpristopov. Te pomanjkljivosti so opazne pri vsehsektorjih in na vseh ravneh, od EU do občinske.Večina ukrepov je usmerjenih bodisi izključnorazvojno (v smislu krepitve gospodarstva) bodisistrogo varstveno. Nekatere politike, večinomarazvojne ali prometne, pa krajine sploh neupoštevajo.Po drugi strani pa sta analiza trendov invrednotenje scenarijev pokazala na potrebo pobolj nadsektorsko in celostno opredeljenih ciljihna področju krajine, ki jih je težko definiratito the vitality of farming. The agricultural policyof the last years has contributed to preventing alarge-scale withdrawal of agriculture, but hasnot succeeded in some parts. Wilderness areas,which were not long ago limited to the southwesternAlps, are being restored (on smallerscale) all over the Alpine bow.While all described types of landscape transformationare present in most regions in Europe,the last one is probably more unique for the Alpinearea. These are maintained traditional Alpinesceneries, which are being managed to fitthe demand from the consumers of tourism andleisure industry. They are emerging in locationsclose to the areas of intensive tourism which arediscovering traditional landscapes as an amenityfor the visitors and as an asset for the tourismindustry.3. Landscape in public policiesThe project dealt with the landscape issue fromtwo complementary normative approaches: topdownapproach analysed the objectives of severalpolicies, which relate to the landscape, whilethe bottom-up approach examined the expectationsand interests of the inhabitants in Alpinecommunities. The second approach will be explainedin chapter 4.Landscape objectivesThe screening and the analysis of policy documentsin the alpine countries have revealed thatthere are a number of laws and resolutionswhich contain objectives concerning landscape,particularly in spatial planning and in regional,agricultural and nature conservation policies. Ingeneral, the cultural landscape issues addressedwithin the studied policy approaches are sociallyrelevant and in accordance with the aims of sustainabledevelopment. However, the analysisalso revealed that the term »cultural landscape«is almost always used in connection with »maintenance«and »conservation«, e. g. in agriculturaland nature protection policies. Public policiesbarely address development issues such as landscapedesign or landscape valorisation, just aslittle as the value of cultural landscapes as anasset for regional development, or the recreational,ecological or historic functions of culturallandscapes. Correspondingly, the subsidies aimingat the maintenance of the agricultural cultivationare the main financial focus of policymeasures towards cultural landscapes.

ekonomski tekmi še ostala nepozidana, so<strong>in</strong>tenzivno obdelana. Prijetno bivalno okolje pase je marsikje že zelo poslabšalo <strong>za</strong>radi<strong>in</strong>tenzifikacije rabe <strong>prostor</strong>a.Drugi pol rasti v Alpah so turistična središča.Čeprav so pogosto odmaknjena <strong>in</strong> na visokihnadmorskih viš<strong>in</strong>ah, pa so po nekaterihznačilnostih podobna urbaniziranim dol<strong>in</strong>am.Povečuje se število dnevnih delovnih migrantov,pospešuje se gradnja, pomen kmetijstva paupada. Obseg kmetijstva se pogosto ustali nadoločeni, precej omejeni ravni. V teh območjihsta izgradnja turistične <strong>in</strong>frastrukture <strong>in</strong> poraba<strong>prostor</strong>a glavna dejavnika sprem<strong>in</strong>janja kulturnekraj<strong>in</strong>e ter pritiska na naravne ekosisteme. Zeloverjetno je, da bodo v prihodnosti uspevala le šedobro opremljena središča na visokihnadmorskih viš<strong>in</strong>ah, med tem ko se bodo moral<strong>in</strong>ižje ležeči kraji soočiti z razvojnimi težavami <strong>in</strong>prestrukturiranjem dejavnosti.Na drugi strani je slika popolnoma drugačna: vpropadajočih območjih sta glavna procesasprem<strong>in</strong>janja kraj<strong>in</strong>e opuščanje rabe <strong>in</strong>preraščanje z gozdom. Mnoga od tehodmaknjenih območij se soočajo z izgubodelovnih mest <strong>in</strong> osnovne oskrbe, številna tudiz odseljevanjem. Kmetijstvo je tu še vednopomemben dejavnik, kar pa je bolj posledicapomanjkanja drugih gospodarskih dejavnostikot znamenje vitalnosti kmetijstva. Kmetijskapolitika je v <strong>za</strong>dnjih letih sicer pripomogla komejevanju množičnega opuščanja obdelavekmetijskih zemljišč, vendar v nekaterih območjihbolj, v drugih manj uspešno. Divj<strong>in</strong>a, ki je bila šenedavno omejena na posamezne predele vjugo<strong>za</strong>hodnih Alpah, se zdaj obnavlja tudi vdrugih delih Alpskega loka.Vsi opisani vzorci so prisotni tudi v drugihevropskih regijah, naslednji pa je morda najboljznačilen ravno <strong>za</strong> Alpe. Gre <strong>za</strong> vzdrževanaprizorišča, ki jih <strong>za</strong>vestno ohranjamo <strong>za</strong>radivide<strong>za</strong>, ki ustre<strong>za</strong> povpraševanju na turističnem<strong>in</strong> prostočasnem trgu. Običajno se pojavljajo naobmočjih, ki so dobro dostopna iz urbanihsredišč <strong>in</strong> v bliž<strong>in</strong>i turističnih središč, ki so odkrilaprivlačnost tradicionalne kulturne kraj<strong>in</strong>e <strong>za</strong>obiskovalce <strong>in</strong> njeno vrednost v turističniponudbi.3. Kraj<strong>in</strong>a <strong>in</strong> javne politikeNormativni vidik je bil v projektu obdelan zdvema komplementarnima pristopoma: pristopAlp<strong>in</strong>e sceneries, carefully ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed with thespecific aim of preserv<strong>in</strong>g traditional culturallandscapes considered valuable as tourist attraction.Alp<strong>in</strong>e cities and their suburbs are locatedmostly <strong>in</strong> the valley floors and conta<strong>in</strong> 57% ofthe alp<strong>in</strong>e population and 71% of the alp<strong>in</strong>ework<strong>in</strong>g places on 23% of the alp<strong>in</strong>e surface.They are characterised by the <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g importanceof commut<strong>in</strong>g and a strongly <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gnumber of build<strong>in</strong>gs. The ma<strong>in</strong> effects on thelandscape <strong>in</strong> these prosperous areas are <strong>in</strong>creasedland consumption and densification ofbuilt up space. The best agricultural land <strong>in</strong> thesurround<strong>in</strong>gs of alp<strong>in</strong>e cities is either be<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>tensivelyexplored <strong>in</strong> the competition with moreprofitable land uses, or already built up. The areassurround<strong>in</strong>g the urban cores are perhapsundergo<strong>in</strong>g most fundamental and rapid changeof the landscape. The emerg<strong>in</strong>g and spread<strong>in</strong>gsuburban areas of commuter settlements dependon urban centres for jobs and services. Thepleasant liv<strong>in</strong>g environment is <strong>in</strong> many placesalready decreas<strong>in</strong>g due to <strong>in</strong>tensification of landuse.The second poles of growth with<strong>in</strong> the Alps arethe areas with <strong>in</strong>tensive tourism. Although tourism-dom<strong>in</strong>atedmunicipalities are often remoteand ly<strong>in</strong>g on a high sea level, some characteristicfeatures are comparable to the prosperousalp<strong>in</strong>e valley floors. There are many <strong>in</strong>-commuters,a strong <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> build<strong>in</strong>gs and low importanceof agriculture. Nevertheless, <strong>in</strong> tourismareas the stabilisation of an extensive agricultureon a low level can be observed. In these areastourism <strong>in</strong>frastructures and high land consumptionare caus<strong>in</strong>g heavy pressure on landscapesand on sensible mounta<strong>in</strong> ecosystems. It is verypossible that <strong>in</strong> the future only the well equippedresorts on high altitude will be successful, whileareas on lower sea levels and with less adaptedtourism <strong>in</strong>frastructure will have to give up orchange their profile.The other side of the co<strong>in</strong> shows completely differentpicture: <strong>in</strong> decl<strong>in</strong>e areas theextensification of land use and forest overgrow<strong>in</strong>gare the ma<strong>in</strong> landscape transformations.Many of these peripheral areas are fac<strong>in</strong>g a lossof work<strong>in</strong>g places and a decl<strong>in</strong>e of basic services;several even a decrease of population. Theagricultural sector is still play<strong>in</strong>g an importantrole <strong>in</strong> these areas, but this could be attributedmore to the lack of economic alternatives than131Delavnica 2 / Workshop 2

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